67 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Jan November 26, 2016 / 8:50 am

    What gorgeous green eyes you have kitty!

    Lily also had too much excitement over the holiday… here she is crashed out on my mom’s couch:

    • Gigi the cat lady November 26, 2016 / 8:54 am

      Lily is a little ball of cuteness ?

      • Jan November 26, 2016 / 8:58 am

        Cuteness and rambunctiousness you mean!

    • Dubravkamcvmd November 26, 2016 / 8:56 am

      Lily is so adorable. I really enjoy the photos you share.

      • Jan November 26, 2016 / 8:59 am

        Thanks 🙂

      • Murray C. November 26, 2016 / 9:55 am

        Oh, yes, it’s wonderful to see our fellow Cutetropolitans share their critter pics. I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was at the very least reasonably stress-free and that it reminded us yet again how much we have to be thankful for.

    • debg November 26, 2016 / 11:43 am

      Such a sweetiepie! I love watching Lily grow up through your pix, Jan.

  2. Gigi the cat lady November 26, 2016 / 9:08 am

    Our plans for today have been cancelled, we were supposed to take my elderly mother-in-law to the restaurant for her birthday but she is not feeling well so that’s out. So husband decided to go downtown shopping for books and films, that means I get the car, I guess I’ll go to the big mall in the next town and start my Christmas shopping (and their was much rejoicing… ? NOT!)

  3. Dulcie November 26, 2016 / 9:56 am

    Good morning everyone!
    Gorgeous eyes weekend kitty! However, you can tell by the shell shocked look that this kitty may have been taking part in some consumer madness!
    And Lily! Looking so sweet and innocent in dreamland zzzz.
    The new litter bigger box experiment not is still a 50-50 thing. It has only been a week. I may just have to live with it!

    • Phred's Mom November 26, 2016 / 11:04 am

      Can you back the litter box against a wall or into a corner,
      so she senses limits to the availble space? This helped with
      one of mine.

      • Dulcie November 26, 2016 / 11:43 am

        I was trying to find a corner style box but couldn’t locate one. But yes it sounds like a good idea so maybe I can arrange it so it feels like a more enclosed space.

  4. N. Fritz November 26, 2016 / 10:11 am

    And Diego looks like he definitely watched too much football!

  5. sugitomo November 26, 2016 / 10:23 am

    That was me yesterday! After three straight days of being home all day, I definitely gotta get outside today.

  6. Duckie ? November 26, 2016 / 10:56 am

    Does this qualify as catatonic?

    • Dulcie November 26, 2016 / 5:21 pm

      Hey Duckie! Are you over that bad day? Did our hugs help?? Hope your weekend is going better!

      • Duckie ? November 27, 2016 / 11:24 am

        All your hugs were wonderful and soooooo comforting.
        Yes, I’m feeling better. Had a lovely conversation with Santa at the mall. He promised me that a LOT of politicians will be getting coal this year.
        Last day of class on Thursday, and then I’m freeeeeeeeeeeee!

  7. Phred's Mom November 26, 2016 / 11:02 am

    Diego is darling. Love the green eyes!
    Today lunch with friends at Washington’s Crossing,
    at an old inn near the place where GW launched
    the boats to New Jersey in the Revolution. A very
    pretty, historic area with lots of wonderful truly old
    buildings from the days of the colonies.
    Tomorrow, North Joisey to do the same – lunch, anyway,
    in a not that old area, but MyMike’s old stomping grounds.
    Both will be enjoyable.

  8. debg November 26, 2016 / 11:47 am

    I just talked myself out of leaving the house to buy stuff and get my debit card replaced. Another lovely quiet day with kitties planned. Who needs groceries? Or a new debit card?

