Pajama Party!

You goat to see these 48 baby goats in onesies!

When the Sunflower Farm Creamery in Cumberland, Maine welcomed 48 baby Nigerian dwarf goats, the farm dressed them up in distinctive onesies and let them race around the barn, leaping and bounding and annoying the cat.

But the best part was… the baby launcher!

See more of these adorababies at Laughing Squid. Thanks, Faye!

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19 thoughts on “Pajama Party!

  1. Murray C May 1, 2018 / 12:22 pm

    Snort laugh – the baby launcher! How adorable is all this freneticism! (is that a word? it is now)

    • allein ? May 1, 2018 / 12:28 pm

      Bebeh goat says “can I eat this? no? okay.”

      Can’t watch video but did watch gif repeat about 20 times.

  2. Laura May 1, 2018 / 12:52 pm

    Those kids are INSANELY cute! And very, very young — I noticed one still had the stump of his/her umbilical cord attached. Not that it seems to slow them down any!

    I’m not sure which was cuter, the Baby Launcher or the way the kids bounce and kick up their heels. I do know, however, that whoever is sewing up all those goat onesies is really talented and creative! SO adorable!

  3. Faye May 1, 2018 / 1:13 pm

    Bebe goatses in pajamies jumping. The sound of the feetses makes all the running even more cute. Not much bigger than the cat! And their tooshies too!

    Human kidd kinda outnumbered. Boing to the moon!

  4. EAG46 May 1, 2018 / 1:44 pm

    I still have some questions. Do the goats’ mothers have matching scarves so they know which kid belongs to them? Does the cat ever get a break from all the goats? How will the baby ever get to naptime, knowing she has all those cool goat playmates?

    • Dana May 1, 2018 / 3:15 pm

      LOL! I want to know too!

  5. ffleur2 May 1, 2018 / 2:40 pm

    I like how they jump in the air just for the sheer joy of it. And I didn’t realize how small they are until I saw them next to the cat. Those onesies are ADORABLE!

  6. AJ May 1, 2018 / 2:55 pm

    SQUEEEEEEE!! I’m ded.

  7. Patty May 1, 2018 / 3:07 pm

    How can baby goats be so cute? I once lived in a trailer park in TX (husband was stationed at Ft Hood). The landlord had goats, I remember 2 baby goats in particular. Fred and Ethel, cute little things, walking around the trailer park with their human. They were learning to butt, and would greet everyone by butting their legs. The adult goats were rather annoying, though, breaking down the fence and attacking my clothesline full of clean diapers.

  8. Pamela Sinclair May 1, 2018 / 3:22 pm

    Where…where do you get a pattern for baby goat PJs?! Inquiring minds want to know… 🙂

  9. Muppet2171 May 1, 2018 / 4:52 pm

    Just curious…is there a practical reason for goat onesies or do they just really like cute?

  10. birdlady26 May 1, 2018 / 5:55 pm

    Cat? What cat? Too busy watching the goat hoppsies to notice anything else.

  11. allein ? May 1, 2018 / 6:43 pm

    Bebeh goat in giraffe pajamas. That is all.

    • Ricky's Mom May 2, 2018 / 8:12 am

      I second that emotion.

  12. JenDeyan May 1, 2018 / 8:53 pm

    I’m just floored. One the floor and still floored. Much better than Bananas in Pajamas. Bebeh Goats in Pajamas should be it’s own show!

  13. Rhea May 1, 2018 / 10:17 pm

    Whoever put those pajamas on all those hyperactive kids has waaaay more energy and patience than I have.

  14. sugitomo May 1, 2018 / 10:47 pm

    So I noticed most had a whole cut out for the tail, and then a few who were completely bundled in the onesie. Are there some kids just a little more poopy than others?

    • 6rabbits May 2, 2018 / 12:16 am

      Although I had to pause a lot ?, it seems some onsies are designed to flop over the tail. Probably different seamtresses. But they are still open for sanitary reasons. I like the tail-exposed version best!

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