8 thoughts on “They Say I’ll Grow Into It

  1. allein ? May 16, 2018 / 11:03 am

    I am terrified. I think I need to snuggle with this puppy to make me feel better.

  2. fkaWaldenPond May 16, 2018 / 11:11 am

    Oh for Pete’s sake.

  3. Luv Bunny May 16, 2018 / 2:51 pm

    This cute poopie dog, (what I say instead of puppy) needs to keep practicing that Clint squint because it’s going to be awhile before it scares anything.

    • Blue Footed Booby May 16, 2018 / 3:08 pm

      I believe you mean püppy.

      • Faye May 16, 2018 / 3:46 pm


  4. Ricky's Mom May 16, 2018 / 6:05 pm

    Oh, foo. Who could ever be scared of this anerable puppeh? Must kiss and snorgle and belleh rub and all the rest of it. Too precious!

  5. Smartypants May 16, 2018 / 11:52 pm

    The fuzzy muzzlepowsches take away a bit from that gritty glare. He’ll need to practice.

  6. allein ? May 17, 2018 / 6:48 am

    OMG his name is Melvin!

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