Now, Back to Cooking With Cats

Hello again! In today’s show, I’ll show you how to make a perfect kitty mold that you can use as the stunning centerpiece for your next dinner party. First, make sure your kitty is in a perfect liquid state. Next, pour the kitty into the mold of your choice…

I’m just glad she didn’t pick the bundt pan. (Reddit)

There’s always room for kitty, Sharon H.

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23 thoughts on “Now, Back to Cooking With Cats

  1. allein ? January 8, 2019 / 8:38 am

    How does he breathe in there?

    Also, I don’t think that one foot liquefied properly.

  2. AJ January 8, 2019 / 8:43 am

    I think this is the next dish they whip up on the Martha Stewart and Snoop Dog Cooking Show. Snoop gets the cat into liquid state and Martha finishes up the recipe. But that is some serious foof.

    • ^oo^ January 8, 2019 / 12:36 pm

      Blancmange. Dip the bottom of the mold into warm water, turn the mold over onto a serving plate, and gently shake to release. Stand back.

  3. debg January 8, 2019 / 9:14 am

    The leg! It’s killing me! That can’t possibly be comfortable.

  4. tagathax January 8, 2019 / 10:20 am

    Well, there’s physics and then there’s cat physics.

    • Smartypants January 8, 2019 / 9:30 pm

      That sums it up! Cats think those rules are just suggestions.

  5. Faye January 8, 2019 / 10:54 am

    Leaving a handle to pry the floof out of the mold is genius.

    • Phred’s Mom January 8, 2019 / 11:01 am


    • Duckie ? January 8, 2019 / 11:28 am

      Are we sure this isn’t cat fondue? That leg could be attached to something being dipped…
      I’m sure I could have come up with a less rude way of saying that, but, on the bright side, the cold meds ARE working…

      • allein ? January 8, 2019 / 11:41 am

        Glad your meds are working. I’m going back to the doctor this afternoon. 🙁

        Hoping he doesn’t say I need antibiotics.

        • fkaWaldenPond January 8, 2019 / 12:23 pm

          You guys, get better! Btw, we had a cheese fondue on Christmas Eve and it was sooooo good. One of those things best left for only once a year but I could go for another tonight.

    • Murray C January 8, 2019 / 12:27 pm

      A handle, yes. My take on it, too. But what IS that thing the cat is IN!!!

      Glad your meds are taking effect, Duckie.

      • Debg January 8, 2019 / 3:48 pm

        I’m going to have to build a cat tree with bubbles like that. Think of the photo opps!

      • Smartypants January 8, 2019 / 9:32 pm

        I thought it was a light fixture, but DebG is right – it’s a cat bubble!

  6. Debg January 8, 2019 / 3:49 pm

    P.S. feel better, those of you under the weather.

    • allein ? January 8, 2019 / 6:02 pm

      He gave me a Z-pack and something called tessalon perles for the coughing.
      I really should learn not to read all the drug information.

      • debg January 8, 2019 / 9:31 pm

        Yep. Ignorance is bliss.

        • allein ? January 8, 2019 / 9:35 pm

          Is it bad that I want to start the azithromycin in the morning so I’m at work and not home alone?

          The other stuff says it works by numbing the cough reflex in the lungs and that freaks me out.

          • Duckie ? January 8, 2019 / 9:57 pm

            Not bad. Very understandable.
            Take care.

            • allein ? January 8, 2019 / 9:59 pm


          • fkaWaldenPond January 8, 2019 / 10:11 pm

            No, but be sure to take on the constant– if it says, take every 12 hours, take it exactly every 12 hours. The idea being you keep a constant dose in your body, even if you are feeling better. Also, go the full length of the prescription unless your pharmacist says otherwise. So, if it is the course of 10 days do it. If it is a course of 7 days, just do that. I personally would take it and go to sleep so you and the antibiotics give it a good start. Your body needs rest along (according to your doctor) an extra boost of fight.
            Sorry, I know you didn’t want to hear this. Feel free to completely ignore what I am writing.
            Or truly– if you are really afraid of side effects etc. just don’t take them at all and let your body over time fight it. Maybe this is the best route to go.

            • allein ? January 8, 2019 / 10:24 pm

              It’s five days; you take two together the first day and one each for the next four days. If I take it when I get to work I’ll have time to get over the anxiety it will cause me (because it always does) and by the weekend I should be okay (then I just have to make sure I wake up early enough to take it on time).

              I’ve taken it before. I’ve never had a reaction to any drug. But still. My brain.

              (I’m not sure I’ll take the other stuff for cough, though. He also said to get Mucinex DM so I got some of that. And I have a few doses of the cough syrup they gave me last time, which he said I can take at night. I think I’ll just do that tonight and start the antibiotics in the morning.)

              • Duckie ? January 8, 2019 / 11:44 pm

                Allein, if they have you taking a double dose to start, this is a powerful medication. If you’re awake when you take it, you WILL feel it kick in. I’ve had something similar for something similar, and it was a bit profound. I’m also on the Mucinex, and it is helping.
                Take care.

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