Weekend SpOOky Thread

Welcome to a very special Caturday, denizens of Cutetropolis, for today is also National Black Cat Day! And we have not one, but two sleek black cats from readers for you to admire, just in time for Halloween.

From reader Squiddy, here’s Seymour “soaking up the last rays of autumn sunshine, in what I like to call his ‘I’m a little princess’ mode.”

Well, I *am.*

And here’s Julie, from reader Metz. We met Julie’s pal Odin a couple of weeks ago.

Objects in mirror may be spookier than they appear.
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43 thoughts on “Weekend SpOOky Thread

  1. Beth October 27, 2018 / 8:43 am

    PSA: If you have a black cat, and they are allowed outdoors, please keep them INSIDE from now through Hallowe’en.

    Evil people exist, and not all ‘spooky’-ness is fun.

    /end PSA

    Sorry to start the comments with a ‘downer’, but…well, here we are.

    • Smartypants October 27, 2018 / 10:50 am

      No, it’s good common sense – thanks for the reminder.

      • debg October 27, 2018 / 11:00 am

        What Smartypants said.

    • Duckie ? October 27, 2018 / 12:00 pm

      Beth, this is good advice. When I worked at the pet store, we had a policy of not selling any black cats this time of year. We told customers we would hold the kittens until November first, but we would not let any black ones go the week before Hallowe’en.
      Which was kind of fun on Hallowe’en night. People would come into the pet store and see nothing but black cats. Then, the next day, they were gone.

      • Maia October 27, 2018 / 2:55 pm

        What a cool story, Duckie!

    • Maia October 27, 2018 / 2:54 pm

      Good reminder, Beth. We had a black cat for years, and yes, kept him indoors for the week before Halloween. He was NOT happy about that, but better safe than sorry. He lived to be 19, and his whiskers also turned white from age while the rest of him stayed black.

  2. AJ October 27, 2018 / 9:19 am

    Thank you Beth for that reminder, it’s sad that we even have to think about taking precautions around this time of year but better safe than sorry.

    And both kitties are gorgeous, love the second pic with the glowing eyes. I had a sassy house panther of my own years back, still missing my Shadow boy.

    No rest for me over here, still setting up the decorations for our spooky back yard. Almost there, we have the 6 werewolf and the 6 ft pumpkin scarecrow in place, just putting out the final props today. Also been fighting off a cold for the last few days so my butt is dragging, good thing we have friends coming over to help us out. Then later today, we have football!! Navy vs Notre Dame – go Navy, sink the Irish!

    Then tomorrow, I get a day to myself after several weekends running all over the place getting Halloween stuff or doing too many things for other people. Hubby is going up to see our friend who’s been sick with cancer and good thing I said I didn’t need to go especially with me now having a cold. No need to spread germs to someone going thru chemo. Other than that, still need to fit in the usual chores. Now I know why I go back to work to get a break, lol.

    Have a Spooktacular week everyone!

  3. Jan B. October 27, 2018 / 9:36 am

    I ? house panthers!

    My favorites:

    (Spectra, Seal and Pepper)

    Everyone have a great weekend!
    Jan B.

    • jerzowa October 27, 2018 / 10:31 am

      Oooohhh, beauties! Esp. Seal, what an extraordinany coat!

      • Jan B. October 27, 2018 / 11:26 am

        That’s Seal’s little old man coat; he was 20 years old in that picture and that’s how his fur turned grey!

        • dubravkamcvmd October 27, 2018 / 11:44 am

          My Minkette’s whiskers turned white from black in old age. Her coat remained jet black. Seal looked gorgeous with a salt and pepper coat.

  4. debg October 27, 2018 / 10:28 am

    Gorgeous panthers! Will Julie’s reflection look away while she doesn’t move at all?

    Life is more hectic than usual because my wonderful auntie offered to fly me back to Detroit for her birthday (90th) and my dad’s birthday (80th) next weekend. I haven’t been back there since 2014, and haven’t seen my dad since 2016, so it seems pretty important to go. Unfortunately, this all came up at the last minute, at a time when work is really busy. Even little upsets to my routine can stress me out, and this feels more like a major upheaval. Yes, I cling to my routines even though I know they’re straitjackets in disguise!

    So in addition to working on the bathroom, replacing the outdoor lights, and my usual weekend cooking (all things I had planned), I’m making a batch of toffee for Dad and knitting a cowl from some gorgeous handspun yarn for Auntie. It’s a good thing I already ordered couverture chocolate for my holiday truffles, and that I have so much yarn sitting around.

    Happy spooky day to all!

    • dubravkamcvmd October 27, 2018 / 11:45 am

      Your energy continues to amaze me.

      • MurrayC October 27, 2018 / 11:36 pm

        I was about to say the same thing! Debg, you are amazing.

