“Well, I see the Roberson’s lawn still isn’t mowed. Why that lazy son of theirs can’t turn off that rock and roll long enough to cut it, I’ll never know. And the Spencer’s house next door is even worse, with those tacky plastic flamingos…”

“Well, I see the Roberson’s lawn still isn’t mowed. Why that lazy son of theirs can’t turn off that rock and roll long enough to cut it, I’ll never know. And the Spencer’s house next door is even worse, with those tacky plastic flamingos…”
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Such a bubbe! There’s always one in the neighborhood. I love the lil raincoat and that look – just cracking me up.
I would love to sit on the porch with some tea and judge the neighborhood with Mrs. Flenderson.
Here’s my favorite pillow that expresses my view of the subject:
And don’t forget those nasty mongrels at number 17, digging up the lawn and lowering property values…
I’ve found that as I get older I’m more and more like Mrs. Flenderson. The other day I caught myself complaining because the people that visit our neighbour across the street had again parked their car in front of my house again.
Those darn kids and the dungerees!!!
Now tell the grass to get off my lawn!!
Disapproval in a small, very cute, package!