    The debit card story is a cautionary tale. I signed up for Amazon Cloud drive a year ago, uploaded some files, and promptly forgot I had the service. Then they just renewed my subscription and charged me without telling me. When I saw the charge in my bank account, and couldn’t find a corresponding order from Amazon, I suspected hackery and contacted the bank. They refunded the money (good) but then canceled my card–on the week of Thanksgiving, right before Black Friday (BAD). It will take several business days to get the new one. This was exactly what I didn’t want to happen. Ah well.

  9. AJ November 26, 2016 / 11:49 am

    Such sweeties – both Lily and Diego. My munchkin is curled up in his bed trying to stay warm, its about 50 degrees here in SoCal and we’re supposed get rain for the next 2 days. Yes, winter has started here in the land of sunshine and palms. He’s also wearing one of his shirts, being 17 lbs and short haired, he get’s cold soo easily. Hubby said when he took out for his morning walk, he did his business and wanted back in right away. Took some persuasion to get him to walk around the block. Once it warms up, I’ll take for a nice long walk (unless the rain has started). My weekend will be spent trying to clean up and get organized now that I’m back from vacay. Good thing I went out and about yesterday. Did my Black Friday shopping at Goodwill and man did I find some good deals. Steal of the century was a red leather jacket (been on my wish list for forever!) from Wilson’s Leather for $30!!!! I love Goodwill, if you take your time you can find good quality clothes for almost nothing.

    Almost forgot – my niece had her newest baby boy on Thanksgiving. My family has a tradition it seems of having babies on holidays. My nephew was born on Christmas, one niece was born on Labor Day and one was born close to Valentine’s Day. Plus me and my sister-in-law were born on the US Marine Corps birthday. Happy weekend everyone!

  10. Patty November 26, 2016 / 12:59 pm

    My weekend plans include crocheting car seat covers for my sister-in-law’s daycare. Can’t wear coats in car seats, but she has school pick-ups to do every day in a cold van. They will be like ponchos with no backs, just a few inches to go behind them, so the toddlers can still see, and their covers don’t fall off. Buckle first, slip covers over their heads, covering their bodies to keep them warm. I finished the dreaded fox blanket, and sent it with my husband to his sister’s for Thanksgiving. I don’t think I’ve been happier to see a project done and gone in my life.

  11. allein ? November 26, 2016 / 2:01 pm

    Good afternoon…

    I keep thinking it’s Sunday. Long weekends throw me off.

    I did no shopping yesterday. I will try to do some laundry and other stuff around the house, but I did something to my back so I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do. My upper back/shoulders started to feel better once I got up and moved around a little, but my lower back is still really stiff and hurts. Whatever I did must have happened on Thursday but I can’t for the life of me think of what I might have done…the only thing I lifted was the pie I took to dinner. But laundry needs doing, so I will take it as easy as I can. For the moment, there’s cocoa and leftover apple pie.

    • Murray C. November 26, 2016 / 2:10 pm

      Ouch, Allein, that’s awful. Have you tried some lower back stretches? On the floor on all fours and do a cat back – arch your whole back and hold 10 to 30 seconds, then stretch the opposite way, rib cage towards the floor, butt up, hold and repeat. Then butt back onto your heels, arms stretched out in front on the floor, tiptoe the fingers out as far away from your body as you can. You could find some good stretches online, too. My back goes into spasms occasionally and sometimes I can’t even stand up, but I do this and it helps tremendously.

      I don’t shop on Black Friday on principle. I don’t shop much for Christmas anyway and I certainly won’t step outdoors into what is arguably the sports arena of holiday shopping competition. I’m planning on giving comestibles and potables this year. Most of my friends don’t want more stuff to find places for and dust, so this is my plan.

      PS kittens are beyond adorable.

      • allein ? November 26, 2016 / 2:19 pm

        I did some stretches last night. I just took some ibuprofin so I’ll give that a little time to kick in before I do too much more.

        At least my laundry doesn’t require lugging baskets all over the place. Stacked washer/dryer in the bathroom with two-bin laundry sorter right in front of it, and the bedroom is right next door.

