Shred Head

Do you get irritated having to sift through piles of junk mail? Then get the Shred-o-Matic™ 3000 Mail Slot! The Shred-o-Matic uses patented MeowRage™ technology to grab junk mail and shred it in seconds!

From shredder-uppers BB/VA and Faye!

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25 thoughts on “Shred Head

  1. Smartypants November 17, 2016 / 11:17 am

    Rawr! Flappitta flappitta…

  2. Doug November 17, 2016 / 11:22 am

    Someone needs to call Jackson Galaxy for that kitty

    a Purrrfect Terror

  3. Birdcage November 17, 2016 / 11:37 am

    That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while! Wowzers! So does that cat think it’s a game or is he trying to protect his house?

    • DebG November 17, 2016 / 11:47 am

      Answer: yes.

      • Julie November 17, 2016 / 1:13 pm

        I didn’t realize that cats are so territorial. Good job, Kitty!!

  4. Duckie ? November 17, 2016 / 11:53 am

    I need this cat for my end-of-semester paper clean-up.

    • allein ? November 17, 2016 / 12:00 pm

      I need him to clean up my desk at work.

  5. ^oo^ November 17, 2016 / 12:03 pm

    Warning to letter carriers: Watch out for dogs- you may get bitten. Watch out for cats- they’ll steal your mitten.

    • Faye November 17, 2016 / 12:13 pm

      Woah! Good one.

  6. JenDeyan November 17, 2016 / 12:41 pm

    It think this new technology should be called Me-owtRage™.

    • jerzowa November 17, 2016 / 5:18 pm


  7. Sarena November 17, 2016 / 1:33 pm

    Kitty goes postal!
    That is seriously funny-special thanks to the kindhearted postal official who ” plays” with the kitty

  8. Casey Hamilton November 17, 2016 / 1:53 pm

    Using Google Chrome on a Kubuntu system, the only thing I see in this post on the front page is the Amazon ad for the handmade stuff. The only way I was able to actually see that there even WAS a video to be watched, was by clicking on the title, and bringing up this post in a separate page. Figgered you would want to know. Thanks for everything you’re doing.

      • Casey Hamilton November 17, 2016 / 11:17 pm

        And now I see the video 🙂

    • allein ? November 17, 2016 / 2:30 pm

      Same thing happened on Chrome on my work computer; I assumed it was just the video being blocked, but usually I still see a space or a gray box where it would be. (It worked fine on my tablet.)

      • BB/VA November 17, 2016 / 8:55 pm

        I found it on

  9. Gigi the cat lady November 17, 2016 / 2:02 pm

    I saw this on when it played AFV and if I remember the story correctly, the mailman said he videotaped his encounter with the kitty to show the man who was going to replace him on his route during his vacation so he knew what to expect and I think that mean kitty won him 10 000$

  10. Amyliz November 17, 2016 / 2:12 pm

    Does this cat also protect it’s family from that evil menace, toilet paper?

  11. Boosmom November 17, 2016 / 3:29 pm

    I don’t get anything but the ad sometimes too. Found that by clicking on Comments, the video appears before the comments and can be run then.

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike November 17, 2016 / 3:47 pm

      Thank you for letting me know about this. What operating system and web browser do you use?

  12. Dana November 17, 2016 / 4:58 pm

    That kitty hates junk mail more than I do.

  13. Starfish November 17, 2016 / 5:54 pm

    Kitties are so much cheaper than paper shredders. We need to start convincing offices to make the switch.

  14. sugitomo November 18, 2016 / 2:06 pm

    Reminds me of that scene from Revenge of the Nerds when Booger is trying to find out more about the room for rent….

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