Weekend Open Thread

Today we’re visiting Niagara Parks School of Horticulture botanic gardens, courtesy of reader J.M., who took these pictures. The gardens have resident cats, cared for by students of the school.

Hundreds of plants and no catnip. Bummer.

Interestingly, the plant label closest to this fluffy cat is for a plant called the mountain harebell, says J.M. Not that it matters to our sleepy friend here, who clearly can’t read signs, ahem!

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43 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ January 19, 2019 / 8:34 am

    Oh so sweet and how nice the school takes care of the kitties. The university that I work at also has a feral cat colony with some staff feeding the them and making sure any new cats that wander in neutered/spayed. The person overseeing has adopted out some of the kittens into new homes. Every so often I see one of the kitties wandering around campus.

    Got a three day weekend, YEAH!!! Only downside is hubby leaves tomorrow for a business trip for a few days so have to do all the running around today. And later today, meeting friends for dinner then hockey tonight. Our team is on a roll, a 12 game streak where we’ve gotten points. Hope we keep it up, fingers crossed.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:11 pm

      I love that your school has a TNR for its feral colony!

  2. Alice Shortcake January 19, 2019 / 8:54 am

    Ah, memories! Many years ago I had a cat who spent many happy hours sprawled out on top of my dad’s rockery plants. She seemed to think that her mission in life was to make low-growing flowers even lower.

    Changing the subject somewhat, I ‘m currently nursing a sore back after a fall in York this morning. I was strolling through the market place, looking in a shop window, when I slipped on what turned out to be an onion. Funnily enough I had a similar accident a few years ago, the culprit on that occasion being a cabbage leaf. Watch out for killer vegetables!

    • Murray C January 19, 2019 / 12:34 pm

      Oh, the indignity of slipping on an onion! And a cabbage leaf – I hope there wasn’t a baby under it. And I hope your back is feeling better, Alice.

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:12 pm

      So sorry about your back! At least it wasn’t two carrots (thrown at someone’s mother). I’ve always said the orange ones are poisonous.

      • allein ? January 19, 2019 / 3:40 pm

    • AJ January 19, 2019 / 4:17 pm

      Ouch!! What the heck is going on with all these veggies running amok and bringing innocent people down? Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Tara January 19, 2019 / 9:06 am

    Morning everyone! Alice, hope your back heals well!

    How do cats make rocks like that look comfy? Because I’ve tried that and it is not.

    I’m talking myself into running errands asap, a new washing machine (grrrr) and other odds and ends from Home Depot. Then to the market to get a soup chicken. I’m feeling a nasty cold coming on. I’ve got to beat the snow! Tomorrow is Stitch & Bitch and Monday will be massive lessons prep after a neighbor hood street clean up. The school did some reorganizing and now my class is the intro class to the major and I’m supposed to lure them into the major. So no pressure or anything.

    I hope all of the USians got Monday off and that you can enjoy it! Lots of hugs and best wishes to all for a nice weekend.

  4. Gigi the cat lady January 19, 2019 / 9:59 am

    It’s going to be a busy weekend for me, today I have a family lunch at my mother-in-law, including some cousins we haven’t seen for a long time.

    After that we need to go buy cat food for Mia, who is doing pretty well actually.
    She hasn’t gained any weight but hasn’t lost any either and she’s pretty much acting her normal “queen of the universe” self. The only problem is she won’t eat the same thing twice. So that means a LOT of different kinds of little cans of food.
    A funny thing with that, one the food I bought was Fancy Feast flake tuna cat food and my other cat Bindi, who has always refused to eat wet food ever since she was a baby, went absolutely nuts for it and now demands it!

    To finish today’s activity, tonight is my husband work (late) Christmas party, I’m not really looking forward to it because I don’t really like being with people I don’t know.

    And the cherry on top to finish the weekend, tomorrow we’re suppose to have our first real snowstorm, 15 to 20 centimetres of snow (5 to 7 inches) with blowing wind and temperature as low as -28C (-18F).

