Ah Cripes, It’s the Cat

He’s so annoying. If he sees me, he’s going to put his arm around me and give me the whole buddy-buddy treatment. “Hey, buddy-buddy, they keeping you hopping around here?” like it’s the first time I’ve ever heard that, and then he’ll start licking me with that sandpaper tongue of his. And the sardine breath… (shudder!)

Don’t suppose it will help to hide behind the cage.

Fred, by tdm911, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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8 thoughts on “Ah Cripes, It’s the Cat

  1. birdlady26 January 13, 2019 / 8:32 am

    Sardine breath! Absolutely the worst smell for hoomins too. But, I do indulge my kitty with Tiki Cat Sardine and Mackeral food now and then. https://tikipets.com/product/tiki-cat/grill/mackerel-sardines/ Looks horrible too. But, I guess you overcome the smell and look when you love your pets.

  2. Luv Bunny January 13, 2019 / 9:06 am

    Hey you cutie bun, you can come hide at my place. There’s not any sardine or tuna breath to smell, only two other buns. I’m presuming this bun is inside and that’s a window/door behind it?

    • Murray C January 14, 2019 / 12:54 pm

      You sound like me, Luv Bunny – I’m always so concerned that people’s buns should be indoors – unless they’re out for supervised play.

  3. allein ? January 13, 2019 / 9:20 am

    Bunny can hide at my house.

  4. AJ January 13, 2019 / 9:23 am

    Yipes, sardine breath. That’s the worse. Such a sweet bun bun doesn’t deserve such treatment. I think he has a choice of places to come hide out at, including mine and I have lovely veggies sitting in the crisper drawer just waiting for a visitor.

  5. debg January 13, 2019 / 2:58 pm

    This might be the first time I’ve seen a rabbit disappointed, as opposed to disapproving.

    Yesterday morning, when I got home from my errands, my neighbor’s sweet Australian shepherd poked her head over the (rather low ) fence. I immediately went over to talk to her and got several big doggie licks from Miss Luna. Wish I could train her to show up every time I come home.

    • birdlady26 January 13, 2019 / 4:29 pm

      Pocketful of dog treats DebG. Works all the time. Although, you might wind up with a pocketful of milkbone crumbs, doggies will even lick those crumbs from your hand. Doggie saliva makes a fine chapped hands conditioner too.

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