It’s time for the Caturday open thread, and today reader Muppet2171 shares Teller “trying Penny’s trick of not looking at the camera.”

It’s time for the Caturday open thread, and today reader Muppet2171 shares Teller “trying Penny’s trick of not looking at the camera.”
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You are beautiful and mysterious, Teller.
Got lots of chores to do today. We’ll see how that goes. Also have to go to the radiology office and pick up a copy of my abdominal scans from a few weeks ago, because my doctor finally called with the results the other day. Apparently I have gallstones and she referred me to a surgeon to see if I need my gallbladder out. I called them yesterday and made an appointment for a consultation on December 13th (honestly earlier than I expected…) and they said I need to get a copy of the disk with the scans, so I called the radiology practice and she said it would be ready next week, and a little while later I got a call from the actual office and they said I could pick it up today.
The dogs were good…just look at Diego gettin’ his steps in.
The cancer patient and his dog have me sobbing uncontrollably. So do all the wonderful reunions.
“Your camera is pointing in the wrong direction” – Penny
It’s been a good week for entertainment. The productions of “Ruddigore” and the opera “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” I saw in Leeds were excellent, but I had a couple of nerve-racking experiences with public transport. When I reached the bus stop for the first trip I was dismayed to see a crowd already waiting because the previous bus didn’t turn up. It seemed quite possible that there wouldn’t even be standing room available. Then the bus arrived almost 25 minutes late, meaning that I’d have to run from Leeds bus station to the theatre to get there before the show began (mercifully I was the last person allowed on the bus). By the time I took my seat with three minutes to spare I felt every day of my 64 years! On the second trip the opera’s three-hour running time turned out to have been underestimated by 20 minutes, resulting in another sprint back to the bus station…but at least it was downhill this time!
I’d say you got your exercise in, not only for that day, but for the whole week. I don’t even do sprints anymore, just fast shuffles. I also hate when there are transit snafus and just throw off your whole routine.
I remember the big Leeds bus station! Glad everything worked out.
I feel your pain with public transport, we were meeting friends for dinner yesterday only to find that the Green line of the Metro (subway in Montreal) was down for the day. That meant taking the other line and a whole lot of walking!
(ignoring the rogue apostrophe)
and the uncapitalized “I”
I find that less annoying just because the whole thing is in lower-case.
(There’s no ending punctuation, either.)
Yes, but as an English teacher I have to insist on capital “I” and proper punctuation!
haters gonna hate
Anybody who loves a pet knows how precious that love can be. And that it makes us better humans.
Love seeing gorgeous Teller, no matter what direction he’s facing. Off shortly to take the dogs to the park and later, I finally have my delayed hair cut. I’m so happy to get it cut, I was feeling a little shaggy. Not much else this weekend, just need to clean and some errands. Happy weekend all!
We haven’t seen the gorgeous Teller in a while, and he’s always a treat. What a beauty!
I need to get chores started so I can focus on my next weaving project. It’s a gift for a college friend: a table runner made in a new-to-me weave structure. Warping the loom will be a good way to relax.
The car saga is nearly over! I’m just waiting for the insurance company to pay my share of the settlement. Drove my new baby to get my flu and COVID shots yesterday, and I’m really digging the new wheels. Might charge her up this weekend just to see how that goes–I get 2 years of free charging with the 2-year lease. The charging station is within walking distance, and the car’s nav system has a built-in shortcut to show you the closest stations.
Hope you all have a great weekend and remember to change the clocks tonight!
Teller is so beautiful he should be the cover of a cat fancier magazine!
We had diner in Chinatown with some friends yesterday, it was really fun to see everyone but I could have done without the Green Line of the Métro (subway) being out of service!
It did give me a chance to hang out at my old work place and watch the new fountain show, that why I love working in that building there is always something going on.
I’ll try posting the little video I look.
Which building is that, Georgiana? I’ve been to Montreal twice, but only in the downtown area. Well, the area around the train station, since I arrived by train. I loved that there were underground connections between a few buildings, or at least there were 20 years ago.
That fountain looks fun. I’d probably spend longer watching the fountain than shopping in that mall/building.
It’s in Complexe Desjardins in downtown not too far from the train station. Complexe Desjardins has a centre mall with lots of stores and restaurants plus 3 office towers and 1 hotel and yes Montreal is famous for our “underground city” meaning there are many tunnels between buildings, shopping malls and the subway and train station so you don’t have to walk outside when it’s cold in winter.
That is so cool! Both fountain and underground city!
This is (mostly) human, but it distinctly belongs in Nosevember:
Ha! Love it!
Couple days late, but I was just catching up on my Morty…
Mortlejuice! Mortlejuice! Mortlejuice!
(hoping he’ll appear in my living room)
Sadly, no one-eyed, wobbly-legged Chihuahua appeared. 😞
I read that as “one-legged, wobbly-eyed”, and am seriously disturbed over myself.
The prancingks!
Someday I will go to Maine and see Morty and the Sunflower Farm goats! It’ll be prancing overload!
I thought I sent my admiration of the gorgeous Teller much earlier today, but I guess I forgot to hit “send.” Pretty much how a lot of things have been going lately.
Happy weekend to all my fellow Cutetropolitans and Mayor NTMTOM!
Waited till today to comment. Absolutely VILE mood yesterday.
Firecrackers were terrifying poor little Duckie, and I sat up till midnight Thursday and Friday nights to keep her calm.
Dropped an ice cream pail half full of frozen soup on my foot yesterday. I didn’t break any bones, but the bruise is absolutely gorgeous. Deb, I may send you a picture, to see if you can dye some wool those colours.
Making a baby blanket for my niece, who informed everyone last week that she is five months along! We’ve all been wondering, as their first anniversary is this month, and she’s been giving off signs for weeks. But they made the official announcement, and baby is due in March.
I have another project added to my list for this winter. Second nephew is getting married in June next year, and I will be making them a queen size quilt. I can’t believe how much extra fabric I have lying around!
Today is Sunday, so I am off for my nap, while Duckie watches Celtic Thunder and tries to keep me awake. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.