Platypuzzled Puss

What is this… thing? It’s not my usual mousie, it has a beak! Mousies don’t have beaks! And it lays eggs, but it’s not a bird! At least I assume it’s not a bird, I don’t see any wings! This puzzling creature has completely upended my entire understanding of stuffed-toy zoology!

I may have to lie down for the afternoon. (Imgur)
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7 thoughts on “Platypuzzled Puss

  1. allein ? May 15, 2018 / 1:03 pm

    Okay, who stuck googly eyes on the cat?

  2. N. Fritz May 15, 2018 / 1:13 pm

    I feel you kitty! I had to lie down this afternoon myself. First, an all out screaming match between colleagues (over the right way to do citations in a paper… it’s like I never left academia!) Then one of my students was collected by his parents (during my English test!) and whisked off to the hospital for further testing in light of a possibly life-changing diagnosis. Poor kid had no idea what was going on… his classmates and we teachers are all pretty shook up.

    • Phred’s Mom May 15, 2018 / 4:46 pm

      Funny, isn’t it how adults can de-adult when their patch feels threatened?!?
      Ugly to have to watch. And the poor kid! Talk about fear and uncertainty!
      Bad day all ‘round.

  3. AJ May 15, 2018 / 2:13 pm

    Agree with Allein, talk about bug-eyed, WOW.

    And like N. Fritz, I really want to lie down instead of working. No screaming matches or child being collected on my end but dreary weather and just finished an hour long demo of the upgraded database we use on a daily basis. Love the new features of it but man that demo was BORING and so hard to stay alert.

    But on a semi-good note, me and hubby are dog-sitting starting tomorrow. We’ll have 2 blonde cocker spaniels for several weeks while our good friend goes into hospital for testing and treatment of some medical issues. Fingers crossed it all turns out for the best.

  4. Kar May 15, 2018 / 2:40 pm

    What a perplexed expression.

  5. Smartypants May 16, 2018 / 12:13 am

    “Wait, and it has a pouch too? I need an aspirin.”

    • N. Fritz May 16, 2018 / 2:49 am

      Lol, Smartypants!

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