Cagey Cat

Why do cats like to hide in boxes? The answer to this much-discussed question comes down to two words: confinement and concealment. Cats are naturally drawn to spaces that duplicate the sheltering embrace of kittenhood, while also hiding them from threats such as wolves and vacuum cleaners. However, not all cats understand this.

I am snug and in-VEE-see-buhls! (Twitter)

At least he tried, Andrew Y.

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8 thoughts on “Cagey Cat

  1. allein ? January 30, 2019 / 11:13 am

    Cat? I don’t see a cat..

  2. Faye January 30, 2019 / 11:18 am

    A minimalist.

  3. Blue Footed Booby January 30, 2019 / 11:42 am

    Kitty doesn’t look entirely pleased with this den. And yet there she remains.

  4. Duckie ? January 30, 2019 / 12:38 pm

    Kitty is clever.
    She knows full well that this is the deep freeze basket that people fill with beef roasts and things before putting it in the freezer. Kitty is waiting for the first chunk of meat to be placed, and then she will grab it and run away with it.
    Very cagey indeed.

    • Smartypants January 30, 2019 / 9:23 pm

      You could call it a steak-out.

  5. Wuyizidi January 30, 2019 / 2:10 pm

    Kitty is obviously struggling to understand the nature of his relationship with boxes.

    • Emsthemonster January 30, 2019 / 3:42 pm

      I can totally understand kitty’s point of view. I was born in a bed, I sleep in a bed, I read in a bed and where would I like to get back to all day? Into my beloved comfy bed.

      • Duckie ? January 30, 2019 / 6:10 pm

        No trouble understanding or reconciling here.
        Beds are good.
        Maybe kitty needs to get out of the cage/off the table, and into bed with me.

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