        Love the black kitties – I met one at Petsmart once, up for adoption and I so wish I could’ve taken him home – he was big and black with white whiskers but he was young – handsome fellow. And we had a visiting black cat a few years back that I thought was a stray and almost had him neutered but it turned out he lived across the road – a very busy road! I was angry with his people for not neutering him and letting him roam. haven’t seen him again.

  5. Duckie ? October 27, 2018 / 11:50 am

    Metz, I am very distrustful of Julie. Her angle of reflection does not match the way she is actually sitting, and that is worrying me. However, she IS a cat, and thus has the right to be contrary.
    A quiet week in the Duck household, and hopefully another one to follow. Sweat suits (autocorrect changed that to swear suits) almost done, which is good ’cause the rains are here.
    Peeps, I need to ask for your support, because I’m a little frightened. Last month, the eye specialist made arrangements for a CT scan for my eyes. Two weeks ago, the rheumatologist said he wanted me to get a CT scan of my lungs. I told him I already had an appointment set up for the eyes, and he said he was going to call and add my lungs to that. Thursday, my doctor’s office called and said my doctor had finally gotten all the info from the two specialists and now HE wanted me to go in for a CT scan of my eyes and lungs. I told the receptionist that I already had an appointment for one from the other two docs, and she said okay and that my doctor would call the imaging clinic to confirm.
    Three doctors: a general practitioner who specializes in joint diseases, an ophthalmologist and a rheumatologist all want me to get a CT scan for the same thing. I’m a little scared.
    And now, to completely change the tone….my Christmas shopping is done! I have ninety percent of everything wrapped, and the other ten percent is still coming in the mail, but it’s DONE!
    Have a peaceful week everyone, and hopefully Hallowe’en doesn’t stress any one out. I know I’ll be happier when it’s over.

    • AJ October 27, 2018 / 11:58 am

      Ooh, Duckie, that is kinda scary having all three doctors wanting to scan the same areas. Fingers crossed that everything comes out okay. And congrats on having almost all your Christmas shopping done and wrapped, I haven’t even thought about it yet. I’m still dealing with Halloween and then having a brainstorming session with hubby about what decorations to put out for Christmas. Considering how Halloween went, I’m a little nervous about what he might come up with, lol.

      Keep us posted with how things go.

    • dubravkamcvmd October 27, 2018 / 12:22 pm

      OMG Duckie that is scary. OTOH, it might turn out to be nothing or something treatable. Fingers and toes crossed for you. Keep us posted.

    • Debg October 27, 2018 / 1:23 pm

      Duckie, you know we’re with you. And at least the doctors are catching warning signs. Hopefully it will turn out to be vigilance on their part and nothing more.

      Maybe wear a swear suit to the scan appointment?

    • Maia October 27, 2018 / 2:49 pm

      Thinking good thoughts for it to all turn out well, Duckie! Stay strong!

    • Faye October 27, 2018 / 5:10 pm

      Duckie ‘tis better to know than not be able to treat something in a timely manner. Also it’s better to have Doctors on the track of something than to have them telling you you are not sick, that it’s all in your head when you know you are sick. The best would be if you are fine, but believe me I’ve had times when I could not get attention or a diagnosis.

      All of the above doesn’t make your situation any easier. Waiting and worrying is the worst. Please keep us up to date. We are all right here for you.

      • Amyliz October 27, 2018 / 8:52 pm

        Duckie, I agree with Faye. It’s natural to be a bit scared in this situation but it sounds like you and your doctors are on top of it. Please keep us posted; we care!

    • MurrayC October 27, 2018 / 11:37 pm

      Duckie, Dear One! So much to feel anxious about – I pray that all turn out well for you!

  6. Alice Shortcake October 27, 2018 / 11:58 am

    “AN APOLOGY to the woman who sat in front of me at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre last Tuesday: Dear Madam, I hope you weren’t traumatized by finding what looked like a huge centipede stuck to the back of your sweater. At the end of the play I scratched my eyelid and dislodged a false eyelash, which landed on your back. By the time I realized what had happened you’d already put your coat on.

    • AJ October 27, 2018 / 12:05 pm

      That is too funny!!! Hope you enjoyed the play.

      • Alice Shortcake October 27, 2018 / 12:12 pm

        Yes, it was fantastic – a futuristic/steampunk “Troilus and Cressida”, which is one of my favourite plays ‘cos I’m weird. And my ticket was upgraded from the Upper Gallery to the Stalls, which was nice.

    • dubravkamcvmd October 27, 2018 / 12:24 pm

      This sounds like something from one of your books! The Woman with One False Eyelash would be a great title.

      • Debg October 27, 2018 / 1:24 pm

        I immediately thought it *was* from one of Alice’s many clippings!

        • N. Fritz October 27, 2018 / 2:07 pm

          I did, too!

          • Maia October 27, 2018 / 2:50 pm

            me, three!

