Maru Gets Some Tongue

Today we find Maru in his leaning tower, about to enjoy a luxurious new experience: A hairbrush that works like his own tongue. Because licking himself was just too much work.

Um, You’re in My Spot

Any box that Kitten Miri is in becomes the box that Maru wants to be in, but this time he has to settle for a substitute.

Packaged and shipped to you by Andrew Y.

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4 thoughts on “Maru Gets Some Tongue

  1. allein🐾 April 8, 2023 / 11:41 am

    The girls’ eyes being pulled up when she brushes their heads make them look like they’re being repeatedly surprised. Not sure they liked that too much.

  2. Andrew April 8, 2023 / 11:56 am

    >:3 Maru looks so relaxed whenever he gets brushed <3 and the purring
    Nice of him to "let" Miri keep using that box, even though he didn't seem happy about it XD

  3. Dubravkamcvmd April 9, 2023 / 8:23 pm

    Maru LOVES the new brush

  4. Dana April 10, 2023 / 8:37 pm

    Watching Maru being brushed (and hearing him purr) is healing for ME.

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