Hello? You’ve been sitting at this table for almost an hour, staring off into space instead of working on your TPS report. Gonna be honest here, some of the other squirrels in your department are starting to worry about you. Are you gonna finish that or what?
If you could keep sender-innering, Sharon H., that would be greeeeeaaaat.
I thought he was asking for the coffee…which I would totally share.
Squirrels on caffeine. isn’t that a sign of the apocalypse?
oooooo boy ..
Only if they ask for a latte with skim milk… 😀
Always love a TPS report reference!
😀 😀 !!
LOVE squirrels. A few visit my backyard regularly to scavenge birdseed falling from the bird feeders, and the treats I leave for them. Watching them burying around the lawn some tidbits for future snacking is more fun than the depressing news on TV.
Does anyone one know how long they live? One has been visiting my backyard for about 4-5 years, he is recognizable because of his deformed tail.
We feed squirrels and they’re so much fun to watch. Like this little guy, they’re pretty cheeky, and sometimes eat things they oughtn’t, but I’m happy to share. And lately we’ve discovered a chipmunk! Talk about cheeky – in more ways than one. And today! I was at a friend’s house and there were three young fox gamboling about her garden. I’m living a Disney movie.
This squirrel has a better life than you.
Wheres my threadjack?
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