Watch these hamsters conquer a five-level maze!
Meet a pair of hamsters who love to solve puzzles, and the fiendishly clever architect who built the ultimate mega-maze to challenge them. From the drawing board into cardboard, this puzzle master constructs a five-level tower, each level concealing a different brain-busting maze. Will the first intrepid hamster make it all the way from top to bottom? And will his partner solve the same challenge in reverse, from the ground up? Press play and see!
“Press play and see!”
You misspelled “squee.”
Impressive on so many levels! I have one question: where do you get hamster-sized ears of corn???
I bought small ears of colored popcorn for my small Holland Lop bunnies from Drs. Foster and Smith when I bought other bunny items.
If your prize is almost as big as you are, you know you’ve done something impressive!
Impressive AND adorable. I loved how they looked over the barriers to get the lay of the land. I don’t know if hamsters are natural burrowers but they seemed to be really good at finding their way.
I love how human was so extra-gentle setting down each layer so he doesn’t bean his subject.
They are natural burrowers. They dig out tunnels in the wild. So I’d imagine mazes don’t give them too much trouble.
Somewhere Christopher Nolan is laughing out loud but doesn’t know why.
I have NEVER seen a contestant so excited about a trophy. Especially as its made out of carrots.
Wow smart. Impressive human.
I would time them to see if they get faster.
Only question, second Hamster may have gone more quickly due to scent of first Hamster. But still well thought out experiment.
I had the exact same thought, Faye, espesh after seeing a good number of other hamster races! I think #2 has a leetle bit of anadvantage. There is a group that times their hamsters.?
That sounds like a euphemism – is it anything like incubating a sprinkler?
Oh go time your hamster!
Gee, thanks Mike! After this, I spent 35 mins watching all the OTHER hamster races on You Tube!!? Who knew this was a thing?
I was transfixed by the fluffy bum tendrils* on the first hamster.
*Fluffy Bum Tendrils – my new indie band.
Great band name. I loved the shagginess of both hammies. Is that a particular hamster breed that has bum and shoulder tendrils?
LOL at his little fluffy feet and fluffy butt disappearing down the first tube.
That’s what tickled me! So cute!
This was so much hamster goodness. I giggled like a school girl watching it. Hamsters are just my fav animal ever. Definitely my spirit animal!