Links: Jowl Right There, Buddy?

And finally: By the Time I Climb Up Here, I’m Gonna Need that Nap

“I can relate, puppy. I’m short too,” says sender-inner Monica M.

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8 thoughts on “Links: Jowl Right There, Buddy?

  1. allein ? August 24, 2018 / 8:47 am


    Can I get some crows to clean up my house?

    Aw, someone get that puppy some stairs!

    Side note. Gmail has a New Look! Do not like. Every site has to have things that hightlight and “pop” when you hover over them and bold, bubbly fonts that take up too much screen space so you can hardly see anything. And auto-drop-down-on-hover is the most annoying thing ever. Just stop it, people.

    • dubravkamcvmd August 24, 2018 / 9:33 am

      Auto-drop-down-on-hover is a general thing? Rats! I hate it! Two news/analysis websites I go to multiple times a day just changed their home pages, at least partially to up the grooviness factor. Gah!

      • allein ? August 24, 2018 / 9:53 am

        It’s like they all learned how to do these things so they just want to jam as many of them as they can into the page. The parent site of a blog I read redesigned their whole site a few months ago and it was so bad, with a dropdown menu that covered half the page if you accidentally moved your mouse over it, and pictures that “pop out” slightly when you move your mouse over them, and everything so big and cluttered that it was impossible to find anything (never mind the ads that slowed everything down, but that’s been going on for years). I’m convinced they just programmed all the “fun” things they could and then went live without ever testing it to see if it actually worked (there were a number of things that didn’t work properly) and didn’t give people a migraine. They re-redesigned it again just a couple weeks ago and made the layout much cleaner (but didn’t get rid of the popping pictures). But they use the Disqus commenting system, and you can read comments directly on the Disqus page, so I just go to the Disqus page for the blog and click to the post from there, read it, then close it. I will not stay on their page any longer than necessary and it’s their own fault.

        I just discovered that the new Gmail doesn’t let you filter for a sender by hovering over the name anymore. That was probably the feature I use most. I also discovered that you can go back to the old format (for now, at least). 😀

  2. Duckie ? August 24, 2018 / 12:13 pm

    Anybody else try to reach in and help the couch puppy?

  3. Kar August 24, 2018 / 1:04 pm

    That crow thing kind of fascinates me.

    Not up there with killer dolphins with lasers on their heads useful but it’s positive reinforcement of something that they already do.

  4. debg August 24, 2018 / 3:00 pm

    The toebeans and all the funny dogs totally made my day. And I’m so happy for all the puppers with makeovers–may they find forever homes soon!

    That otter is amazingly smart and adorable.

  5. murkle46 August 24, 2018 / 10:04 pm

    I live in a college town among the middle’s corn fields,and the area crows use my neighborhood as their roost.Clean is not what I would call the products of the presence.Well fertilized is closer.
    A city environment is up to 8 degrees warmer than the countryside when it is cold.They appreciate the warm place to sleep,and show it with the song of their people before bedtime when waking up in the morning.Fun!

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