A Pug in Sheep’s Clothing

Day 5: I think the flock is beginning to suspect. As I pass among them I can hear whispers, and they often avert their eyes as I approach. I have traced the source of these rumors to the one they call “Harold.” He’s that most dangerous of creatures: a clever sheep. I must regain his trust or my mission is lost.

Perhaps a structured series of payoffs… (Imgur)
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3 thoughts on “A Pug in Sheep’s Clothing

  1. Faye May 3, 2018 / 10:10 am

    Maybe the White Sheep House’s Spokes Sheep can spin a good yarn.

  2. allein ? May 3, 2018 / 10:16 am

    Is this a sequel to Babe the Sheep Pig?

  3. Lori May 3, 2018 / 10:16 am

    Bonus points for perfect Monty Python reference!!

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