Boxy Lady

(Ugh, my heart is aching. There’s this cute guy I see every day, but no matter what I do he never seems to notice me. Even when I look directly at him and smile, it’s as if I wasn’t even in the room. I just want to crawl into a box and never show my face in public ever again.)

Hmm, that might actually be the problem. (Reddit)
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7 thoughts on “Boxy Lady

  1. allein ? February 27, 2019 / 11:44 am

    I can still boop the nose…

  2. Emsthemonster February 27, 2019 / 2:51 pm

    I totally feel old-fashioned. I use cutlery while eating, not a smartphone. Or maybe is the smartphone a new ingredient she hasn’t yet put into her salad?

    • allein ? February 27, 2019 / 2:57 pm

      I am so confused by what is going on in the picture on this box. It appears to be some sort of cooking appliance. Maybe popcorn is one of the many dishes you can make with it? And she is watching a movie (that’s a TV remote in her hand?) while eating popcorn she made in her mystery appliance? I think I’ll just join kitty inside the box. (I’ve been known to hide from the cute guys, too.)

      • Emsthemonster February 27, 2019 / 3:10 pm

        I have just put on my glasses and a whole new world opened up 🙂
        We have quite a few Black & Decker tools, but it has never occurred to me to make popcorn with them 🙂 I don’t need to hide from cute guys, they hide from me.

      • Dulcie February 27, 2019 / 4:55 pm

        I really don’t know what is going on with that picture either but it reminds me of the ads for “tv gizmos/cable/high speed internet/etc”. It seems like no matter the product, someone is eating popcorn with a remote in their hands.

  3. Dulcie February 27, 2019 / 2:55 pm

    Aww. This kitty is heartbroken! Tears and everything. Wanna snuggle her. ?

  4. Emsthemonster February 27, 2019 / 3:01 pm

    Omg now I am mortified. I have just put on my glasses and noticed the poor crying kitty in the box. I even thought what a strange looking lady she was 🙂

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