Links: The Big Chill

And finally: Roomba Rescue

When an evil robot steals his stuffie, this dog saves the day! (via Amy F.)

I’ll save you my friend

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10 thoughts on “Links: The Big Chill

  1. Blue Footed Booby February 11, 2019 / 9:54 am

    The puma is adorable and I’m glad her hoomans lover her, but taking her out in public is…uh…problematic. That thing sees a squirrel and the dude’s going for a ride.

    • kermit February 11, 2019 / 11:12 pm

      Allegedly it doesn’t do that because it’s mentally stunted from various genetic defects that make it 2/3 of the size of a regular puma.

      Regardless of the love these people feel for the puma, it’s not okay to keep an animal that size in a one bedroom apartment. It would be different if they had a house and a big yard, like Tippi Hedren does with her tigers.

      But a one bedroom apartment is no place for a puma while both of these people have to go to work and weren’t able to find an animal handler.

  2. dubravkamcvmd February 11, 2019 / 10:02 am

    The puma’s interest in boxes is quite different from Maru’s. Puma tears it apart as if it was prey. Fabulous as living with a puma must be I personally would not since, for instance, it appears to still have the desire to tear things apart.

    • Blue Footed Booby February 11, 2019 / 10:09 am

      I desperately want to rub that fluffy belly, possible with a rubber hand at the end of a long pole.

  3. allein ? February 11, 2019 / 10:09 am

    I would like to join the “couch cuddle” in the the first pic on the dogs and cats article, please.

  4. Ricky's Mom February 11, 2019 / 10:54 am

    “As you can imagine some animal and environmental rights activists have objections to the Dmitrievs keeping an exotic animal in their home and believe Messi belongs on a wildlife reserve or in a sanctuary. While others note the danger of living with wild animal.”

    Count me in on all those objections. And that “zoo” gives genuine responsible zoos a bad name, too.

    Fortunately there is much cuteness in the other links. And I love the dog saving his toy from the Evil Roomba Monster. I haven’t tried my robot vacuum since adopting Bibi—I’m tempted, but I think maybe I’d better wait till she’s more secure in her new home.

  5. Laura February 11, 2019 / 11:50 am

    The pretty Siamese in the 7th or so picture of cats & dogs together looks *just* like the cat I grew up with, who lived to nearly 22 and who we “temporarily” named Princess but of course remained Princess for the rest of her life! She joined our family when I was in first grade, and left us when my daughter was in first grade — she spanned an entire generation with her long life! I still miss her…..

  6. Murray C February 11, 2019 / 12:47 pm

    So much to love in these links – little blind kitten with the sooty nose, giant toe beans on the puma (tho’ I do agree with the comments about keeping a wild animal) all those dogs and cats getting along so happily. Makes me feel very good.

    • Ricky's Mom February 11, 2019 / 1:28 pm

      Oh, the puma is gorgeous. Nothing about that situation is the puma’s fault. My issue is with the humans in that story. I hope it all ends well.

  7. Faye February 11, 2019 / 12:50 pm

    Dog resisting robotic stuffy snatcher is epic!

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