Weekend Open Thread

It’s been a, shall we say, memorable week in the outside world, but here in Cutetropolis it’s just another beautiful Caturday with friends. And speaking of friends, here’s our old friend Seymour, “glamming for the camera,” as his human Squiddy puts it.

What can I say? The camera loves me.
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41 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dubravkamcvmd January 26, 2019 / 8:06 am

    A great picture of domestic bliss with a beautiful cat

  2. AJ January 26, 2019 / 8:55 am

    That foofy tail has done me in. I love me a house panther and even more when they’re long-haired.

    • N. Fritz January 26, 2019 / 12:02 pm

      AJ, I am finally getting around to “O Brother Where Art Thou?”

      “Mrs Hogwallop just up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T.”

      The best movie experience of my life was watching this movie in the theater in Baton Rouge and the whole audience sang along with “You Are My Sunshine” (associated with former Governor Jimmie Davis).

  3. allein ? January 26, 2019 / 9:10 am

    Love that floof!

    Happy Caturday! I was supposed to go to the dentist this morning but they called the other day and said they had to cancel. I’m not exactly complaining…

    Weekend discussion topic:

    • AJ January 26, 2019 / 9:30 am

      I can kinda see the resemblance and both can get … what’s a good word – cranky?? … when dealing with others. But they both have good qualities they share, playful, adorable, just big goofballs. Maybe we can just say it’s both, brothers from different mothers.

    • N. Fritz January 26, 2019 / 9:38 am

      In German seals are called sea dogs (Seehunde). I think I like “land seals” for this particular photo series!

  4. N. Fritz January 26, 2019 / 9:14 am

    Just came in from the second shoveling today. We’ve had probably 9 inches since this morning and tomorrow it’s going to rain, then freeze. Should make for an interesting Monday commute!

  5. debg January 26, 2019 / 10:04 am

    Interesting indeed! And Seymour, it’s not just the camera that loves you–we all do! He’s got a knack for flattering backgrounds; that yellow blanket sets off his gorgeous coloring.

    I’m about to head out for errands and another attempt at helping my friend. She had dispenser bottles installed in her kitchen sink, both of which no longer function, but had trouble getting them out. We freed one last weekend and sealed up the hole. But the other one is a real bear: the nut holding it against the countertop’s underside is completely stuck, AND it’s too big for most tools. I had to hunt high and low for something that would fit, in that perpendicular way necessary for under-the-sink spaces. It should be a quick job now that we’ve got the right tools, but you never know.

    Then it’s my usual weekend stuff and sanding the bathroom walls (bleh). I didn’t have Monday off, but I had an unexpected snow day on Thursday and got lots of things done, since I could contact all the places that are closed on weekends.

    Good thoughts to all of you dealing with winter weather–don’t overdo on the shoveling! Health updates from everybody *under* the weather, please? The kitties send purrs.

    • Phred’s Mom January 26, 2019 / 11:47 am

      I actually have a basin wrench from back in the day when I did more home
      repairs. Working in a hardware store ( back in the seventies when it was
      a bit sensational, being female) sure came in handy when I moved into a
      fixer-upper after splitting with whatsisname. Whatsisname broke a pipe
      off in the wall in an effort to fill the traditional male role, which is when I took
      over repairs. This is not why we split, howsomever. Once this spinal fusion fully
      heals I may be able to do this stuff again. I love nest-building, it gives one a
      strong sense of being able. And I saved a bunch of money doing stuff myself.
      Just wrote a check for $162 to the electrician for replacing one stinkin’ outlet
      in the garage, which occasioned some whining on my part, since I’ve done
      this and more myself. It does feel good, right, DebG?

      • debg January 26, 2019 / 2:49 pm

        It feels GREAT! I hate paying someone else to do things I can do myself, unless that task is stinky or unpleasant or something. Once I had the right tool for the job, it was completed in about 15 minutes. A basin wrench didn’t work for this particular task, because basin wrenches are meant for round pipes, not nuts. But now I know what a basin wrench is! And I’ve got a set of shower valve wrenches, with humongous heads, waiting in my tool box for when *my* in-sink dispenser breaks.