    • Murray C January 19, 2019 / 12:32 pm

      Our cat had lost weight and we started giving her a handful of kitten food – good stuff with protein as the first ingredient – and I believe she’s put some weight on. I realize some cats won’t look at dry food – our cat gets both. also, Trader Joe’s tuna is a hit with our cat – other flavors, too. I have an ice cube tray with hearts and I distribute the food into them and top it up with some Fancy Feast, freeze, put into a bag and pop one into the freezer each night. works a treat.

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:14 pm

      My boys loved the churu treats from Amazon, which Maru introduced me to last week. They’re supposed to be a hit with ill kitties who don’t want to eat, and they’ve got variety packs.

      The lightest of kisses and nose boops to Mia.

  5. Amyliz January 19, 2019 / 10:23 am

    The kitty laying in sunshine with flowers blooming gives me spring fever!

    Hurray for a 3-day weekend! Today I am going to make some meals to free for the upcoming week, which I enjoy doing on a cold and snowy day!
    On Monday, I’m meeting a friend for lunch and then we are going to a paint-your-own pottery place. I’m sure I will a real work of art!

  6. SoccerSue January 19, 2019 / 11:52 am

    I have a 3 day weekend but it was yesterday I had off instead of Monday. Had to take mom to a colonoscopy (her 3rd one in less than a year, ugh!) because SCCA won’t let her take the shuttle back home when she’s loopy from the meds (understandable). So up at 5:30 a.m., 2 hrs through traffic to get there in time, and another 2 to get home when I left later in the day. But she did great, and I also got her mostly moved into the other SCCA residence (which is nicer and has more amenities, and most importantly is about $1000 less/month than where she was at previously.) Heading back up today with hopefully less traffic, to finish the move and take her grocery shopping since she won’t have time (or an available shuttle) to do that for the next several days.

    And I even had time last night to organize our fridge, freezer and pantry and plan some meals for the next few days. I feel somewhat more in control now. 😛

    Oh, and also: cats can sleep anywhere. Especially if there’s a sunbeam.

    • Murray C January 19, 2019 / 3:02 pm

      You are a wonderful daughter.

      • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:09 pm

        You really are. Three colonoscopies in a year–ugh!

  7. Duckie ? January 19, 2019 / 11:58 am

    Orange kitty looks so comfy in the sunshine. I wouldn’t mind doing a bit of that myself.
    Peeps, bad news. We were going to start treatment for the Granulomatosis this week, but then we found out I have bronchitis/pneumonia. I’ve never been yelled at by a doctor before, but he was rather annoyed I hadn’t gone to the hospital. Anyway, along with a variety of inhalers and antibiotics, I was aggressively given a Z-pack prescription (I think that’s what it’s called). My tummy didn’t like it, but I definitely felt it kick in two hours after taking.
    Two weeks on this round of drugs, a few days off, and then I start the meds for the Granulomatosis. I’m gonna be a lot thinner by spring.
    On a more positive note, hubby had a job interview yesterday and will be having another for the same company next week. If he gets this job, we can kiss financial worries goodbye. If he doesn’t get this job, he takes the written offer to his current boss and shows him what he’s being offered, and current boss will renegotiate. So feeling a little more optimistic in that direction.
    I’ve begun my felt crafting again, after spending several hours online getting ideas. Who knows where it will take me? I might even be able to sell some of my work! If nothing else, it is restful and keeps me out of trouble (I don’t know why people are so worried about keeping me out of trouble).
    Anyway. Things are not good right now, but the potential for improvement is very high.
    Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

    • Murray C January 19, 2019 / 12:37 pm

      Oh, my Duckie! PLEASE take care of yourself. And fingers crossed for Hubster getting the job at higher wages!

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:15 pm

      Fingers and paws crossed for effective medical treatments and for hubby’s job prospects.

    • AJ January 19, 2019 / 4:47 pm

      So sorry to hear about your various ailments/illnesses. Heal quickly Duckie! And fingers, toes, wings and anything else I can cross for a good outcome with your hubby’s job, whether it’s a new job or his current one with higher pay. Plus your new crafting sounds fun, love to see some pictures of the finished projects.

