Meet the Smart Blanket

You’ve heard of the Snuggie, the blanket that you wear — now meet the blanket that wears you! Introducing the BlanKatโ„ข, the revolutionary blanket with a built-in cat. No more having to get up just to put on a blanket; just stay in your chair and let BlanKat come to you!

And no dry cleaning bills — BlanKat licks itself clean!
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14 thoughts on “Meet the Smart Blanket

  1. allein ? December 26, 2017 / 10:08 am

    I wonder if they got the blanket to match the cat or the other way around…

  2. Gigi The cat lady December 26, 2017 / 10:27 am

    Awww! He looks just like my T-Two, exceptI think my cat is just a little bit bigger LOL!

  3. Muppet2171 December 26, 2017 / 10:29 am

    I’ve got a Wonder Woman Snuggie that I use at work. Think I’d rather have this one tho.

    • allein ? December 26, 2017 / 10:31 am

      I have a blanket at work, too. It does not come with a cat, sadly.

  4. Wuyizidi December 26, 2017 / 10:53 am

    Now I want to get a big tiger patterned tabby BlanKat.

    • Emsthemonster December 26, 2017 / 12:24 pm

      Oh I thought only a white version exists as Blankcat has not been filled in with pattern, but I am sure a Tabbcat would also be cute.

      • Wuyizidi December 26, 2017 / 1:44 pm

        I want one of every pattern available, well, maybe not the Sphinx.

  5. EAG46 December 26, 2017 / 10:55 am

    Oh how lovely! Does it come in calico?

  6. dubravkamcvmd December 26, 2017 / 11:36 am

    My Christmas gift problems for next year are solved!

  7. Laura December 26, 2017 / 1:06 pm

    If I’m going to give one as a gift, I need a tortie. Surely they can manage to create that — heck, I’ve knitted socks with yarn dyed into a tortie color pattern, and if they can do yarn, surely then can do a nice fluffy blanket! (To go over the heated bed I got my daughter’s kitty, who’s a *seriously(* floofy tortie. Since I don’t have my own kitty to spoil right now, I’m spoiling hers long distance!) ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Wuyizidi December 26, 2017 / 1:50 pm

      You should start a competing product called SlanKat – a sleeved-blanket-cat-Bjorne that people can wear (and cuddle with) while lounging around the house.

  8. Kar December 26, 2017 / 2:28 pm

    Its such a shame that cat’s not photogenic.

  9. Mal December 26, 2017 / 4:21 pm

    Based on my experience with a white cat and black sweater: I still wear the cat.

  10. sugitomo December 31, 2017 / 6:08 pm

    Brilliant, but I’d like mine in black please. I already have the matching cat head to go with it.

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