  6. Duckie ? January 26, 2019 / 11:37 am

    I’m tempted to call matchingks on Seymour’s eyes and that blanket. And I could definitely use a Seymour or three around here.

    Bronchitis/pneumonia nearly gone.
    Start prescription from h-e-double-hockey-sticks today. Specialists didn’t want to wait any longer.
    Blood work and CT scans from now until Easter. Ugh.

    Okay. Enough of that.
    Looks like hubby could get hired for BOTH jobs. He is doing one day of lower pay job on Monday, to see what’s involved. Then he is doing four days of shadowing on second job starting Tuesday, to do the same. We are hoping for job two, as the pay is significantly better, but hubby is not completely qualified for it. If he does well enough on everything else, they will train him on what he lacks.
    Peeps, if hubby gets and can keep job two, our financial worries will be over. Whatever you do to invoke good (pray, wish, etc) please do it for us this coming week. Not having to worry about debt will have a positive impact on my health.
    A huge hug to Murray for the box of pretties that arrived in my mailbox this week. I can’t decide what I liked most.
    Have a great week to come, everyone. And it seems that it will rain here on February second. Which means the groundhog will NOT see his shadow, and we get an early spring.

    • Phred’s Mom January 26, 2019 / 11:54 am

      Duckie, all the best with the med(s) from heck. Sometimes one wonders
      if the treatment is what’s really killing one. I’ve got a couple I’m taking
      that have lists of side effects that stretch from here around the block.
      I swear I am dealing with half of them. Like today, my joints and muscles
      are making me feel even older than I am. Please know that I am rooting for
      you, Duckie. Bigly.
      And, rooting for job Two for hubster. Money worries are the last thing you
      need worry about at this point. Also bigly.

    • N. Fritz January 26, 2019 / 12:21 pm

      Definitely channeling healing and occupational mojo in your direction, Duckie!

    • Murray C January 26, 2019 / 1:46 pm

      Oh, yes, Duckie, big time positivity coming your way on the both job and health fronts.

      Suddenly Seymour comes to mind – he does look glorious next to that yellow blankie.

      And both DEBG and Phred’s Mom, I am so in awe of both of you to be able to undertake household repair issues. I am definitely in the slow lane when it comes to those sorts of things.

    • dubravkamcvmd January 26, 2019 / 1:55 pm

      I wish you and your husband the best of luck in getting the second job.

    • debg January 26, 2019 / 2:51 pm

      Sending great vibes and kitty purrs for your treatment and for hubby’s job prospects. That debt feeling is the worst–I’ve had it for most of my adult life and in the one period I didn’t, I was happier than a clam.

    • Amyliz January 26, 2019 / 5:52 pm

      Keeping my fingers crossed for the job situation, Duckie! Financial worries are so so stressful, and yes, I agree if those worries are over it will definitely be good for your physical mental, and emotional health!

      Always a pleasure to see gorgeous Seymour! Do you think he knows how glorious his tail his?

  7. SoccerSue January 26, 2019 / 12:04 pm

    Positive vibes for your health and hubby’s employment, Duckie!

    Seymour looks a lot like my little house panther, complete with floofy tail.

    My mom had a little setback (pain and vomiting) last Sunday and has been hospitalized all week while they try to figure out what happened. Working theory is a partial intestinal blockage (not her first rodeo with that diagnosis). She’s feeling much better but they’re keeping her for observation until tomorrow, and then I’ll go get her and take her back to her apartment. So that sets her treatment back a week or so…sigh. I was up there Tuesday taking a couple of caregiver classes, so I’ve gotten most of my “prerequisites” out of the way. One more class on Feb 12th.

    Have a good weekend, all, and I hope those who are snowed in are able to enjoy a quiet day at home snuggled up in a blanket watching movies (I’m kinda jealous…but on the whole I think I’ll take our sunny/partly cloudy day and be happy with it.)

