Santa’s Little Hopper

Secret squirrel leaps onto UPS driver!

Delivery drivers are accustomed to meeting friendly animals — there’s an entire Instagram channel devoted to UPS drivers meeting dogs (and the occasional kangaroo) — but this UPS driver was caught off guard by a squirrel who hopped onto his shoulder while he waited to deliver a package. The squirrel hopped away seconds before the door opened, leaving the driver with an odd smile and a story nobody would believe if it hadn’t been caught on video.

What a special delivery, Andrew Y.

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8 thoughts on “Santa’s Little Hopper

  1. allein ? December 28, 2018 / 2:35 pm

    Guy and squirrel are adorable!

    • Smartypants December 28, 2018 / 8:29 pm

      Love his laugh!

  2. Emily December 28, 2018 / 3:15 pm

    Hah, what a reaction! What a cute and curious little squirrel… just wanted to dig around in his hat! “Can I has this?” UPS guy was amazingly calm and good natured about it… seems like a critter lover. 🙂

    • Murray C December 28, 2018 / 4:40 pm

      Yes, he was amazingly relaxed – if that had happened tome I’m not so sure if I could’ve maintained such aplomb. Tho’ I would’ve loved it! I do love when the squirrel’s head first pops up in the frame!

      • dubravkamcvmd December 28, 2018 / 6:45 pm

        Yeah, I think I might have leaped six feet into the air. The driver was very cool about it. Seems like a very nice guy.

      • JenDeyan December 28, 2018 / 8:17 pm

        I most definitely would have jumped out of my pants and startled the little darling.

  3. ^oo^ December 28, 2018 / 10:43 pm

    Holy Bullwinkle! Here are your shoes lady and thanks for the sqwrel greeting.

  4. JenDeyan December 29, 2018 / 1:26 am

    Now that I look at it again, it seems like the squirrel that there was something interesting under the guy’s hat. He feels around. Doesn’t find anything and hops away.

    “No secret nut stash in there. I’m outta here!”

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