Straight Talk from a Shiba Inu

Hello. I’d like to take a moment to address you on behalf of the entire Shiba Inu community. Many people don’t realize this, but being a member of the most important dog breed in the world carries with it many challenges.

Shibas are pure bread dogs, which makes us highly refined.

Without proper medical care, we tend to foam at the mouth.

Human problems are too much for us to bear. So talk about us instead.

Yes, we have puffy cheeks. Yes, you may pinch them. Gently.

But do not do us a hecking bamboozle, or we will let out much borking.

More of this silly boy on Instagram.

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8 thoughts on “Straight Talk from a Shiba Inu

  1. allein 🐾 March 19, 2019 / 2:03 pm

    I would much rather talk about Shibas than all the $&#! going on in the world.

  2. Dulcie March 19, 2019 / 3:00 pm

    Even their “foaming at the mouth” is cute!!

  3. debg March 19, 2019 / 3:22 pm

    What a cutie! And so photogenic!

  4. Brouhaha March 19, 2019 / 5:30 pm

    hecking bamboozle!

  5. Murray Callahan March 19, 2019 / 6:41 pm

    Admiring that bread bed.

    • Benvolio March 19, 2019 / 7:32 pm

      It’s the perfect spot to loaf in when you just knead to relax.

      • Catwhisperer March 20, 2019 / 10:14 am


  6. taofeld June 21, 2019 / 1:24 am

    Much headscratch, many smiles.

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