Fiona Turns Terrific Two

A look back at the plucky preemie’s first two years

Two years ago today, a baby hippo was born at the Cincinnati Zoo who would go on to inspire millions with her will to survive, and charm them with her adorable sass. Born premature at only 29 pounds, Fiona could not even stand up, and needed around-the-clock care from her keepers and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Today, at over 1,000 pounds, a healthy and happy Fiona delights her adoring fans. To celebrate, the Zoo released this video of her best moments, including the adorable leg chomp! (via Lois M.)

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20 thoughts on “Fiona Turns Terrific Two

  1. dubravkamcvmd January 24, 2019 / 1:37 pm

    I love Fiona substituting for the Metro Goldwyn Mayer roaring lion.

  2. allein ? January 24, 2019 / 1:37 pm

    That’s quite the birthday cake. I’ll, uh, let Fiona have my piece.

    And if ever there was an appropriate place for this one…

    • JenDeyan January 24, 2019 / 1:45 pm

      That’s is the most awesome rendition of Happy Birthday ever!

    • 6rabbits January 24, 2019 / 3:01 pm

      ?? That’s great!

    • AJ January 24, 2019 / 3:16 pm

      That used to be my favorite card to give to people. So cute and yes, so appropriate for her royal blorpness’ birthday celebration.

  3. Flowerfanatic January 24, 2019 / 1:46 pm

    Thanks, Mike, for getting this out so quickly. I just got it in and sent it off so (hopefully) you could still get it posted for today (her birthday). I still break down in tears after all this time knowing how touch and go it was for so long with her fans not knowing if she was going to make it or not. All the efforts put in from her care-team were exactly what she needed to grow and become the beautiful creature she has become. Their care and love has to be applauded big time. I’m sure all involved did a lot of praying and working extra shifts to achieve this outcome. Her determination to survive was outstanding also and following and watching her achieve achievement after achievement showed that determination. So sorry that Henry isn’t here to see his beautiful little girl celebrate this occasion. I’m sure she is enjoying her special birthday cake and all the love she’s getting from her care-team and local fans today.

  4. Andrew January 24, 2019 / 2:06 pm

    Happy birthday Fionaaa <3

  5. debg January 24, 2019 / 4:06 pm

    Such great videos! That little girl will always make me happy. And the leg chomp will always thrill me.

  6. Murray C January 24, 2019 / 4:16 pm

    I’m kvelling as if I were a doting Auntie. And getting a bit misty-eyed, I have to say.

    • Ricky's Mom January 24, 2019 / 5:23 pm

      I feel the same way. And the Kronsche that Changed the World gets me every time.

      • Smartypants January 24, 2019 / 9:18 pm

        And those first teetering steps! I’m surprised how many of these clips are new to me.

        The only one I would have added is when she’s dozing off in the humans’ shower. She must have found the warmth and water soothing.

  7. Claire January 24, 2019 / 7:22 pm

    I’ve loved Fiona since day one as a native Cincinnatian and huge fan of the zoo, but then last year, just a bit after Fiona’s first birthday, my sister had a daughter born almost 3 months premature. Fiona’s story took on special meaning for my family after that as our inspiration and hope. My niece is sassy and strong and a healthy little fighter, just like Fiona. I bought her a bunch of adorable hippo themed clothing too! Happy birthday, Fiona!! <3

    • Tara January 24, 2019 / 7:28 pm

      Oh Yay! LOVE this story!!!! 🙂

    • debg January 24, 2019 / 8:13 pm

      Claire, that is truly lovely. I hope you got her a “Fight like Fiona” something. (Yes, I went shopping on the Cincinnati Zoo’s website, in honor of our girl, and treated myself to a stuffie.) Happy birthday to your niece.

    • Murray C January 25, 2019 / 12:18 am

      Sweet! Isn’t it amazing to realize the ripple effects of one story. Lovely, Claire, and I, too wish your niece a Happy Birthday. Our family is dealing with little one who was born with a terrible heart defect and has endured hours of surgery and been in intensive care for over a month – I hope his story can have as happy an outcome as your niece’s – and, of course, Fiona’s!

      • Duckie ? January 25, 2019 / 12:29 am

        Murray, do we know this story?

  8. Smartypants January 24, 2019 / 9:15 pm

    Our big strong girl! At the end it looks like she was showing Bibi how to mug for the camera. “Now tilt your head, Mama…”

  9. Heather Noelle January 25, 2019 / 12:01 am

    I’m disappointed they didn’t include a Fiona Fart!

    • debg January 25, 2019 / 7:23 pm

      Me too. We can’t have everything, I suppose.

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