    • debg January 26, 2019 / 2:51 pm

      You are the best daughter in the world, Soccersue. Best wishes for your mom’s speedy recovery.

  8. Patty January 26, 2019 / 12:15 pm

    Hi everyone! I have been lurking, but not much commenting. It’s been a long few months. It’s such a long story I won’t attempt to type it all out here, but it begins with a bout of pneumonia for my husband, and ends with 2 pulmonary embolisms and congestive heart failure, also for my husband. Bad reaction to an inhaler for the pneumonia ending in a 3 day hospital stay, a new medication schedule with a total of 9 meds a day, an appointment with a wound clinic, and a new doctor (cardiologist). Also a lot of stress over money, with no health insurance, and no working for 3 months, self employed people don’t get paid sick leave. He is alive, the thought is the heart muscle may heal itself once we get the retained fluid cleared up, and he was given the all clear to go back to work, so thank God for that. The rest, well, we’ll deal with all that.

    • Duckie ? January 26, 2019 / 12:30 pm

      Sending feathered hugs your way, Patty.

    • Murray C January 26, 2019 / 1:50 pm

      Patty, been wondering about you! So sorry for all your troubles and hope the hubby can heal well and completely.

    • dubravkamcvmd January 26, 2019 / 2:05 pm

      My memory is terrible but I seem to remember you posting about the beginning of these health problems for your husband. This sounds like a months-long screaming emergency! I’m glad your husband has survived. I’m so sorry that you have financial problems to worry you while you’re dealing with this threat to your husband’s life. Hopefully he will continue to heal. It sounds like he has an amazingly strong constitution. Not everyone would survive what he’s gone through.

    • debg January 26, 2019 / 2:52 pm

      Patty, so very sorry for all your worries on top of your husband’s poor health. Sending good vibes your way too, and kitty purrs.

  9. Faye January 26, 2019 / 1:12 pm

    Hi everyone!

    Seymour is gorgeous and he knows it!

    N. Fritz I feel for you. Long Island just went through wind chills of -20 F. I stayed in completely!

    DebG I admire you. Even Righty Tighty Lefty Lucy doesn’t work for me. I always think I’m loosening but I’m tightening Dyslexily.

    Duckie I think of you and Hubby all the time but I’ll ramp up good vibes this week. You can touch base whenever you need to.

    Soccer Sue taking care of a parent is painfully poignant. I’ve been there.

    Patty! No medical in this country should not be. I won’t get political but that burns my a** if you don’t mind me saying. It cost $7000.00 for a trip to the ER including Ambulance for me in October. Not life threatening but something I couldn’t get to doctor office on my own. I ended up paying out only approximately $130. I’m completely thankful I have Medicare and insurance from NYStateEmpireBlueCross from my job as a retiree. And prescription coverage. That is what I was really working for for 32 years.

    Anywho, Millie and I are fine and dandy. I continue to improve ptsdwise! Millie got her nails clipped, going in the car in layered clothing just like a kid. I also signed her up for pet insurance that covers health and accident. I couldn’t afford to cover routine care but that is reasonable because she is still young.

    Today I am alone in the house so cooking braised beef ribs from scratch. Sautéing my celery onions carrots tomatoes and garlic, waiting to add in browned beef, chunky veggies and potatoes. I’m channeling my Gramma.

    Two things cheered me up lately: 1. I began using a sunlight therapy lamp. It took two weeks of 10-15 min exposure in mornings every day until I noticed an increase in energy/alertness. I highly recommend. And 2. My housemate and I have plans for me to use a second large sunny bedroom adjacent to mine. I will be able to use my small bedroom as an art room and create a comfortable bedroom/sitting/storage room. I have to wait 2 years to pay off my car for increased rent. But the fact that I have that to look forward to really gave me a boost. I’m already doing planning for paint, curtains, new bed etc! I promised not to talk her ear off about something that is 2+ years away. But that doesn’t stop me I indulging myself. Already figuring out how Millie will go from one room to the other while keeping big dog at bay.

    Other than important health checkups and inoculations coming up all is good. Very thankful. Nothing was supposed to work out for me this well due to my struggle. I’m a bit astonished.

