Links: 3 bd/2 ba, 2300 sq ft, Cat

And finally: Make Way for Ducklings

Good onya, New Zealanders! (via Andrew Y.)

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8 thoughts on “Links: 3 bd/2 ba, 2300 sq ft, Cat

  1. allein ? August 27, 2018 / 8:56 am

    Duckietown traffic report.

    • AJ August 27, 2018 / 9:37 am

      LOL, LOL!! I just got rid of that earworm …. it’s baaack!

      Seriously, I love the Kiwis for giving an “official” traffic update about the ducks. I really don’t know how the drivers saw them, to me they were just little black moving specks.

      • allein ? August 27, 2018 / 9:41 am

        I didn’t even see them at first.

        • Duckie ? August 27, 2018 / 11:44 am

          I didn’t, either, and when I did, I got scared.

  2. AJ August 27, 2018 / 9:42 am

    I was hanging clothes this morning and after checking my rental didn’t come with a kitty in the backyard. Sometimes I have one passing through, does that count? Thank you to that lovely family for taking car of him, I’m hoping they can bring him indoors and he can spend his retirement in comfort.

    Other links are sweet too and a Fiona fix! YEA!!!!!! And I can’t believe that little premie is already so grown up they’re thinking about a boyfriend for her. I vote for the San Diego boyfriend because then maybe they’ll bring out her and I won’t have to travel to see her up close and personal.

  3. dubravkamcvmd August 27, 2018 / 11:35 am

    The backyard kitty story is so wonderful it’s almost hard to believe. That he gets a cat-loving family moving in! With cats who like him!

  4. Patty August 27, 2018 / 12:15 pm

    I have a backyard kitten. It showed up a couple weeks ago, tiny thing, maybe 3 months old. I’ve been feeding her, and am hoping eventually she will let me pick her up so I can take her to the shelter for vet care and a new home. She runs whenever I go out there, unless her bowl is empty, then she will stay a short distance away and meow at me.

  5. Kar August 27, 2018 / 5:53 pm

    Is it me or is that mama ready for her little ones to walk on their own? She’s clearly over the Mom’s Taxi Service

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