Links: The Fighting Feeders!

Army cuddle corps, Puppy Bowl pups, impounded kittens, and tigers obsessed with Obsession, in today’s links.

And finally: Yoo Plai Wit Mee Nao?

via Andrew Y.

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12 thoughts on “Links: The Fighting Feeders!

  1. allein 🐾 February 3, 2020 / 8:35 am

    Where can I get a kitty bracelet like that guy has?

    I didn’t even realize that Ferris only had three legs! Didn’t seem to hold him back any.
    I would give little Rooster all the hugs he needs.
    I think my favorite thing was when one of the pups got a five-inch penalty for something.

  2. Emsthemonster February 3, 2020 / 8:50 am

    All the perfumes of the world could go to the tigers. My life in the office would be so much easier.

    • allein 🐾 February 3, 2020 / 9:10 am


      • fkaWaldenPond February 3, 2020 / 9:26 am

        Ok, I don’t mind good perfume every so often but my absolute pet peeve, immense dislike is fabric softener smell. I know, I know, I’ve got perspective; if this is a pet peeve for me, life is good but still. uggh.

        • allein 🐾 February 3, 2020 / 9:46 am

          I don’t mind a nice perfume but if I can smell you from 20 feet away you are wearing too much. (Dear cubicle neighbor…also she and I have different definitions of “nice perfume” apparently.)

          I do not understand the appeal of all the highly scented laundry additives that are all over the place. Have you ever seen the commercial (Gain, I think?) where the woman is carrying a laundry basket through the house and everyone she passes loves the scent, then she answers the door for a delivery person who recoils from the smell of the laundry? I am that delivery person. I only buy unscented laundry products. I don’t need my towels to still smell like they just came out of a perfume bath after a few weeks in the closet.

          • AJ February 3, 2020 / 12:18 pm

            Join the club when it comes to scented laundry fabrics. I have allergies and some of the fabric softeners/additives can trigger a major headache or just general allergy symptoms. Unscented all the way for me!

            And I love a good perfume, usually use some smaller niche market brands that actually don’t have such a synthetic scent. Since I been using those, I find the mass market stuff that’s being sold in all the stores (including the high end perfumes) just smell so blah and all the same. If you want something different, check out What I love is they have small samples so you can try lots of different perfumes and you’re not committed to a huge bottle if it ends up being something that just doesn’t work for you. Or subscribe for only $20/month and get different scents each month.

            • fkaWaldenPond February 3, 2020 / 12:42 pm

              I’m with you AJ– hey try in Scottsdale. I have been ordering from the Canadian Vancouver store for about 10 years now. They do small try out sizes too. My favourite brands are Etro, Montale and Carthusia.

              • Ricky & Bibi's Mom February 3, 2020 / 6:18 pm

                I’m a Jo Malone gal, myself. But I do try to keep it to a reasonable level—the olfactory equivalent of “a dull roar.” I’m okay around most fragrances, but I mostly keep my laundry non-fragranced because most fragranced laundry products have a nasty effect on my skin.

                Oddly, the scent of lemon verbena (which I like), in some companies’ formulations makes me sneeze uncontrollably (looking at you, Mrs Meyers).

                • allein 🐾 February 3, 2020 / 6:19 pm

                  I love Mrs. Meyers’ honeysuckle. I use the dish soap and hand soap.

      • Dulcie February 3, 2020 / 3:46 pm


  3. Debg February 3, 2020 / 10:27 am

    Love all the linkies today. Koala kuddling for the win!

    That video gamer has beautiful hands. No wonder kitty wants pets from him.

    • Emsthemonster February 3, 2020 / 12:19 pm

      I have thought the same. I love it when a guy has nice hands. 🙂

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