Reader and family zookeeper A M found a nest of baby bunnies taking shelter in a little house outside her home. That’s not so unusual; she’s seen bunnies in her yard before. What is unusual is the bunnies picked the house of…
Tank, her pet tortoise! Three’s definitely a crowd!
How precious, an Aesop fable, comes to life but I doubt there will be a race. Smart momma bunneh to choose that house.
Too cute!!
My brother once found bunnies in his yard (nearly ran over their nest with the lawnmower!!). He checked to make sure handling them wouldn’t cause problems, picked up one or two of them (I think there were four or five…he could easily have fit two in his hand) for photo ops, then left them alone. He kept an eye out and later got a shot of mom, who looked just like a grown up version of the cuties in this post.
Nice save!
Tank was the perfect foster dad! Thanks for sharing our pictures!????
I love it, Tank keeping the baby bunnies safe and warm while Mama’s off eating! Tortoises are so cool!
My parents had a deep rabbit den right smack in the middle of their suburban Chicago back yard that was inhabited for many years. My father, bless his heart, would always leave the grass around the hole unmowed, and would also dig away any deep snow that would cover the hole. Nope, he wasn’t an old softie at all! I don’t know how many generations of baby bunnies grew up there, but I know it was a lot since they lived there for about 15 years and had rabbits the entire time, from what they told me.
Mom Rabbit: “This place looks lovely…and it even has a security guard!”
Good one!???
I’ve read about (and seen pictures of) tortoises sharing dens with rattlesnakes. This is cuter. And less bitey.
I don’t know about you, but I want to meet that exotic vet.