No Touchy Da Bunny!

Whas dis? Dis bunny? Looks funny. I touchy, but sneaky. No make bunny freaky.

Nice submishy, Allein S.

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18 thoughts on “No Touchy Da Bunny!

  1. dubravkamcvmd June 10, 2018 / 8:03 am

    Now that’s an interesting relationship.

  2. Gigi The cat lady June 10, 2018 / 8:05 am

    That’s a very sneaky cat and a very calm bunny!

    • Smartypants June 10, 2018 / 8:27 am

      Yes – at first (not being versed in bunny body language) I thought ‘maybe he’s frozen in fear?’ but clearly he seems familiar with Cat’s shenanigans. Love the v-e-r-y long reach near the end.

      • Murray C. June 10, 2018 / 9:50 am

        Isn’t that hilarious!??? That puss looks like our cat except ours has white socks.

      • Wuyizidi June 10, 2018 / 6:13 pm

        Bunny logic: if I can’t see the cat, he doesn’t exist.

        Cat logic: if I cann’t see my own paw, the bunny can’t either.

        In conclusion: nothing happened, nobody saw nothing.

    • 6rabbits June 10, 2018 / 10:16 am

      I think its becos the bun is so young. I know domestic baby buns seem to be accepting of much…like the prey instinct hasn’t fully developed? The cat is hilarious with the long reaches and his/her face hidden!?

  3. Ricky's Mom June 10, 2018 / 8:06 am

    ♫ I’m not touching youuuuuu ♪

  4. Luv Bunny June 10, 2018 / 8:32 am

    I’ll gladly rescue that leetle bunneh from that sneaky, pokey pawed, cat. I think bunneh thinks it’s semi – hiding from cat.

  5. AJ June 10, 2018 / 9:26 am

    This is hilarious!! Love how sneaky kitty is and how calm bunny is. La la laa – I don’t see you there, nope, no paw is near me. I’m just gonna ignore you. La la laaa.

    Now thread hijack! Update from the block party chili cook off – hubby won second place!! Not bad for his first time. Also, I went to a pottery show and bought a quilt. And not just any quilt but pretty much a textile art piece masterpiece. After my time visiting Hawaii, I just had to have this: (hope the link works):

    It’s the quilt in the middle of the top row.

    • Murray C. June 10, 2018 / 9:52 am

      Very cool – beautifully pieced and I am a sucker for Hawaiian prints.

      • AJ June 10, 2018 / 10:20 am

        The pictures don’t do it justice, in real life, it’s just so vibrant and the stitching is amazing. On one, I think it’s the second or third surfboard with the person, she outline stitched every detail. And the back is this beautiful plumeria design fabric.

        • fkaWaldenPond June 10, 2018 / 11:52 am

          The quilt is spectacular, I love the whale tale! Is your hubby willing to share his chili recipe with us? I would like to see it.

          • AJ June 10, 2018 / 5:53 pm

            He actually doesn’t use a recipe but it’s basically fried up meat with beans, chopped sweet peppers, 2 cans of diced tomatoes, and seasoned with the spices from the Carroll Shelby’s chili kit. He jazzed it up yesterday by adding in ground mild chorizo sausage. And if it’s a little thin, you can thicken it with some corn masa powder. Serve over rice or Fritos.

            • fkaWaldenPond June 10, 2018 / 8:27 pm

              I had to look up Carroll Shelby’s chili kit– thank you for this! I will keep this in mind when down States ways.

  6. allein ? June 10, 2018 / 10:28 am

    The second time I watched this (yeah, I watched a few times before sending it), Little Bunny FooFoo popped into my head…just needs a few changes to the lyrics…

  7. Rhea June 10, 2018 / 4:09 pm

    Looks like a young cottontail, not a domestic rabbit. If it’s going to be released, it’s got fairly poor predator-avoidance skills.

  8. Alice Shortcake June 10, 2018 / 7:00 pm

    Sneaky Bunny Pokes – my new indie band.

  9. sugitomo June 10, 2018 / 10:24 pm

    You know that bunny is just letting out a few sighs while trying to ignore the pokey paws.

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