    Tty all next week. The Cute has been a constant help.

    • N. Fritz January 26, 2019 / 1:52 pm

      Faye, if the sunroom is adjacent to yours, can you have a doggie door installed in the wall? A friend of mine did that herself when her cat was bullied by the other cats in the house. Maybe DIY DebG can help!

      • Faye January 26, 2019 / 2:00 pm

        N. Fritz thanks for suggesting. But I’m going to use a large wooden dog gate to create a barrier. My friend doesn’t want to cut any holes anywhere. If I was buying the house I would make one big room. I cannot describe how beautiful the light is. The two rooms extend across the full width of the house. The small room has North and West windows. And the big room has South and West windows. The big room looks out on two backyards! I cannot wait!

        • dubravkamcvmd January 26, 2019 / 2:08 pm

          It sounds wonderful. I’m happy for you.

          • Faye January 26, 2019 / 2:43 pm

            Thank you! I’m ecstatic.

        • debg January 26, 2019 / 2:55 pm

          Do you have a dog gate already? If not, let’s figure out a way to connect via email because I’ve got a baby gate I don’t need, that doesn’t require any holes at all.

          And I’m forever turning things the wrong way! Even righty tighty lefty loosey doesn’t help. I’m convinced that certain hardware is made with backwards threads just to trip me up.

  10. Gigi the cat lady January 26, 2019 / 1:16 pm

    Positive thoughts and healing vibes for Duckie and Patty’s hubby.

    I hurt my back shovelling after the snow storm we had last week so I didn’t sleep very well all week, so when Mia refused to eat all day Friday I lost it and had myself a proper undignified crying meltdown (at least that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it).

    She would come to see me like she does when she wants food but she would refuse to eat just like Boo did before we had to let him go. I must have opened 6 cans of different food to try to tempt her to eat with no success. It turns out she had an enormous hairball that she kindly deposited in the middle of the kitchen floor later that evening and went back to eating more or less normally.

    • Faye January 26, 2019 / 1:54 pm

      Wow! Thank goodness for regurgitation!

    • dubravkamcvmd January 26, 2019 / 2:09 pm

      What a relief (I guess for both of you)!

    • Patty January 26, 2019 / 2:31 pm

      I totally get the crying meltdown. I fixed supper last night, and who would expect that dropping the entire plate full face down on the floor would cause a crying meltdown, but it did. I wound up eating a bologna sandwich instead. I am glad to hear Mia’s not eating was because of a hairball, and that she managed to cough it up.

    • debg January 26, 2019 / 2:56 pm

      Cats. Honestly.

      If she won’t eat again, try those churu treats that Maru had.

  11. Duckie ? January 26, 2019 / 2:42 pm

    Hey, these new pills are kind of pretty!
    Pale yellow, shaped like a peanut.

    • Faye January 26, 2019 / 2:44 pm

      That’s one thing!

  12. debg January 26, 2019 / 3:00 pm

    Since I chimed in pretty early, I checked back in again to see what everybody was up to. Wow, we go through a lot around here. I’m glad we have each other for moral support and squees. We’re a tough bunch, but it’s so wonderful to have you all.

  13. Emsthemonster January 26, 2019 / 3:30 pm

    Seymour is beautiful!
    I am so happy to see Patty again!
    Felix, Marci and I send healing and money conjuring purrs to Duckie and Patty.
    Yay for Mia eating again.
    It seems snow shovelling is slowly becoming an official Cutetropolis sports activity.
    As Mike most probably does not have much snow to shovel, hopefully he is going to be the commentator of the next championship. I practice every day for this great event!

  14. allein ? January 26, 2019 / 6:02 pm

    So I posted this morning, and then kinda sorta let myself sleep all day.
    That’s…probably not good. And now I have a headache.

  15. AJ January 26, 2019 / 7:23 pm

    So sorry to hear about everyone’s various troubles – both physical and job wise. Lots of fingers crossed for good outcomes everyone. And for those in the path of the storm, stay warm and safe!

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