Weekend Open Thread

Happy weekend, Cutetropolitans! Today’s conversation cat comes from our own Alice Shortcake, author of Please Throw Two Carrots at Your Mother: “I know this isn’t a very good photo, but I’d like to submit a pic of my late lamented house panther Daisy for consideration as a future Conversation Cat.”

Every photo of a cat is a good photo.
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43 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 27, 2019 / 8:25 am

    Daisy was a beautiful cat, as comes through very clearly in this picture. An excellent Conversation Cat.

    Happy Saturday, everyone! I don’t usually get too engaged here on the weekends because of other priorities, but Bibi and I are always happy to lurk.

  2. dubravkamcvmd April 27, 2019 / 8:35 am

    Oh my Goodness! She looks very like MY late lamented – Minkette. I will search for pictures of Minkette but a) I am not a good photographer, b)being black, she did not photograph well, and c) I would be unlikely to be able to upload one of my pictures.

  3. Lucy's Mom April 27, 2019 / 8:39 am

    Daisy was a real beauty and a most excellent Conversation Cat! ❤🐱

  4. N. Fritz April 27, 2019 / 9:16 am

    Good morning, Cutetropolitans one and all! I am typing blind todsy because a Gogle ad, which I closed!) Is still covering the comment field. For the record, I have an old Android phone which I hope to get replaced this week.

    This was a pretty unpleasant week all the way around. I had to give “F”s to three graduating seniors who aren’t graduating any more. They are the ones who didn’t do the work, and didn’t fulfill the requirements, but I still feel like the bad guy.

    So I am taking a mental health day to read, draw, and finish an aromatherapy pillow for a colleague who is on medical leave.

    Hope you all are enjoying Spring weather and no one is in Chicago where I hear it’s fixin’ to SNOW!

    • Andrew April 27, 2019 / 9:19 am

      It’s already snowing here .______.
      …Of course this is regular fifth or sixth winter now for Canada… XD

    • Kar April 27, 2019 / 4:44 pm

      If they don’t do the work, what did they expect? I know it’s rough but actions have consequences, better they learn now.

  5. Amyliz April 27, 2019 / 9:17 am

    Daisy was a lovely cat and she looks like she was also a deep thinker!

    • Alice Shortcake April 27, 2019 / 10:02 am

      Oh, she was. I have another photo of her studying the Complete Works of Shakespeare. Well, chewing a bookmark in the Complete Works of Shakespeare, which is of course the same thing.

      Having got over my delight at seeing Daisy on Cutetropolis, I present this week’s extract from the forthcoming Panto book. The following incident took place shortly after Christmas 1886:

      “IN the Drury Lane pantomime ‘The Forty Thieves’ there is introduced an exceedingly pretty ballet by the little pupils of Madame Katti Lanner. The stage is filled with well-dressed juveniles, who suddenly receive the order to prepare for bed. On the instant they commence to unrobe, and presently are found attired only in their night-dresses. They have danced as they undressed, and now they dance again even while they take their pillows and indulge in that pastime dear to boarding-school pupils, and known as a pillow fight.
      Now it happened that one of the prettiest and one of the smallest of the youngsters was in difficulties directly the order to undress was given. There was an awkward fastening that refused to give way, and so when all her companions were in their night-dresses she was found still as she first came on. She danced all through her difficulties, but these were so evident that sympathy went out towards her from the whole house. This sympathy was increased tenfold when, breaking down at last, the poor little mite began to cry. Her troubles, however, were now speedily brought to an end by friendly hands at the wings, and when she came skipping on again to join in the revels of her companions there was a great roar of applause to give her welcome. That little childʼs distress had touched a chord of sympathy, and it gave forth no uncertain sound. It was but a small incident, but we venture to say it will be talked of and long remembered by all who were present on Boxing Night.”

      • N. Fritz April 27, 2019 / 10:10 am

        When I was growing up, I had a glorious white longhaired cat we named Webster because he slept on the Webster’ Dictionary

        • Kar April 27, 2019 / 8:25 pm

          That’s ridiculously adorable

      • Dulcie April 27, 2019 / 9:33 pm

        Lovely excerpt Alice!

  6. AJ April 27, 2019 / 9:55 am

    Very beautiful! Always loved a house panther and they are so hard to take pictures of, it’s like trying to get a photo of a black hole. All light gets sucked in and none reflects back.

    Got a lot of running around this week – grocery shopping, the banks, Lowes or Home Depot to get garden tools (our yard is out of control!), work in the garden to finish up planting, and going to buy a used vehicle tomorrow. I’m tired just reading this.