      • Phred's Mom November 26, 2016 / 4:32 pm

        I will try this back stretch next time I have issues, usually after lifting
        too heavy a load of whatever. We do little for Christmas also, and, like
        you, I plan to give locally made preserves, etc. as presents. Going to
        any mall after Thanksgiving is insane, eapecially these days. Most of
        our gift candidates have more than enough “stuff” now, anyhoo.
        These kittens are totally adorable, make me want to run out and hug
        the nearest cat I can find. I do miss my Ben-Him.

        • allein ? November 26, 2016 / 5:47 pm

          I love the name Ben-Him 🙂

          If I had gone anywhere on Black Friday it would have been the bookstore I used to work at, just to see how things were going, though I probably wouldn’t get a chance to chat with the cute manager on Black Friday, anyway, so I’ll wait. Extra employee discount starts Monday and I ordered something that hasn’t come in yet, anyway. I guess I’ll have to actually decide on a book donation theme. I’m thinking Roald Dahl. 19 paperback books at $7.99 each less my discount plus tax should come out to just a little above my $100 goal (though I might have to duplicate some titles because I doubt they have them all in stock).

          • Dulcie November 26, 2016 / 6:54 pm

            I too love Ben-Him! Another couple of favorites (classics I am sure) are Chairman Meow and Lucy-fur.

    • Patty November 26, 2016 / 2:18 pm

      My lower back is sore too, but I suspect with my daughter’s new house being short on furniture, and me sitting on the floor feeding the baby and playing with the other kids may have been the culprit. I took some advil, and am sitting in my comfy desk chair today. I hope your back feels better soon.

      • allein ? November 26, 2016 / 2:23 pm

        Thanks, same to you!

        I can’t even think of what I did. My cousin’s kids (age 2 and 4) were at Thanksgiving but I didn’t pick them up at all.

  12. Amyliz November 26, 2016 / 3:38 pm

    My Thanksgiving was quiet but nice.Read a little, watched some Netflix, and started a jigsaw puzzle that I just now finished. Checked in with the Salvation Army earlier in the week about helping serve dinner but they already had volunteers scheduled. I did fill out a volunteer application to help out at other times!

    • Murray C. November 26, 2016 / 3:42 pm

      Good for you, Amyliz. Sounds like you had some things to be thankful for. I do have that tendency to want to gather in the “strays” at holiday time and wish all of us could be together, but we’ll have to be satisfied with our cyber relationships – that’s something I’m thankful for, for sure.

    • Faye November 26, 2016 / 3:46 pm

      Yay on you Amyliz.

      I was alone from 3-8ish. I cooked fresh green beans in roasted garlic, Indian style marinated chicken thighs, and ate a whole pint of B&G Chocolate Fudge Brownie Frozen Yogurt followed by ginger tea. Then lots of puppy time. Leftovers on Friday with puppy/Faye napping. All good. All very thankful for.

      • Murray C. November 26, 2016 / 3:57 pm

        A WHOLE PINT????? Whoa! I am impressed – I couldn’t begin to eat a whole pint of ice cream! (ok, frozen yogurt) Sounds like a lovely day, especially the puppy time.

        I’m making some small inroads – finally got books off to the Friends of the Library for their ongoing book sale; got my wooden sled out on the front porch – it has a wreath on it and a stocking with a gift sticking out and lights – I still need to set up the light timer. All this is courtesy of my dear Hubby who has been so cooperative it does my heart good. Tomorrow we go to a post Thanksgiving dinner and I’m thinking of making Madeleines for dessert. The recipe that came with the pan is so good – they’re so light and tender, with orange flavor and zest in them. The other choice would be pecan squares, but after Thanksgiving it sounds too heavy.

        • Phred's Mom November 26, 2016 / 4:37 pm


        • Faye November 26, 2016 / 5:08 pm

          Lol. Yes. I admit it. Either one pint or none. Very occasionally.

