Hi, folks. In these times of fast food and quick snacks, it’s good to enjoy cooking the old-fashioned slow way. So in this six-part series, we’ll examine the entire process of making the perfect meal, from picking the right utensils to getting those finishing touches just right. It might take longer, but when we’re done, we’ll have the most perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich you ever ate.

Wake me up when you get to episode 6.
Talk about prep time! I guess he has to start dinner the night before in order for it to be ready at the right time, lol.
It’s like cooking with Julia Child! I used to own a copy of The Way to Cook, and it’s brilliant, but wow. There’s just not enough time in my day.
Also I adore tiny tortoises.
And I thought I took forever to make dinner…
I simply don’t have enough patience.