This Is My Dream Team

Everybody needs a dream team. These are the specialists who make sure that all my dreams are perfect and that I never have nightmares. Sid, on the far left there, he makes sure all my dream food smells and tastes as good as the real thing. Next to him is Mary, who handles set decoration; brilliant with color. And Emil here is my special effects wizard, who comes up with all the monsters I get to defeat.

Last night’s tyrannosaur squirrel was epic, by the way. Kudos. (Reddit)

I need a crew like that, Andrew Y.

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9 thoughts on “This Is My Dream Team

  1. allein March 13, 2019 / 3:53 pm

    I heard Mary was nominated for an Osgrrr…

    • Wuyizidi March 13, 2019 / 4:46 pm

      She also made USC Women’s Crew team. Her aunt Becky is very proud.

      • Lucy's Mom March 13, 2019 / 5:14 pm

        Wow, a Mike-worthy comment if ever I saw one. 🙂

      • Annimator March 13, 2019 / 11:06 pm

        That’s very funny!

      • ^oo^ March 13, 2019 / 11:10 pm


  2. tagathax March 13, 2019 / 5:42 pm

    I need this team or similar, stat. My dreams have been a mess lately.

    • Dulcie March 13, 2019 / 6:38 pm

      Would that we could just walk into the pharmacy and get a prescription for this team.

      • debg March 13, 2019 / 9:13 pm

        In my case, I think it’s the prescription that’s causing the bad dreams!

        Adorable Shiba and dream team.

  3. allein March 14, 2019 / 10:25 am

    Apparently the post about the site move disappeared. So I will put this here…

    It’ll be okay, everyone. It’s Pi Day!

    And tomorrow’s my brother’s birthday, so you have an excuse to eat cake. (Why are you having cake? It’s some girl-on-the-internet’s brother’s birthday today!)

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