          Good progress Murray. I’ve been reorganizing my whole bedroom and art supplies (finally) to fit in a pink (yes pink) puppy cage thing.

  13. Dulcie November 26, 2016 / 5:42 pm

    A pint is very doable. If you can’t handle that then you are just a wuss when it comes to ice cream.

    • Murray C. November 26, 2016 / 6:02 pm

      I am a wuss – I would have such horrible reflux. I make what I call “American Girl” ice cream cones. I buy mini-waffle cones and I have the smallest scoop you can get and I treat myself to ice cream a couple of times a week. Even then it can be tricky.

      • Dulcie November 27, 2016 / 2:19 pm

        Reflux is a very difficult thing. It is difficult to manage because we’re talking food here after all! But it’s worth it to keep the volume and fats at a minimum. My brother in law suffers from it. As I myself get older I find I have to take more care and eat smaller volumes.

  14. Recherche November 26, 2016 / 6:38 pm

    My parent’s farm had a surprise out of season lamb birth on Thanksgiving. It’s getting too cold outside for the baby lambs over here though. (Our variety are not born with much fleece) So to keep them safe lambs and mom are currently living in my dad’s heated wood shop. Momma sheep is understandably a little freaked out over this whole turn of events.

    In more personal news I have just finished sewing 9 amethyst beads out of a total of about 200 to a hat.

    • Dulcie November 26, 2016 / 7:01 pm

      Awe – baby lambies!
      Does anyone know how many jewels were sewn onto the famous Happy Birthday Mr President dress belonging to Marlin Monroe? I thought I heard something like in the thousands from a news story about its sale at auction.

    • AB November 26, 2016 / 7:49 pm

      Baby lamb? Pics, as they say, or it didn’t happen.

      (Ok, I actually believe you, I just wanna see the baby lamb.)

  15. AB November 26, 2016 / 7:52 pm

    I had my parents in town and entertained them with some of the posts from this site, e.g. the dog meeting Gumby and the ape watching a magician. Fun for the whole family 🙂

    We also watched the first two episodes of The Crown, thanks to those who recommended it here. Who knows, my parents might finally get Netflix!

    • tara November 26, 2016 / 10:29 pm

      Hi Y’all!
      I’ve been looking forward to T-day for weeks! I love cooking the food and I have special once-a-year dishes I love making and having left-overs. By the end of the evening, without being too much of a glutton, I did look exactly like gorgeous Diego up there.
      But then Friday morning – oof. The contents of my entire digestive system said – OUT! Everybody – get. out. right. NOW!! Don’t even think of trying the camomile tea – that has to get out too!! Not a sip – don’t you dare – get out and stay out! So that took care of getting anything done yesterday. My darling Swea’Pea spent the day with me in bed, curled up next to the pillow. Who knows if it was the flu, food poisoning, or ??? I ate too much? Seems like a bit of an over-reaction if is was the last one.
      Today I’m still in recovery mode. I washed all the sheets in case it was a flu bug, and started looking at all the left overs, which just aren’t as appetizing anymore. So I just put them back in the fridge for now. I watched the entire season of Firefly and knitted the cuff of a Latvian mitten for a Bestie for Christmas. First experience knitting three colors. It looks great but wow is that not easy.
      Glad to read you all had wonderful holidays though! Allein and Patty, sorry about your backs. I usually try Murry C’s stretches but when that fails I figure it’s stress related and I get out the Valerian Root. Does wonders. Hope you are both feeling better soon.
      Here’s to one more day on our lovely 4 day weekend!

  16. Alice Shortcake November 27, 2016 / 4:15 am

    Highlight of my weekend so far: pausing during an epic wallpapering job for a cup of tea and a huge but well-deserved piece of cake, stretching out a greedy little hand, misjudging the distance and sending said cake flying into a bucket full of wallpaper paste.

