This bunch of big boys are Flemish giant rabbits, and they’re about as big as bunnies get. Despite their size they’re still lovely to look at, but try not to stare at Stan’s floppy ears. They disapprove of that.
FlemishBoys-s, by bagsgroove, licensed under CC BY 2.0
I’m going to stare at Stan’s ears, with or without his disapproval. I love looking at all at bunnehs, big or small. I’ve seen some Flemish giants and they are big and loveable.
As long as Stan would let me moosh my face into his big self he’s fine with me!
So thankful for the QTE today and always.
Why yes, yes I am staring at your totally adorable ears!
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canadians! I am very, very thankful and grateful this year. I am off down to my Dad’s in NOTL, be safe and well all!
I will stare and your disapproval won’t stop me!
Holy Moley! Bun buns are huuuggge. And yes I will stare and scritch and smoosh those lovely ears. They look so soft I wouldn’t be able to resist, disapproval be damned.
I love big buns and I cannot lie.
Would like to train them to pull a wagon for me, like Radagast did.
Love the expression on the face of bun in the middle!?
Flemish Giants are wonderful buns, at least the couple that I’ve met. And they are an armload! I like the ears that wave bye bye!