Move Over, Fiona

There’s a new cute hippo in town!

Your new tiny hippo crush is here, but this one isn’t a preemie, she’s a pygmy. Kindia, a 12-year-old pygmy hippo at the Toronto Zoo, gave birth to a baby girl last month, and now the little one is making a big splash in this newly-released video.

The calf doesn’t have a name yet, but she’s in good health and exploring her surroundings (while sticking close to her mom).

Thanks to sender-inner Gigi the cat lady!

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14 thoughts on “Move Over, Fiona

  1. Flowerfanatic September 7, 2018 / 2:34 pm

    AWW!! We know how special these little ones are. We can now follow another one. BTW, Mike, I sent a Fiona video to you a few days ago but haven’t seen it posted yet. When I saw this one, I thought it was the one I sent but then found out it’s about ANOTHER pygmy cutie.

  2. Nancy September 7, 2018 / 3:41 pm

    OMG the “mwah-mwah” mouth-smacking noises! Let a girl chew on her straw in peace, water-flicking attendant!

  3. Ricky's Mom September 7, 2018 / 3:56 pm

    Baby-hippo splasher. That would be a good job. Where do I apply?

    • Alice Shortcake September 7, 2018 / 5:05 pm

      I don’t know, but you’ll have to stand behind me in the queue.

      • AJ September 7, 2018 / 6:04 pm

        I’m (half) British, I know how to queue. And I’d gladly to so in order to get a job working with this bebe qte pie.

        • Ricky's Mom September 7, 2018 / 6:16 pm


  4. Amyliz September 7, 2018 / 6:22 pm

    Aw, what a cutie pie! (Don’t worry, Fiona, we will always love you!)

  5. julie September 7, 2018 / 6:45 pm

    You can NEVER have too many hippo babies!!

  6. Laura September 7, 2018 / 9:17 pm

    I saw a newborn pygmy hippo calf years ago at one of the Chicago zoos. It was, no kidding, about the size of an American football! They are all precious little creatures. But Fiona will always be first in my heart because it was such a challenge to bring her to the healthy point she is today!

  7. debg September 7, 2018 / 9:45 pm

    I love pygmy hippos so much! This little girl looks extra-sweet. But Fiona, you’re still first in my heart.

  8. Smartypants September 7, 2018 / 10:11 pm

    So precious! The zoos will have to Skype her and Fiona together so she can learn all the secrets of being a celebrity hippo.

    • JenDeyan September 8, 2018 / 10:37 am

      That just put the most adorable image in my head. Hippo gal pals!

      I’m all for more adorable baby hippos but Fiona will always hold a special place in my heart. Following her story made feel close to her.

      • Smartypants September 8, 2018 / 11:29 am

        Hippo sleepovers! They’d stay up all night doing each other’s hair and prank-calling the boy hippos.

  9. sugitomo September 9, 2018 / 12:44 pm

    Hey, we have plenty of room for adorable baby hippos! I say bring them all to us for ultimate squeeing and cooing.

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