    • SoccerSue January 19, 2019 / 11:15 pm

      Duckie, if you can take the antibiotic with food, that should help your tummy tolerate it better. Heal quickly, and keep my current mantra in mind: “This is temporary.” (Repeat as necessary. 😉 )

    • Maia January 21, 2019 / 3:02 pm

      Signing in late, but the thoughts are no less caring. I hope the treatment(s) go well for you. Thinking of you, Duckie!

  8. Murray C January 19, 2019 / 12:43 pm

    Cocooning today, hunkering down because of the storm headed this way. We’re not to get much in the way of snow but with heavy rain and sudden major drop in temps it could be nasty. I’m glad we had our chimney issue dealt with – major dinero to do so – but now I think it should be OK. Finally, after a month, I got a new landline. It was epic what it involved. so the first person I called, my SIL, said she almost didn’t answer because the name “Kenneth Wall” showed up on her caller ID. My husband’s shows up as “Mr. Guzman” and we don’t now anyone by that name. Verizon, what is WRONG with you!!!

    Going to be making soup from a turkey carcass someone gifted to me, then maybe start taking down Christmas decorations. That’s a job I hate – gets me right in the solar plexus. I’ve been known to take away the green and leave the red behind for Valentine’s Day.

  9. waterdragon687 January 19, 2019 / 12:49 pm

    Aww. Today’s kitty reminds me of one of my “furry nephews,” Leo is also ginger, fluffy, stocky, and sleeps hard just like that (though his fur is longer–some Maine Coon somewhere in his lineage, I think).

    Also ::clears throat:: if I might have your attention for just a moment, fellow Cutetropolitans? I’m a hobbyist photographer who is looking, if not to “go pro” as such, to at least start bringing in a bit of extra income from her work, and to that end, I’ve opened a store at the custom merchandise site Zazzle.com. I only have one item available for sale as yet (life’s been a little nuts around my house lately) but as it’s a 2019 calendar of pics I’ve taken of the little wild cottontail bunnies that frequent our yard and neighborhood, I did want to draw attention to it before January was entirely over. So, here is the direct link to the item listing:


    It’s available in three sizes and Zazzle offers several options as far as the style of the grid and which holidays are displayed, etc.–check the “customization” sidebar on the right for all that info. They also run frequent promotions for 10-25% off sitewide (there’s a 15% one on right now, in fact) if you wanted to save a few bucks. (Oh, and while they do ship internationally, I understand the charges for that can be pretty heinous–apologies to folks outside the US.)

    I hope to be adding many more pictures and items to my storefront soon (link for that is in my username) but my dad is going in for double bypass surgery, probably within the next few weeks. So there’s some travel and time away from home in my future, and thus I’m not sure of when I’ll have the chance to work more on new designs/products. But, the calendar at least is there and ready for purchase, and definitely feel free to share the link with any bunny-loving family or friends you have who might be interested in a copy, even if you aren’t in the market for a calendar yourself. I mostly don’t do social media, you see, so anything that gets the word out a little further is very much appreciated.

    Anyway, thanks for your collective time, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    • dubravkamcvmd January 19, 2019 / 2:54 pm

      Cute bunneh pictures. November in particular is a classic disapprover.

      • waterdragon687 January 19, 2019 / 2:58 pm

        Thank you! And yes, November’s pic is one THOROUGHLY disapproving bunny, I laughed and said the exact same thing to myself when I first got that shot off my camera.

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:16 pm

      Lovely photos! I get to watch the bunnies at work as I’m leaving–it gets dark so early now, they’re out and about at 4:00 when I clock out.

  10. Jan B. January 19, 2019 / 2:07 pm

    Three day holiday weekend? I’m having a 4-week involuntary and unpaid holiday with no end in sight. Grrrrr, bloody politicians… 🙁 Hope everyone else enjoys their weekend.

    Lily on the other hand, is overjoyed to have me home every day!

    • dubravkamcvmd January 19, 2019 / 2:56 pm

      Sorry you’re in the way of this White House pratfall.

    • Murray C January 19, 2019 / 3:05 pm

      Oh, rats, JanB – how awful to be furloughed! And the fact that this argument is on the backs of people like you is unconscionable. Glad you have your Lovely Lily to comfort and sustain.

