32 thoughts on “Happy Friday the Thirteenth!

  1. allein ? January 13, 2017 / 10:53 am

    He wouldn’t get across my path because I would scoop him up and cuddle him for the rest of the day.

  2. Haha January 13, 2017 / 11:08 am

    He looks like he is at a podium emphasizing a point. Pointy bits are great at great for emphasizing points.

    • allein ? January 13, 2017 / 11:11 am

      Looks like he’s got at least 5 good points.

  3. Dana January 13, 2017 / 11:19 am

    I haz a fierce!

  4. Emily January 13, 2017 / 11:20 am

    I could make an exception for ALL OF TEH BLACK KITTEHS!!

    Also, NTMTOM, there are adds popping up in the middle of my screen. I don’t mind ads, people gotta eat, but they’re scrolling with and obscuring the content and I can’t read all the comments. There is no X for me to close them. I’m using Chrome on a Windows desktop computer. Just an FYI.

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike January 13, 2017 / 11:22 am

      Thank you for letting me know. I haven’t authorized such ads, so please don’t click them.

      • Smartypants January 13, 2017 / 11:28 am

        Yup, that just started happening to me too (Mac desktop/Safari) – the Upvote/downvote buttons and an ad for “WhiteSmoke Writer” software are appearing in the middle of my screen.

        (They are also still in their regular spot near the top – Upvote/downvote and an ad for Harvard Summer School).

        • Smartypants January 13, 2017 / 11:35 am

          That’s what kitten is being so emphatic about – “Rawr! There’s something on my screen!” πŸ˜€

        • Smartypants January 13, 2017 / 11:39 am

          Hmmm…now it’s gone. Wonder if it was a one-time formatting glitch? It doesn’t appear on previous post (“Links: Mini Mew”).

      • Flowerfanatic January 13, 2017 / 11:28 am

        The ads I get are for items I’ve either ordered or have looked at on-line. Emily have you looked to see if the ads you’re seeing are items you’ve shown an interest in? All the companies we go to hang onto our email addies and use them for future advertising. Sure wish they wouldn’t. I am on Microsoft and Outlook and do some searches on the AOL search engine.

        • Emily January 13, 2017 / 12:30 pm

          Ad just disappeared! It was for some sort of language learning/dictionary/translating thing. May have been the same as what SmartyPants was seeing (WhiteSmoke Writer) and it was displaying similarly with up and down vote buttons next to it. It was not an ad for something I’ve ever purchased, looked at or been interested in (I am bilingual/ESL so sometimes I get targeted ads that assume I still need to learn English).

          I wonder if it was some sort of formatting issue, but I refreshed the page and it didn’t go away and yesterday’s posts didn’t have that issue. Also, the ad didn’t migrate to the side bar or anything. So… not sure it was supposed to be there at all. It was not strictly speaking a pop-up, they were just loading with the page on top of the content and scrolling along with it. It was weird. Hopefully NTMTOM was able to witness one, so he can tell us what that was! Mysterious!

          • Caz January 13, 2017 / 12:51 pm

            I saw the writer ad too, over Alleins comment, gone now though.

            We lost our little panther a few weeks backs, just love little black kitties πŸ™‚

            • Smartypants January 13, 2017 / 1:55 pm

              I’m sorry about your kitteh. Aren’t black cats great? I’ve only ever been owned by tuxies, no all-black ones yet.

            • Debg January 13, 2017 / 2:57 pm

              Caz, so very sorry. Black kitties are extra-special.

              • Caz January 13, 2017 / 3:20 pm

                Thank you Smartypants and Debg <3 She somehow manged to look just like Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon, so yes i'd say that was very special!

    • SoccerSue January 13, 2017 / 11:27 am

      Same here. Chrome on Windows desktop. Covering up the right side of Allein’s first comment.

      • allein ? January 13, 2017 / 11:43 am


        I’m not seeing this, just for the record (but my work computer has ad blockers so that might be why).

    • Gigi the cat lady January 13, 2017 / 11:56 am

      I don’t have the problem with adds at the moment (Safari on Mac home computer) crossing fingers and knocking on wood!

    • AJ January 13, 2017 / 12:40 pm

      I’ve definitely noticed an uptick with ads on Chrome and that’s even with a pop-up ad blocker. I think Chrome has basically sold out and is allowing companies to do it. I’ve looked into how to stop it because it is sooooo annoying but as far as I can figure out, there’s no way. Makes me less likely to buy a Chromebook next time I’m looking for a laptop.

      But aside from that, this kitty is just beyond cute!!! I was owned once by a house panther and he was a handful. Even as a kitten, he wanted lots and lots of attention and let you know if you weren’t giving him enough. Used to climb up pant legs just so he could get pets and snuggles, etc. But he was so cute, it was worth the pain. Here’s our Shadow boy.

      • allein ? January 13, 2017 / 12:42 pm

        There’s one blog that I read that has so much crap on the page it’s sometimes unusable. (Though I think some of the problem is the commenting system they use, as well. It gets cranky, and every time they fix something it seems to break something else in the process.) I set Chrome to click to play flash content, which at least gets rid of the auto-playing video ads, but I’m seriously considering adding a real adblocker if they keep going the way they are.

      • Smartypants January 13, 2017 / 1:53 pm

        What a gorgeous coat – so debonair!

  5. Duckie ? January 13, 2017 / 12:10 pm

    The only bad luck resulting from this tiny black morsel crossing my path would be for anyone trying to prevent me from cuddling him!

  6. mimidale January 13, 2017 / 12:25 pm

    My tiniest black cat (proud black cat supporter and mama to 2) took the initiative this morning to ward off any bad luck by snuggling in, suckling on my pajama collar, purring, and kneading. I’m pretty sure I’m safe for the day! Well, except I was late to work then…but it was a worthwhile reason!

    • Debg January 13, 2017 / 2:59 pm

      I’m so jealous! My mini panther doesn’t let me touch him.

  7. Doug January 13, 2017 / 12:57 pm

    I don’t know about that one .. Look at the claws on that little guy

  8. AB January 13, 2017 / 1:37 pm

    My inlaws have a viscious black cat who actually scares me. He growls like a monster and once launched a completely unprovoked claw attack on my husband. Still, he’s sooo pretty! I’ve managed to sneak up on him a few times while he’s sleeping and pet his fur without getting clawed to ribbons. He’s the only mean black cat I’ve ever met.

  9. murkle46 January 13, 2017 / 2:58 pm

    • Emsthemonster January 13, 2017 / 3:07 pm

      Brilliant πŸ™‚
      Egyptian Gods don’t fill up the box quite as nicely as Maru does, still awesome!

    • fkaWaldenPond January 13, 2017 / 7:04 pm


  10. JenDeyan January 13, 2017 / 6:23 pm

    I’m on the black cat bandwagon. I think every Friday the 13th should be an official Black Cat Appreciation Day! Friday the 13th is only bad luck because so many people avoid black kittehs. Embrace the kittehs and you’ll have luck all day.

  11. Patty January 13, 2017 / 6:31 pm

    My daughters have black cats. 2nd daughter has a black cat (Brutus) and a black and white cat (Seiji). 3rd daughter has 2 black cats (claire and Tubby) and the youngest has a black cat (cosmo). Black cats are awesome.

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