From within his quadro-buffered sensophonic Chamber of Isolation, Maru reflects on his Internet fame. Adored by millions for his box-squeezing-into talents, his every want fulfilled, yet there is always something lacking, a need that urges him onward. At the moment, that need is for a Chamber of Isolation large enough to hold his tail.
Respectfully sender-innered by Andrew Y.
Still the best cat on the Internet. And that first shot at a distance of a blob in a file case surmounted by a gigantic waving tail is auteur feline cinema at its finest.
At first, I thought Maru was doing a very good imitation of “dead cat” ( the eyes!) until I saw the flipping tail-with-a-life-of-its-own! But the best part was watching him get into that upside-down position! I wouldn’t get any work done if I was around Maru!
Compressed underfloof exposure is hilarious. The tail wagging the cat is belying the Zen.
Maru might be zen but his tail strongly disagrees with him.
I seriously love that silly cat.
My husband actually paused his movie to watch this. Maru, you have made history.
And now, a morning yawn
Toes stretched. Check. ✔️
“Maru” and “slim” in the same sentence! A first.
HA HA!!!
Always Thinking inside the box.
Except for the tail!
It seems Maru has taken up inversion therapy.
You’re invited to Maru’s Tupperware® party. If you fit into it you have to buy it. Yes, tailio must also fit inside.
I would definitely attend this!
I love his totally superfluous somersault to get in. When you’ve seen as many boxes as he has, you’ve gotta spice things up somehow!
I agree with everything that was said by all the commenters before me.