8 thoughts on “I Think I Know What This Is

  1. allein ? December 25, 2017 / 11:17 am

    Paper makes it fun and crinkly!

  2. debg December 25, 2017 / 11:41 am

    Cats: an endless source of amusement.

  3. Wuyizidi December 25, 2017 / 11:44 am

    Kitty should be commended for the discipline he displayed in not opening everyone’s presents early.

    • debg December 25, 2017 / 11:56 am

      Seriously. My childhood cat used to do that.

  4. allein ? December 25, 2017 / 1:02 pm

    Stars has been hiding under my dad’s bed all morning. Stripes has been rather needy, though. I petted his head and when I stopped he reached over and grabbed my arm. Three times.

  5. Kar December 25, 2017 / 5:06 pm

    If you sleep on top of it, it’s yours, right?

  6. Blue Footed Booby December 25, 2017 / 10:11 pm

    I’ve noticed a number of cats seem to like having crinkly paper under their tummies. It doesn’t even need to be on top of something squishy. It’s one of those mysterious aspects of cat psychology.

    When I was a tiny wee booblet, we’re talking about four years old, my family had a scruffy mutt, a rescue. The name he came with was Clyde, but we called him Boober, after the character from Fraggle Rock, due to his errors of enthusiasm. He never once messed with presents under the tree, except the presents that were for him. He’d be walking around wagging his tail, carrying a still-wrapped squeaky ball.

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