Internet Intervention

Look, you’ve been on the Internet for the last three hours and in that time you’ve retweeted your Instagram, livestreamed your Facebook, Snapchatted your FleepleFlapp, and Hipstapooted your Tindr profile to PeekPoke, SnipSnap, YapYap, and Enough already.

I’m pulling the plug on this nonsense right now. (Imgur)


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24 thoughts on “Internet Intervention

  1. allein ? August 14, 2018 / 10:44 am

    This is what I need to get myself to bed earlier! Someone to unplug my computer at a reasonable hour!

    Or maybe one of these…

    • Wuyizidi August 14, 2018 / 11:38 am

      Could’ve benefited from kitty’s stern insistence the other day. Was surfing the net on my phone late in the night in my bed, and dropped it – onto my face.

      • Blue Footed Booby August 14, 2018 / 11:59 am

        When I wake up and can’t get out of bed and screw around on my phone for a while, I hold it over my face so if I fall asleep it falls out of my hand and bonks me awake. This has saved me multiple times.

        • Wuyizidi August 14, 2018 / 1:50 pm

          • Blue Footed Booby August 14, 2018 / 2:04 pm

            THE FUTURE IS NOW

            • Debg August 14, 2018 / 3:03 pm

              You guys are killing me!

        • Alice Shortcake August 14, 2018 / 4:17 pm

          I’ve done that several times with my old tablet, which is twice as heavy as my new tablet. Swearing ensued.

          • Wuyizidi August 15, 2018 / 1:16 pm

            I don’t know how you do it. I get a cramp in the outside tendon/ligament around the elbow from holding just an iPhone SE 🙂

  2. Lucy's Mom August 14, 2018 / 10:56 am

    At last, the “voice” of reason! 🙂

  3. Ricky's Mom August 14, 2018 / 11:12 am

    Ah, kitty knows me so well. Except that I spend all my time looking at Cutetropolis, Zooborns, and mid-century design blogs.

    I’m giving myself a pass for today. I did all my “homework” by last night, and rehearsal starts this afternoon. All I need to do is show up and listen. Whee!

  4. World Of Animals, Inc. August 14, 2018 / 11:16 am

    Thanks for the wonderful share. The look on your face says it all. I more post on the internet and the wire is getting pulled. We love this photo so much. Such a cutie. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Duckie ? August 14, 2018 / 11:22 am

    I need these cats for hubby.

    • Wuyizidi August 15, 2018 / 2:23 am

    • Ricky's Mom August 14, 2018 / 12:10 pm

      “A parasite spread by cats could be the key to being a successful entrepreneur, scientists have concluded.”

      Ah, waffle language. Basically this means scientists have also concluded the parasite could NOT be the key to b.a.s.e.

      Which scientists, was it a blind study, was it a statistically valid sample? I am not a scientist, far from it, but I really object to these dumbed down “sciencey” articles thrown into so-called news media to drive up business for advertisers. They spread misinformation, which is dangerous.

      I hope everyone here knows that toxoplasmosis is also harmful to human fetuses and that expectant women should be very careful around cats. I used to clean out my neighbor’s cat-litter-box for her when she was pregnant. Sort of like being a Sabbath goy, I suppose.

      • dubravkamcvmd August 14, 2018 / 12:30 pm

        Hah! Like being a Sabbath goy. Now that’s funny! Now that I think about it, maybe there’s a small business there.

      • Faye August 14, 2018 / 1:13 pm


        You could charge pregnant Jewish women twice on Friday/Saturday’s. Light the stove then empty cat box.

        • Ricky's Mom August 14, 2018 / 1:30 pm

          Always good to have something to fall back on. ? Not that I’m actually qualified on goyisher grounds.

          WUYIZIDI, I hope you didn’t think my crankiness was aimed at you. I think your comments are funny as well as apt. That article pushed my buttons, but you didn’t.

          • Wuyizidi August 14, 2018 / 1:56 pm

            Oh no, not at all 🙂

            Lack of free will/bizarre animal behaviors driven by parasites is something I find endlessly fascinating. This seems like another example of that… In this case I’m very curious myself about how the investigators can ethically expose people to a parasite, and observe changes in their behavior…

            • AB August 14, 2018 / 4:15 pm

              Reading the article, it seems like research was survey-based. ie taking a sample of people and testing them for risk aversion and parasites and seeing if there is a correlation. Of course, one can argue that correlation is not causation. Maybe those of us with naturally independent and reckless natures are more drawn to kitties because we recognize kindred souls:)

  6. Debg August 14, 2018 / 2:58 pm

    Who could resist that adorable face? Not me, that’s for sure.

  7. Tara August 14, 2018 / 7:09 pm

    But…but… NooooOOOOoooooo! Five more minutes of Cutetropolis!!!!!!!

  8. Smartypants August 14, 2018 / 10:19 pm

    Kitteh: “I’ve been out in the back yard stargazing, and I have an important message from the Great Leader.”

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