20 thoughts on “All Aboard the Bunny Bus

  1. Faye February 3, 2019 / 8:51 am


  2. Muppet2171 February 3, 2019 / 9:03 am

    Need one more to make the pyramid…

  3. Luv Bunny February 3, 2019 / 10:06 am

    This is one bus that would not make it to its destination. Iā€™d divert it to my house. A bus load of fuzzy, furry adorables.

  4. Murray C February 3, 2019 / 10:10 am

    Darn – I have one of those wagons and this never once occurred to me – anyway, my buns are too big.

  5. birdlady26 February 3, 2019 / 10:10 am

    OoooHHHH! A double decker bus.

  6. AJ February 3, 2019 / 10:15 am

    Oh. my. goodness. Such soft, squishable, smooshie softness. That bus, if it even left the station, would not be going anywhere except to my house. And from the other posts, it looks like it might be making multiple detours. Oh well, hopefully there’s a bun still left for me after all the stops.

  7. allein ? February 3, 2019 / 11:11 am

    I just want the one on the top left. I love his face.

    • Duckie ? February 3, 2019 / 11:39 am

      Duckie casually limps in front of the wagon and the bunny on the top left is suddenly unavailable.

      • allein ? February 3, 2019 / 11:49 am


        • Duckie ? February 3, 2019 / 12:21 pm

          Duckie innocently wanders away.

          • allein ? February 3, 2019 / 12:25 pm


            • Duckie ? February 3, 2019 / 12:41 pm

              Duckie feels awful, so brings bunny back to share with Allein.

              • allein ? February 3, 2019 / 12:56 pm


                *takes bunny and runs*

                • Duckie ? February 3, 2019 / 1:12 pm


                  • allein ? February 3, 2019 / 8:00 pm

                    Okay, I’ll share.

                    • Duckie ? February 3, 2019 / 9:31 pm


  8. allein ? February 3, 2019 / 11:50 am

    I know this is the Bunday post but it’s also Superb Owl Sunday, so here are some superb owls.

  9. Amyliz February 3, 2019 / 12:00 pm

    As someone who rides the bus daily, I would enjoy my commutes much more if bunnies were involved!

  10. sugitomo February 3, 2019 / 4:08 pm

    I read this too quickly and saw “all aboard the bunny butts” and was only slightly disappointed when I saw the photo and the actual heading.

    • Luv Bunny February 3, 2019 / 5:18 pm

      Sugitomo, it still would have been cute – if it had been what you thought you read. For me, every part of a bunny is adorable.

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