Back Burner Bunday

Sunday is a great day to put all your plans on the back burner, so here’s Ellie Rabbit doing just that. According to photographer Niv Singer, “Ellie Rabbit’s favorite spots in the house are the gas stove and between dual-monitors, where he lays on his back (and chews all kinds of cables).”

You can make cold-brew coffee until I decide to move.

ellie rabbit on the gas stove..., by [nivs], licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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14 thoughts on “Back Burner Bunday

  1. N. Fritz August 26, 2018 / 9:13 am

    Today is my self-imposed last day of freedom. After a month in the US (including two glorious weeks in Minnesota), a weekend film festival where I stayed up til one a.m. the past two nights, and with school starting in two weeks I am taking this bunny’s advice and putting my to-do list on the back burner til tomorrow (except the unpacking. And the laundry…)

    • MurrayC August 26, 2018 / 10:55 am

      Glad you had a great time in the states and best of luck with all your school prep. You certainly deserve to put things off for a day or two – just traveling can be so exhausting!

      I worked so hard in the garden yesterday that I’m going to take it a bit easy today. And this evening my craft guild is having its annual birthday party so I have to make a dish – I’m doing something easy peasy. It’s always a nice time.

      I’m finally getting to my drawing board and doing some work towards a Studio Tour show I’m participating in that takes place in November – it takes me forever to get stuff together, each piece takes so long. But I do love making the items, and I’m certainly not in it for the money – or the glory!?

      • Faye August 26, 2018 / 11:36 am

        Murray please share your results!

        • N. Fritz August 26, 2018 / 12:28 pm

          I second Faye’s motion!

      • Tara August 26, 2018 / 8:32 pm

        Murray C! I got distracted yesterday, but I wanted to chime in about your “find” of the bicycle wedged in your hedge. 😀 I’d love to know where you live in Philly, but, ahem, won’t ask – to protect privacy etc. I too have had the treasure hunt experience when cleaning out my hedge (here in west philly). I have found some amazing things! But nothing beats this one: A month or two after I first moved in (ten years ago) there was a major commotion in the middle of the night. It was summer so windows were open and I was rousted from a sound sleep to hear dogs barking and voices saying, “here – right here”. Then the noise stopped so I (completely groggy) went back to sleep. In the morning I discovered an entire beer keg in a trash can had been “dropped off” in my back garden. !!!??? I was confused. The only conclusion I’ve come to is that the former owner would have understood the practical joke. It certainly doesn’t explain the rest of the garbage though…

  2. Alice Shortcake August 26, 2018 / 9:24 am

    He looks slightly annoyed…a hot cross bun?

  3. Luv Bunny August 26, 2018 / 9:41 am

    As long as the bun is not in a pot. But who puts a bun up by the stove area and figures out that’s where he likes to lay? Probably the metal and tile feels cool. Buns like cool places. Don’t forget he’s there when one decides to cook! I know, I’ll take him, best of both worlds.

  4. Faye August 26, 2018 / 9:59 am

    That’s a smart bunn. I also like to be as close to any source of food as I can get.

  5. allein ? August 26, 2018 / 10:28 am

    I hate to admit it, but the back burner of my stove is generally a perfectly safe place for a bun or other critter to lounge.

  6. MurrayC August 26, 2018 / 10:56 am

    That is one very adorable bunny – and given that new stoves don’t hav pilot lights I figure he’s pretty safe.

    • fkaWaldenPond August 26, 2018 / 9:51 pm

      There is a hand-weight next to bun behind the gas cook top soooo…. I am thinking lots of uber eats & skip the dishes utilized in the household.

      • allein ? August 26, 2018 / 10:00 pm

        Bunny wants to get buff.

  7. debg August 26, 2018 / 1:38 pm

    Very handsome bunbun. As long as nobody turns on the burners–wouldn’t want hare to catch on fire!

    I’m following Ellie Rabbit’s advice too. Yesterday’s open thread comment included all the things I *could* be doing, but now I’m planning to just sit and knit most of the day. I have a great audiobook that won’t play well in the car.

    • Tara August 26, 2018 / 8:34 pm

      Ah DebG! I wish you could come to our Stitch&Bitch – but its a heckuva commute. 😉 I knitted a weightless produce bag posted a few weeks ago on Ravelry. They are great and are going to be the bulk of my holiday gifts this year I think. Hope your projects were smooth! What are you listening to?

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