Your stupid human rules don’t apply to me! I take what I want! Your onion rings? They’re mine. That ice cream cone? Mine. Your dog’s water bowl? Mine, mine, mine.

Your stupid human rules don’t apply to me! I take what I want! Your onion rings? They’re mine. That ice cream cone? Mine. Your dog’s water bowl? Mine, mine, mine.
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A seagull stole a coffee cake from me once.
I’ve lost countless french fries, hotdogs and sandwiches to seagulls, they are expert in dive-bombing raids on the beach, I’m just glad I didn’t loose a finger!
Was having lunch with a friend with some grocery store sushi.
Seagull stole the wasabi and regretted it. Stood there screaming at the ground.
Why would anyone put out such a signed water bowl?
I’ve gotta say I find all the seagull stuff funny, but of course I’ve never had a run-in with them. Fortunately 😉.
Seagulls – cats of the air. They do what they want, when they want. I had a pretty good encounter with seagulls over the weekend, and nobody lost anything. I saw a couple including a baby at my local mall. Funny thing is it’s not by the water, probably about 10 miles inland. Not sure why they were hanging around, waiting on the July 4 sales, maybe?