    But me and hubby made time to have dinner and movies with friends last night. The menfolk saw the latest Avengers and us girls went and saw Little. Ours was okay, the previews made it seem funnier than it actually was, the guys being totally nerds loved theirs.

    Happy weekend and it’s weird to say this at the end of April but for those getting slammed by snow, stay warm and stay safe.

  7. Alice Shortcake April 27, 2019 / 11:08 am

    The weather is certainly weird. Just a couple of weeks ago, when I attended a concert a York Minster, I was so cold that during the interval I had to defrost my nether regions by sitting on a knee-high radiator tucked away behind the tombs of three Victorian archbishops. On Monday this week it was like July – I went for a walk in a summer dress and sandals. Today it’s cold, wet and miserable.

    • phredsmom April 27, 2019 / 4:57 pm

      I’m sure thee archbishops enjoyed your company.

  8. Lindy April 27, 2019 / 11:20 am

    Daisy is clearly quite engaged in mind control here, “send my picture to Cutetropolis now…it is imperative you obey…gooood girl Alice….mow mow”. How you must miss her, she is a beautiful house filling panther.

  9. allein 🐾 April 27, 2019 / 11:39 am

    Happy Caturday! Yesterday was stormy (the power went out twice while I was eating lunch! The break room is very dark (the hallway lights just outside stayed on but I was on the other end of the room; luckily it only stayed for a few seconds each time). Today is brighter but windy.

    So yesterday evening I had cause to google “root beer float” but I accidentally typed “root bear float” so google being google gave me results for “root beer float” but also asked if I really did want to see “root bear float.” So of course I thought “well, now I do!” so I clicked on the link and found this. 🐻

    • dubravkamcvmd April 27, 2019 / 12:08 pm

      A bear having fun in the water!

    • debg April 27, 2019 / 1:09 pm

      What a happy accident! And what a happy bear!

  10. debg April 27, 2019 / 1:16 pm

    Daisy was gorgeous, Alice–how you must miss her. Black cats also need more love than other kitties because they soak it up (kinda like black holes). That’s what my panthers have always told me.

    Started work on my bathroom and then realized I need more materials. If there’s anything I hate, it’s putting on my grubbies, getting into a project, and then realizing I have to put on clean clothes to run to the store. There’s always a risk that I won’t pick up the project when I get home. First world problems, right?

    The weather is lovely now in Colorado (after two bomb cyclones, it only seems fair) and my xeriscaped front yard is coming to life. Nearly all the plants that went in last fall have come to life. Some even have flowers already! The yard is so much more interesting without grass, and once everything gets established, it will need very little water. If I can get some decent photos, I’ll post them.

    Hugs to anybody worried, ill, or otherwise less than happy this week. And if you’re celebrating, I’m celebrating with you.

    • phredsmom April 28, 2019 / 10:22 am

      If I found myself needing something from the hardware store and
      I was in my “grubbies” in the midst of a job, I’d debate for about
      thirty seconds on changing, then just go. Minwax stains on shirt
      are a badge of honor methinks.

      • debg April 28, 2019 / 12:47 pm

        Minxwax and paint stains, yeah. But still-sticky mortar and grout, not so much! 🙂 They’d stick to the driver’s seat!

        • Dulcie April 28, 2019 / 2:02 pm

          I too have debates with myself on whether or not to change in the middle of a chore just to run and get something. The bar is pretty low nowadays (as I get older) and scenarios are black and white. Wearing your garden duds??…you can go to a garden center but not to the mall to shop for an evening gown. That last scenario is not likely to happen BTW. 😁

          • Alice Shortcake April 28, 2019 / 3:41 pm

            I’ve reached the stage where I think nothing of taking the rubbish bags and recycling bins out whilst clad in a shrunken nightie, ratty old dressing gown and flip-flops. Anyone who happens to get an eyeful of this lovely sight will just have to live with the trauma. Mind you, I’m not completely lost to decency – unlike a few people I’ve seen locally I don’t go shopping in my nightwear. It’s a slippery slope; one day you’re just too tired to throw on a dress, the next day you’re the English equivalent of a Person of Walmart.

  11. Patty April 27, 2019 / 3:02 pm

    I have just come from watching a documentary about medicaid expansion. The stars were lovely, but I may be biased, considering my daughter and my grandkids were in it. My 7 yr old grandson was the “Assistant director” because he directed a scene where Aunt Nene (my daughter Stephanie) came to visit, and all the kids ran to the door to greet her. That is what they do anyway, so it was not a difficult direction. It boils down to medicaid covers women who get breast or cervical cancer, but if Stephanie had gotten, say, colon cancer, she would not have qualified for medicaid, and would have had a tougher time getting treatment (chemo alone is $10,000 a treatment). The documentary is not available anywhere online yet, until after the premieres scheduled for Kansas. Here is a trailer of the film: https://www.fightcancer.org/critical-condition-stories-health-heartland-0 Stephanie has been an advocate for cancer support from legislators since she finished her cancer treatments, has been to the capitol to lobby for financial aid for cancer sufferers, so it was a given that she would participate in this documentary.