    • Emsthemonster November 27, 2016 / 5:38 am

      *hands over an even more delicious cake to Alice* – this was so cute 🙂

    • Murray C. November 27, 2016 / 10:23 am

      I guess that’s why you’re named “Shortcake”.

      • fkaWaldenPond November 27, 2016 / 1:28 pm

        OWWWWW 😀 Murray C!

    • Jan November 27, 2016 / 10:47 am

      Lol! Sounds like something I would do!

      • Dulcie November 27, 2016 / 11:07 am

        I would be in such distress! To lose a piece of cake! And, if it was the LAST piece…!!!

        • Smartypants November 27, 2016 / 11:11 am

          Yes – you can always get more wallpaper paste; cake, not so much! 😀

        • Faye November 27, 2016 / 4:00 pm

          I hate when that happens. ?

    • Patty November 27, 2016 / 12:09 pm

      I managed to dump 3/4 of a pumpkin pie onto the floor, rearranging the fridge to fit all the leftovers in. The pie pan fell out, flipped over, and landed pumpkin side down. Oops, sorry, no one else can have pumpkin pie.

      • AJ November 27, 2016 / 4:28 pm

        Oh no!!! Dropped cake and pie. Soo sad. I think I have the oopsie to beat all oopsies but it wasn’t food related. First day of Hawaiian trip we go to Pearl Harbor for a tour of the USS Arizona and USS Missouri. Because of security, no bags are allowed into the site, everything has to fit in pockets or cameras around neck. Well, we’re out on the Arizona Memorial and I’m trying to take a picture of the viewing well and ole fumble fingers, queen of the clutzes, drops her phone. In. The. Water. Talk about embarrassing. And no, I could not retrieve it. It is still sitting on top of the USS Arizona. I let the park ranger know, he took my info and said they said divers down about once a month so if they find it, they’ll be in touch.

        At least it was at the beginning of the trip and I didn’t lose too many photos. Also my phone is set to auto back up photos so the majority are saved on the cloud. Next day, I went to my wireless carrier and got a pre-paid phone so I would have one for the trip until I got home and could deal with insurance for a replacement phone. Hubby is never going to let me live this one down.

  17. Laura November 27, 2016 / 4:00 pm

    Hi, all. I’ve been absent for a couple weeks, I know, but I’ve mostly just been crashing. After the election, we’d been working such long, hectic, and nonstop days leading up to it, that between being sick at the results and being just plain exhausted, I stayed away from my computer for a full week completely, just sat and relaxed (when I wasn’t sleeping) and listened to audiobooks and knit. And even when I did finally return to the computer, I only turned it on to catch up on silly stuff I’ve been meaning to watch for ages but hadn’t had time for. I’m now starting to get back into doing some work, but not a lot; I have real trouble making myself do it after that lengthy time off!

    We had a very quiet Thanksgiving. Since it’s just the two of us here with no relatives within hundreds or thousands of miles, we went out to eat. Which is both good and bad — good in that you don’t have to do all the work, which especially for two is a crazy lot, but bad because you don’t end up with lots of yummy leftovers. I’m sure in future years, as we make more friends around here, we’ll have a meal with other people, but this year it was just fine to do it by ourselves.

    My only news is that my wonderful MIL, who’s still active as can be at 90, was recently diagnosed with a fast-growing lung cancer. 🙁 It’s growing at 1 cm per month, so the medical folks are moving quickly. She still doesn’t know what treatment, if any, she’s going to have; visits with the oncologist and surgeon will happen this week. I really wish my back would let me ride in an airplane again, but it just won’t! She knows I love her to death, though. She lives across the river from Portland, with three of my husband’s sisters there as well plus all their kids, so she’s in good hands. My husband will be traveling to see her soon, and if she’s still here in May will go back to take care of her while his sister who’s providing the primary care (she’s the only one who’s retired plus she was head of a radiology department so knows *every* doctor in the area, which is very comforting to us all) takes a long-planned trip to Spain with her husband and kids. So we’re just going to have to play it one day at a time. I really hate this. My mom has dementia and is going downhill rapidly, too, so odds are we’ll lose both our moms within the next year. 🙁

    Anyway, it’s good to get caught up with everybody. It’s nice to know you’re all here and life goes on for all of us! Everybody stay well, please, okay? And I vote for new lamb pictures, too!

