Erwin Schrödinger Plays Yahtzee

“… and now, just before we seal the cat into the chamber, we stack five dice, like so. Once the chamber is sealed, we can theorize that there is a ten percent chance the cat has rolled a Yahtzee, a fifteen percent chance of a full house, and a ninety-four percent chance the cat is just whapping the dice all over the place.”

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16 thoughts on “Erwin Schrödinger Plays Yahtzee

  1. allein ? December 5, 2016 / 11:06 am

    Where do these people find these cats with such patience?

  2. Duckie ? December 5, 2016 / 11:13 am

    When I finish rofling, I will make a vague reference to how cruel this is, to force a polydactyl pussums to hold dice and stare at them in disbelief.

  3. DebG December 5, 2016 / 11:26 am

    The cat’s expression is priceless.

  4. Joy December 5, 2016 / 11:27 am

    The cat’s expression is very similar to the expression on my face … how in heaven’s name did they keep the cat that still? O_o

  5. Phred's Mom December 5, 2016 / 11:32 am

    I am well and truly flummoxed by this.
    Nay, gobsmacked even. The kitteh KNOWS
    what to do! Of course , the video stops just
    before said genius kitteh smacks his hoomin
    with the whosits.

    • Duckie ? December 5, 2016 / 11:44 am

      LOVE the word ‘gobsmacked’.

  6. Duckie ? December 5, 2016 / 11:43 am

    It has started to snow!
    I’m going to spend the day attempting to make my first ragged edge quilt, for an Angel Tree gift. I have the fire channel on, and a quiet day.

  7. AJ December 5, 2016 / 12:22 pm

    I’ve just been warned by my brother in CO to pack my warm clothes as it’s gonna be the coldest week so far when I’m out there. And I’m a SoCal girl used to sunshine and temps no lower than the mid-40’s (and that’s only at 6 am before the sun comes up). Great, I’m gonna turn into a popsicle, LOL.

    • tara December 5, 2016 / 5:50 pm

      Layers, my dear, layers! 🙂 As a former SoCal girl myself, now living in Philly, I learned the hard way. First of all – the layers have to be even. Who knew!? You can’t bulk up on top and put a pair of jeans on. So. Take tights – and socks (lots) several long sleeved T-shirts, a good pair of mittens and a hat. You’ll be fine. Have Fun!!!

  8. Starfish December 5, 2016 / 1:14 pm

    That’s some serious kitty Jenga right there.

  9. Gigi the cat lady December 5, 2016 / 1:18 pm

    I have no words …. ?

    • murkle46 December 6, 2016 / 6:36 am

      me either

  10. Laura December 5, 2016 / 2:07 pm

    My husband just called me from the Denver airport. I don’t know whether they have snow there, but they have snow in the Portland area, where he’s going. Fortunately, it never sticks long there, and it will soon be back to the normal 45º and drizzling rain that is winter in the Pacific Northwest. It’s a good thing they don’t get much snow since they have NO idea how to drive in it!

    I honestly do not know how people can get cats to do some of the things we see cats do on a regular basis. I have never in my life had a cat that would do anything except exactly what he/she wanted, which was normally the diametric opposite of what I wanted him/her to do! Apparently I lack the proper understanding of the art of Cat Persuasion ….

  11. AB December 5, 2016 / 3:24 pm

    Wow! Those Japanese people and their robots! This is the most realistic robot kitty I have ever seen. Bravo!

  12. Arne December 5, 2016 / 7:19 pm

    God don’t play dice with the universe but a cat might. Unless of course, they show up snake eyes in the dark box in which case he’ll get the **** out of there.

  13. 6rabbits December 5, 2016 / 10:22 pm

    Are the dice magnetic? That would at least partly explain this performance. Still totally impressed at the stillness of the cat!

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