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 3:17 pm

      Jan, so so sorry for your unexpected and unpaid leave. I’m glad Lily is happy, though she’s probably the only creature delighted about the shutdown. Hopefully it will end soon.

    • Duckie ? January 19, 2019 / 6:52 pm

      Jan, will you do me a favour? Kiss Lily on that gorgeous coloured spot between her ears for me, please. If it takes more than one kiss to cover the area, that’s not a problem.

      • Jan B. January 20, 2019 / 12:39 am

        Done and done! No hardship there, as you may well imagine!

    • Maia January 21, 2019 / 3:04 pm

      Hang in there, Jan! There are a lot of people trying to end this. I hope for your sake that it is soon!

  11. debg January 19, 2019 / 3:22 pm

    I’m home after errands and helping a friend with house repairs this morning. We got half the job done but didn’t have the tools for the rest. Fortunately, now I know what size tool to acquire on my next Home Depot run. I’m waiting for the staff to greet me like Norm in the Cheers bar. “Deb!” It seems appropriate.

    Taking a break from bathroom stuff today, maybe all weekend. Some other repairs/improvements simply have to get done. Plus I want to spend more quality time in the kitchen. Tomorrow’s project: vegan macarons made with aquafaba! I didn’t have all the ingredients for traditional macarons, though my new cookbook has my mouth watering.

    Unlike the rest of the country, and even the rest of Colorado, I’m enjoying a beautiful sunny day with temps in the high 40s and no snow. Those of you looking at storms, stay safe. Those of you under the weather in other ways, we’re sending healing purrs.

    • allein ? January 19, 2019 / 4:00 pm

      It’s 38 here but cloudy. Not too bad. But the rain is supposed to come later and it’s supposed to be 7 degrees when I’m scheduled to leave for work on Monday. I hope the roads aren’t covered in ice. (If necessary, I can log in and work from home, at least.)

  12. allein ? January 19, 2019 / 3:30 pm

    Hi all!

    Special delivery!

    • debg January 19, 2019 / 9:29 pm

      Way cuter than any delivery person I’ve ever seen. But, um, there seems to be a hitch in execution.

      • allein ? January 19, 2019 / 9:33 pm

        Well, I suspect there was no peesha in that box, anyway.

        I’ll take the love and affection, though.

      • allein ? January 19, 2019 / 10:15 pm

        I just looked at her youtube page. It’s only about 4 months old and most of the videos are ASMR videos of the dog eating various things. 🙂

        • allein ? January 19, 2019 / 10:19 pm

          And then there’s one! She can give treats from her phone!

  13. Not That Mike The Other Mike January 19, 2019 / 4:17 pm

    Hello, Cutetropolitans!

    Alice and Duckie: I hope all goes well for you and that you feel better soon.

    Waterdragon: Good luck with the calendar, and feel free to promote stuff here whenever you want!

    Soccersue: Good onya for being there for your mom! Hope all goes well!

    To all facing snowstorms: Stay safe and warm!

    Someone in my neighborhood organized a clean-up party, so I joined in and picked up trash and now things look a little better. I was super tired afterwards, though.

    Shorty the cat has been staying in my house for the past few days and nights, because his favorite neighbor is away on vacation. He and Ani, my rabbit, make each other a little nervous, but they seem to keep themselves amused separately. I have to put on a heavy glove to play with Shorty because he plays with his claws out and enjoys attacking my hand.

  14. N. Fritz January 19, 2019 / 5:17 pm

    Late to the weekend thread… had Open House at school today. Lots of preparation and fewer than usual visitors. But this evening my bf and I went to a fabulous blues concert in advance of my birthday on Tuesday. Even ran into a couple of my former students… always a joy!

    Happy extended weekend, y’all!

  15. allein ? January 20, 2019 / 9:05 pm

    This morning it was almost 40°. Now it’s 17° and “feels like” -1°.
    When I leave for work in the morning it’s supposed to be 8° and feel like -10°.

    I really wish I had a remote starter in my car…

    It hasn’t rained all day so at least the roads had time to dry, so hopefully there won’t be ice in the morning.

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