    • Dulcie November 27, 2016 / 6:44 pm

      Sad news concerning both your moms. In spite of the great age of your MIL it is still very very difficult thing. And cancer is not forgiving. If we could all make the decision to just fall asleep when the time comes. So best wishes for comfort for all. xx

      • Laura November 27, 2016 / 6:56 pm

        Thanks, Dulcie. My mom is 96, so she’s had a good run, too. And it’s only been in the last six months or so that her dementia developed, which is a blessing, too. She’s in a wonderful assisted living where she can stay permanently; my MIL will stay with my SIL until it reaches the point where my SIL can no longer care for her, and then she can move to a hospice house. So they’re both in excellent hands. We’re hoping that my MIL’s cancer is surgical, to give her at least a bit more time, but I suspect she won’t do it unless it really offers more than a few months. Such difficult decisions to make! But both our moms are pretty accepting of what’s coming, and I can’t argue; death is part of life, after all. And I’m thankful that they’ve both had long, healthy lives. I hope I can make it as long as them; I’m not even *trying* to think of making it as long as my dad’s mother, who lived to 103! By the end she was mostly blind and mostly deaf, but her mind was sharp as a tack right up to the end. I could live with that. 🙂

    • Patty November 27, 2016 / 8:26 pm

      My mother had small cell lung cancer (that’s the fast growing one). They gave her 3 months without treatment. She did chemo and radiation, and fought it for 2 yrs. Your MIL may have some time left, I recommend you find a way to go see her as soon as you can.
      My husband had his leg amputated in May of 05, his mother died in June, and my mother died in Sept. 2005 was a bad year for us. It was hard to get through, but you do get through it.

  18. Recherche November 27, 2016 / 4:17 pm

    Okay you get Thanksgiving* lamb pics as requested. Just be warned that I’m not a great photographer and the babies were being uncooperative with their first photo session. This is a milking variety not wool sheep so they’re not all pure white and the babies are instead piebald. They’ll get a bit darker and more even as they grow up and get the full fleece though.

    View post on imgur.com

    View post on imgur.com

    For some reason I kept getting error messages when trying to upload directly here

    *Well technically they were born a few hours after midnight but Thanksgiving lambs sound much better than Black Friday lambs.

    • allein ? November 27, 2016 / 4:26 pm

      So cute!

    • fkaWaldenPond November 27, 2016 / 4:47 pm

      What a darling lamb! I love the colouring. Has Mom calmed down now or is she still shocked by the Thanksgiving, out-of-season birth?

      • Recherche November 27, 2016 / 7:46 pm

        She’s more panicked at being stuck inside the house away from the flock and that has not fully calmed down yet. Also one more pic of my dad with the one of the lambs.

        View post on imgur.com

        • fkaWaldenPond November 27, 2016 / 9:55 pm

          They are both wearing the same noble expression. 🙂

        • Murray C. November 28, 2016 / 12:52 am

          I love the lambs’ coloration – lovely creatures.

  19. Jan November 28, 2016 / 9:47 am

    It’s late for this I know, but everyone wish Lily luck on her big-girl surgery this morning!

    • allein ? November 28, 2016 / 10:00 am

      Does that mean there will be cute cone-of-shame pictures?

      Good luck, Lily!

    • fkaWaldenPond November 28, 2016 / 10:06 am

      Be well Lily. 🙂

  20. Murray C. November 28, 2016 / 11:02 am

    Yes, Dear Lily, we wish you a speedy recovery.

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