    • Dulcie April 27, 2019 / 9:43 pm

      What an amazing opportunity to participate in a documentary. Hopefully Stephanie’s advocacy will make a difference. Heaven knows how many
      cancer sufferers need financial aid.

      • debg April 28, 2019 / 12:48 pm

        What Dulcie said!

    • dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2019 / 4:57 pm

      I watched the clip. I am horrified to live in a country where there are a significant number of people who cannot get health care because they can’t afford it.

      • Patty April 28, 2019 / 5:20 pm

        A quote from the film, Stephanie Barr says, “I feel like I won the cancer lottery” because she was lucky enough to have the “right” cancer to be covered by Medicaid. I have experience with applying for Medicaid, with my husband’s recent issues, and got as far as proving our income for the last 3 months. When I told the woman reviewing the application there was currently no income, she replied, “Well, you have been surviving somehow” Also, a woman in the audience said her BIL had applied and they said he had to “spend down” almost $3000 to qualify. My other daughter, who is on disability, can’t get any medicaid because she can’t afford to pay the state a premium (I did not know there was a premium involved). Apparently Kansas is one of the hardest and strictest states to get Medicaid in. Apparently the high income limit for 2 adults is less than we get for disability payments, so we are not likely to qualify, unless we spend down $200 a month.

  12. Gigi_the cat lady April 27, 2019 / 5:11 pm

    I’ve been out since early this morning running errand and I just got in.

    I did it, I had my hair cut short this week, it’s a little shorter than I wanted it (does anyone ever get exactly what they want at the hairdresser?) but it will grow out soon enough.
    I chickened out on the bright colours though. Now I’m thinking maybe I should just let it go back to it’s natural colour, I’m curious to see how much grey I have.

    Daisy reminds me so much of my dear departed Boo!

    • dubravkamcvmd April 27, 2019 / 5:58 pm

      I have experience with giving up coloring and going “natural” when “natural” is gray. It takes quite a while and the colorist has quite a job keeping you from having a stripe. It took most of a year for me. Good luck!

      • Gigi_the cat lady April 27, 2019 / 6:36 pm

        A year is what I was thinking it would take thanks for confirming.

    • fkaWaldenPond April 27, 2019 / 9:47 pm

      I am sure you are rocking the shorter length Gigi! And Daisy was a lovely lady Alice; she rocked the shorter fur too.

  13. allein 🐾 April 27, 2019 / 6:20 pm

    Just saw this… 🤣

    “My dog Max finally caught his tail and then didn’t know what to do with himself …”

    • debg April 27, 2019 / 7:44 pm

      Max’s sideways walk out of the room gave me immense joy.

      • allein 🐾 April 27, 2019 / 8:06 pm

        That was the best part!

        • Alice Shortcake April 28, 2019 / 3:00 am

          “Well, this is awkward…I need some privacy to sort it out.”
          *walks out of the room like a tall hairy crab*

    • AJ April 27, 2019 / 11:08 pm

      That is hysterical!!! The look of befuddlement when he did catch that tail and his sideways walk out was priceless. BUT good luck seeing a cat in such an undignified position.

  14. Jan B. April 27, 2019 / 8:46 pm

    House panthers are always welcome! I miss my little house panther Spectra every day…


    • Jan B. April 27, 2019 / 8:50 pm

      Another one for good measure:


      • AJ April 27, 2019 / 11:06 pm

        Oooh, Spectra is gorgeous!!! Love the close-up of those yellow eyes. I had one named Shadow but he was always into something so his nickname was The Little Black B—ard.

        • N. Fritz April 28, 2019 / 3:22 am

          I love how different types of cats have personality traits: black cats elegant and aloof with a devilish streak; torties neurotic and evil; white with gray tabby shy and built for comfort not for speed; tuxies the best of all possible worlds. (Based on personal experience, results may vary).

          • dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2019 / 9:21 am

            I agree (mostly) with your analysis. My last two cats: a house panther – elegant, aloof, and imperious, the tuxedo – the Personality Kid.

            • phredsmom April 28, 2019 / 10:42 am

              My Ben Him was a tuxie and could pull the elegant pose when he felt
              like impressing strangers, but at heart was my pup Phred in a catsuit,
              very affectionate and responsive. That sentence is too long, PhredsMom. Enough.

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