Wait Your Turn, Wombat!

It’s bottle time for wombats Spud and Wills at ACT Wildlife Australia. Trouble is, there’s only room in the lap for one, and Spud does not like to wait. As their caregiver notes on YouTube, “Wills was quite happy on my lap having his evening bottle when Spud decided he wanted to be on my lap. He tried to nudge Wills off a couple of times but Wills just hung on tighter to his bottle and refused to budge. Spud then just climbed right over him. They both fell off at that point, I couldn’t keep filming. There was definitely not enough room on my lap for two big wombat toddlers with a collective weight of 15 kg.”

What a handful, Murray C.

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14 thoughts on “Wait Your Turn, Wombat!

  1. Birdcage September 26, 2018 / 9:57 am

    Some people have a better job than me.

  2. Faye September 26, 2018 / 10:08 am

    Australian Women Laughing With Wombats League.

    AWLWWL Inc. There’s an Awww in there.

    She’s going to need a bigger lap!

    • Duckie ? September 26, 2018 / 11:39 am

      I have a big lap!

      • Faye September 26, 2018 / 12:24 pm

        Me too! Let’s sign up!

        • Duckie ? September 26, 2018 / 1:14 pm

          Faye, if you change it slightly to Australian Women Laughing AT Wombats League, you get 2 AWs!

  3. Juno September 26, 2018 / 11:45 am

    This happens several times a day/night with my two cats. Dora gets there first and gets all comfy, then Jack–the dominant cat–decides HE wants that comfy spot, so he comes along and stares at her. Knowing what’s coming, she hisses and snaps at him (which makes me snap at them both), then she either leaves or he climbs on top of her . . . until she leaves. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    • dubravkamcvmd September 26, 2018 / 1:33 pm

      My Wacket’s mission in life was guarding access to me. If I lay down to watch TV and his sister Minkette lay down in my lap, he would climb onto me between Minkette and my head. He wanted to whap her away but he knew I didn’t allow him to hit her. So he would carefully lie down so that his body was against Minkette’s, pushing her. His expression was pure innocence. Often she would move and then he would happily stretch out. If she didn’t move he would get off me and crouch nearby, steam coming out of his ears.

  4. allein ? September 26, 2018 / 12:00 pm

    0:10 – Hey, move your a$$!

    • Duckie ? September 26, 2018 / 1:18 pm


  5. Alice Shortcake September 26, 2018 / 12:39 pm

    Poor Wills, still wearing his little old man furry slippers!

  6. Tinak September 26, 2018 / 12:46 pm

    Sippling rivalry heading towards wombattle. Or would that be wombottle?

    • allein ? September 26, 2018 / 12:50 pm

      Wombattle of the Wombottle.

      It’s a terribly cute war.

  7. debg September 26, 2018 / 9:02 pm

    I love these little guys and their person helplessly laughing at their antics.

  8. ^oo^ September 27, 2018 / 2:15 am

    If only there was enough womb for both of them.

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