Koala Pickup Lines

  • G’day! Wanna mate?
  • Your pouch would look good on my couch.
  • Eucalyptus? Wow, I calyptus too! We have so much in common!
  • I’ll be your teddy bear! (Even though I am not a bear but in fact a marsupial [derived from the Greek mรกrsippos, meaning “pouch”], first classified by German zoologist Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger in 1811. In addition to the characteristic abdominal pouch for carrying and nursing young, marsupials differ from bears and indeed all placental mammals in a number of ways, such as the lack of ossified patellae, necessitating several [cont. pg. 391])

Submitted in a plain brown email by Andrew Y.

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20 thoughts on “Koala Pickup Lines

  1. Amyliz March 21, 2019 / 8:18 am

    Mike, I would love to see an MRI of your brain because it works in amazing ways! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. allein ๐Ÿพ March 21, 2019 / 8:24 am

    Some koalaty puns, Mike.

    • Dulcie March 21, 2019 / 1:07 pm


  3. Gigi_the cat lady March 21, 2019 / 9:04 am

    What we got here is the Joey of the koala world

  4. Alice Shortcake March 21, 2019 / 9:26 am

    He’s the most interesting koala in the world!

  5. AJ March 21, 2019 / 9:33 am

    How can that pose be even comfortable?? He was doing pretty good up to the last one, remember if ya have to explain it, then it’s not a good pickup line plus after the first minute, any girl koala is gonna just walk away. And thank goodness that front leg is positioned the way it is or we might have needed a privacy tail (or at least a square like they put in front of Cosmo magazine in the supermarkets).

    • Blue Footed Booby March 21, 2019 / 9:48 am

      “Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?”
      “*sigh*…Enough to break the ice?”
      “No?? 900 pounds for females and as much as 1400 pounds for males. I just really like polar bears, ok?!”

      • Dulcie March 21, 2019 / 12:20 pm


  6. debg March 21, 2019 / 9:33 am

    Well, I’m yours, Mr. or Ms. Koala. You’re adorable and fluffy. Plus you’ve got great lines.

  7. fkaWaldenPond March 21, 2019 / 9:50 am

    “Submitted in a plain brown email” !!! :D!!!! *sigh… remember when the world was that simple?*

    • Gigi_the cat lady March 21, 2019 / 10:03 am

      Speaking of plain brown paper, I remember as a child being sent to the store and told to ask the clerk for a brown paper wrapped box because they were behind the counter, I learned years later that they were Kotex sanitary napkins. LOL!

      • Catwhisperer March 21, 2019 / 10:36 am

        My husband’s grandfather was sent to the store for those once, and when the cashier said “That’ll be $(whatever), plus tax,” he exclaimed “Jesus! You mean they use tacks?!!”

        • Murray March 21, 2019 / 12:59 pm

          ๐Ÿคฃ Ouch.

        • Kar March 21, 2019 / 3:28 pm

          ** falls off the couch laughing ***

          • JenDeyan March 21, 2019 / 5:17 pm

            *gigglefit* That’s a good one!

        • debg March 21, 2019 / 9:19 pm

          A way to make things even more uncomfortable!

      • AJ March 21, 2019 / 11:40 am

        I had a brother-in-law that if he was shopping with us and pushing the grocery cart, and then I put any feminine hygiene products or “female” stuff in the cart, he would stop and walk away from the cart. And he had been married!! He just was so embarassed for some reason about stuff like that.

      • Dulcie March 21, 2019 / 1:09 pm

        Ha ha that is too funny! Wonder if the condom boxes were back there too!!

        • Smartypants March 22, 2019 / 10:40 pm

          Yes, as I recall condoms were a big secret until HIV came along. Then it became potentially life and death. That took away the stigma and buying condoms meant you were thoughtful and responsible.

          As for ‘feminine products’ one of the great things about getting older is I don’t give a darn who sees them!

  8. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ March 21, 2019 / 12:13 pm

    It’s funny, but I never really think about koalas as having hind legs. I always mentally see them with the legs pulled up next to the body. If that makes sense.

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