Fiona: Behind the Selfie

Since her public debut, Fiona the hippo has become a selfie sensation, as Fionatics vie to get in the picture with the plucky preemie. But the most treasured of all are the very first, and in this episode of The Fiona Show, members of Fiona’s care team share their behind-the-scenes pictures with Fiona, and the stories behind them. (via sender-inner Lois M.)

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6 thoughts on “Fiona: Behind the Selfie

  1. Murray C August 13, 2018 / 11:14 am

    How nice to have a visit with everyone’s fave hippopotamus – what a fabulous thing they all accomplished – and how fortunate they were to have had such a gift, to cuddle and nurse her.

  2. Flowerfanatic August 13, 2018 / 11:36 am

    I was so excited to get this video from the Columbus Zoo last week. I could hardly wait to send it on to Cutetropolis. Fiona sure had a lot of ‘cuddlers’ in her early days. (Well, in reality she still DOES!!) That must have been SUCH a hard job!! Who wouldn’t want to sit and have her lying on your chest keeping her warm. Well, that was a good excuse anyway!! Or giving her a bottle. It’s obvious all that special one-on-one care paid off big time. But to now see and hear their comments about those early days really is wonderful to see. They all have such a wonderful bond with her that will continue for her lifetime. I wonder how many of them still show up with a veggie treat for her several times a day. It would be hard not to if you’ve cared for her for over a year now.

  3. Boo's Mom August 13, 2018 / 12:19 pm

    Cincinnati Zoo

    • Flowerfanatic August 13, 2018 / 12:54 pm

      OOPS!! Definitely messed up there. Got so excited about the video. Guess I’ve been watching the Columbus Zoo on Animal Planet too much lately. They go behind the scenes to watch how they care for their ‘charges’. Very interesting.

  4. debg August 13, 2018 / 9:32 pm

    That was extraordinary. What an amazing care team, and what an amazing little hippo.

  5. Smartypants August 14, 2018 / 7:34 am

    Always good to hear from our big strong girl! Had to chuckle at the one where she’s using the male caregiver’s behind as a pillow.

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