“Good afternoon. Our records indicate that you recently purchased several cans of ‘Turkey N’ Gravy’ cat food by Kitty Kuisine, batch number D-119. We are here to inform you that you are now legally our mother, and are responsible for our upbringing. We would like our first lesson in pecking and foraging this afternoon.”
I think that’s the “you are what you eat” law, John B.
That is hilarious! 🤣
Cat: What the hell?!
Turkeys coming home to roost
Cat is thinking “Thank goodness I didn’t get the Tender beef! kind!”
BTW I just came back from buying kitty litter and I had my fingers used as a teething ring by the cutest little baby pug!
High pitched squeaky noise of empathy and jealousy.
Everything here is just too dang funny. The picture, the scrolldown, and the comments.
Gigi…tender beef kind…🤣!!
I love that some of the chicks look like they just climbed aboard the USS Pointy Bits, but the two on the left have evidently decided this is the perfect place to nestle down for a good sit.
I love the expectant looks – so danged cute!