            • Faye October 27, 2018 / 5:11 pm


              • MurrayC October 27, 2018 / 11:38 pm

                And me!

                • Alice Shortcake October 28, 2018 / 3:40 am

                  Here’s the real thing – a snippet from “The Era” of 31st October 1869, almost 149 years ago. The theatrical connection doesn’t become obvious until the very end but it’s worth waiting for:

                  “A SET OF TEETH IN COURT. – On Wednesday, at the Kendal County Court, a young man sued Messrs Scales Brothers of that town, dentists, to recover £2, paid to the defendants for a set of new teeth which would not fit, though three sets had been made. Plaintiff – Why, your Honour, they would not stick up; they were like a cradle in my mouth. They rocked here and there, and there and here. Mr Henry Scales – The fact is, your Honour, the plaintiff has not a single tooth in his lower jaw to support the new ones. The teeth were here handed into court. On seeing them the plaintiff cried in a loud voice, “They are not the teeth; Iʼll swear theyʼre not the teeth.” Mr Scales – And Iʼll swear they are. Here the plaintiff and the defendant confronted one another sternly, the plaintiff holding out the teeth at armʼs length, and surveying them with mingled expressions of wonder and awe. The Judge – Well, try if they will fit your particular case. The plaintiff here opened his mouth, and was going to perform the experiment literally in open court, when the Judge interposed and told the plaintiff to retire to a more suitable place. The parties retired accordingly, and nothing further had been heard of them when the Court rose. To lend an additional element to the picturesque appearance of the Court, it may be added that the chamber of justice was hung with the scenery for the opera of “Norma”, the apartment having been let to a company of lyric actors.”

                  I can just visualise the room decked out as a druidical grove!

  7. allein ? October 27, 2018 / 2:15 pm

    Afternoon, all..

    It’s raining, I’m going to a pizza party for my godson’s fourth birthday in a few hours. I proofread a story for my dad’s friend this week and I have to put my corrections in the file before I go, and wrap the birthday gift. Not particularly feeling in the birthday spirit but I guess I’ll have to fake it.

  8. Maia October 27, 2018 / 3:09 pm

    Hi Everyone! I’ve missed being here and hate that I have lost touch. Work has gone to full time and that leaves me on the weekend shift with helping my Mom and Dad, so it’s been hard to find time to sit at the computer. I’ve lurked on my phone when I’ve had a moment or two, but even those have been few and far between.
    Son is having trouble finding his “place” at University, which is stressful for him and worrying to me…It is hard to not be able to help him with this transition, except as a sympathetic listener and sender of care packages.
    Father is still healing at the rehab center, so that is good. Brothers have been helping out there so I just do weekends, thank goodness for all of that.
    I’m trying to take care of myself so that I can keep helping others without burning out.
    Good wishes to all.

    • Faye October 27, 2018 / 5:13 pm

      Take care Maia.

    • Smartypants October 27, 2018 / 6:30 pm

      Hi Maia, good to see you again!

    • Dubravkamcvmd October 27, 2018 / 8:54 pm

      Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I hope you’re taking some time for you.

      It must be hard to let go if children, particularly if they’re struggling.

    • Debg October 28, 2018 / 12:29 am

      Maia, it’s so good to hear from you.

      It’s great that your son is reaching out to you, at least. He needs to let things simmer a while longer—he hasn’t had much time to acclimate. The combo of new people and new ways of learning is stressful, but if he gives himself some time, he’ll find his feet.

  9. Faye October 27, 2018 / 5:22 pm

    Hello all. I can finally visit Cutetropolis as I have a batch of leek and potato soup cooling.
    I ate some and actually ooohed and ahhhed.

    I took my time getting the leeks softened this time. As shortcut I use prediced onions and celery with canned white potatoes. The celery stayed chewy and the potatoes stayed nice and aldente. I found a good sequence of adding ingredients so it all doesn’t become a gloppy mush.

    I plan to eat half and freeze half to build up my frozen cache of soups. Next Friday is Italian Wedding Soup using frozen cooked meatballs warmed and degreased in the oven.

  10. Metz October 27, 2018 / 8:45 pm

    I love this picture of Julie SO much. I agree it is rather “creepy” because the more I look at it the reflection appears just a bit off kilter from the original. I do keep expecting it to turn its head separately from hers. :-O
    Working on getting a “good enough” picture of Loki to share here as well, but he’s one of those that as soon as he perceives you looking at him he’s right up in your personal bubble demanding his due skritches. Which of course I happily provide. Just makes it hard to get him to stand still long enough to get a decent shot of something other than his blurry butt.

    • birdlady26 October 28, 2018 / 5:20 am

      A ‘blurry butt’ picture of Loki could be fun! After all, it is still Tocktober.

      • Maia October 28, 2018 / 11:25 am

        🙂 !

        • Alice Shortcake October 28, 2018 / 12:23 pm

          I like blurry butts and I cannot lie!

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