The Sliming Labrademon

Once again I turn over the writing duties to UPS delivery driver and cuteologist extraordinaire Scott Hodges, who shares one of the many unusual creatures he encounters on his daily travels:

The Sliming Labrademon (Canis Slobberus Berserkus) is a remarkable species that is native to the hills of Newberg, Oregon. Although a member of the Labrador family and genetically similar to its cousin the Blepping Labrapotamus (Canis Moochus Gianormous: see inset) it exhibits remarkedly different biscuit extraction behavior.

Where the Blepping Labrapotamus uses its ample girth to simply block the door of the UPS trucks from which it gains its sustenance, the Sliming Labradervishous relies on a combination of stealth followed by an all-out, hyperactive frontal assault.

Although good-natured and totally harmless, its preferred method of larceny is to lie in wait for the unsuspecting UPS man to open the door, whereupon it launches itself into the cab and proceeds to bark, whine, howl, beg, and eject copious amounts of ropy saliva, mud, paw prints and dog hair upon every surface of the vehicle as well as the driver himself.

The unfortunate driver who is suddenly confronted with this furious, frenzied, frantic, foaming, four-legged feigner of famine will quickly be overwhelmed and left with no recourse other than to dump half a box of dog biscuits upon the ground in a desperate bid for distraction and escape. Any attempt at resistance on the driverโ€™s part is utterly futile, and will result in frothy kisses and a uniform, floor and seat that are coated with slobber that has the consistency and adhesiveness of axle grease. Only wily veterans such as myself with years of experience (and a plentiful supply of treats) should dare to intrude upon its habitat!

Found on Facebook by Cheryl S.

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18 thoughts on “The Sliming Labrademon

  1. allein ๐Ÿพ January 23, 2020 / 11:33 am

    I really need to search for this guy’s name on the UPS Dogs page. I’ve only seen a few of his stories and they are fabulous.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 23, 2020 / 5:52 pm

      Scott from Newberg (Oregon)! He’s wonderful! I left Instagram for the same reasons I left Facebook (which owns Instagram, alas), but I miss the UPS Dogs posts a lot, and his the most.

  2. keymusic January 23, 2020 / 12:11 pm

    Scott Hodges! I love reading his stuff on the UPS Dogs page. The hashtags at the end of each post are pretty amusing as well.

  3. Dulcie January 23, 2020 / 1:36 pm

    Berserkus. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Juno January 23, 2020 / 1:41 pm

    WOW! This guy’s almost as good as NOMTOM.

    • Lucy'sMom January 23, 2020 / 1:43 pm

      My thought exactly! I mean, Mike is still (and always will be) the best but this guy is pretty amazing. ๐Ÿ‘

      • Kar January 23, 2020 / 1:47 pm

        Love the MOOCHUS designation. Is that a genus or species?

    • Nano's_mom January 23, 2020 / 2:22 pm

      I wondered if Scot had taken lessons from him.

  5. Kar January 23, 2020 / 1:45 pm

    Idle curiosity: Can postage deliverers deduct dog/pet snacks as work expenses? I suspect they certainly cut down on ‘on the job’ injuries. Assuming that is that dog slobber isn’t fatal, just really slimy.

    Assume this is the result of too many tax commercials on tv.

  6. Recherche January 23, 2020 / 3:19 pm

    Any possibility that Mr Hodges can get a tag here? Also possible honorary citizenship in Cutetropolis as our resident postmaster and cuteologist-in-residence?

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike January 23, 2020 / 3:50 pm

      Good idea. I think this is only his second appearance here, but a tag will help when there are more.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 23, 2020 / 5:53 pm

        I believe that’s right. I’m indecently proud of having been his first submitterator. (Note to self: Must get life.)

  7. AJ January 23, 2020 / 4:23 pm

    Love this post and love the Dogs of UPS page. I just spent 10 minutes scrolling thru and had to post this one. Don’t keel over!!

    • AJ January 23, 2020 / 4:32 pm

      Urgh, the picture didn’t come thru. Let’s try this again.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 23, 2020 / 5:55 pm

        Adorable! But good grief, how can there be a miniature Chihuahua? Aren’t they already the definition of miniature?

    • allein ๐Ÿพ January 23, 2020 / 6:36 pm


      grabby hands

  8. edmundh January 23, 2020 / 8:49 pm

    “furious, frenzied, frantic, foaming, four-legged feigner of famine”

    HAHAHAHA That’s pure gold!

  9. 6rabbits January 24, 2020 / 6:09 pm

    This guy should be WRITING for a living!

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