Tom and Jerry Cut a Deal

“The raid is set for Friday night. Biff and Squeaky will pry open the refrigerator door while Marvin stands lookout. I’ll make a noise to get him to turn around, and that’s when you move in. And remember — you leave the refrigerator door open, got it?”

cat and mouse
“Bon appetit, tiger, and thanks for the cheese.” (Imgur)
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15 thoughts on “Tom and Jerry Cut a Deal

  1. Dana July 3, 2019 / 1:30 pm

    Haha! 😂 And, what a photo. “Biff and Squeaky…”. Mike, you always come up with the perfect names!

  2. Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 3, 2019 / 1:53 pm

    Trying to picture Marvin …

    Bibi update: I just brought her home about half an hour ago, and it’s clear she feels better. She’s on a special diet for a couple of days and metronidazole for a week. Our regular vet is pretty sure the cause of all the trouble it was a virus, but can’t rule out a bacterial infection—hence the antibiotics. For now, all I need to do stick to the diet and meds regime, keep our walks short while the temperatures are so high, and keep an eye on her generally. I made an an appointment for about five weeks from now for bloodwork to see if the elevated liver enzyme has gone back down to normal. The blood in the stool has apparently cleared up.

    Thank you all again for your good wishes. I don’t know if they helped Bibi, but they sure helped me.

    • allein 🐾 July 3, 2019 / 2:31 pm

      Welcome home Bibi!

    • Luv Bunny July 3, 2019 / 2:39 pm

      Good to hear about Bibi. Now you can breathe easier. I hope that kitty doesn’t see that gerbil as a snack. Love seeing a gerbil. Actually, it may he a Degu. I miss the gerbils 5, I have had through the years, their antics always caused me to laugh. I may eventually have to rescue 2 more. The down side is , they don’t live very long and each pets’ passing, is harder for me to deal with. My Pepper is over 12 years old (everyday with her is an extra blessing, even as she’s losing her eye sight) and Leo is about 5 years old.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 3, 2019 / 3:22 pm

        Gosh, I thought the little fella was a mouse. I’d never even heard of degus. What sort of animals are your Pepper and Leo?

        Thanks for your kind thoughts re Bibi. Yes, I am breathing more easily!

        • Luv Bunny July 3, 2019 / 4:48 pm

          Degus are small rodents from S. America, very much like gerbils, only the ones I’ve seen act like gerbils with too much caffeine. My Pepper is an all black bun with just white on her nose, I adopted her at 8-10weeks old. Leo, is a siamese colored bun that our daughter adopted but ultimately, I now have him, partly due to her travelling so much for work. Both have been graciously featured on Cutetroplolis.

          • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 3, 2019 / 4:57 pm

            Ah, yes, of course! Please forgive my faulty memory, Luv Bunny, I’ve been getting things wrong, or at least slightly off, all day today.

            My best regards to your bun-buns. And thanks for the gerbils-on-caffeine image!

    • Lucy's Mom July 3, 2019 / 2:58 pm

      Yay for Bibi! I’m so glad she seems to be on the mend. You must be incredibly relieved. ❤

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 3, 2019 / 3:24 pm

        I am. And I’m glad I wasn’t the cause of the illness (I thought it I might have given her too many banana chips).

    • debg July 3, 2019 / 3:27 pm

      So happy for you both. It must be a huge relief for you.

    • Emsthemonster July 3, 2019 / 5:13 pm

      This is exactly the news I wanted to read tonight.

    • Kar July 3, 2019 / 5:31 pm

      I suggest an intensive hug/cuddle therapy.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 3, 2019 / 5:46 pm

        Thank you, thank you, thank you all! Bibi was happy to have me pick her up and cuddle her during our short walk—she’s not up to getting all the way across avenues and wide streets before the light changes. But at home she just wants to sleep. I’m not surprised—she really was very sick, poor beastie. I’m sure she’s exhausted. I don’t mind; let her get her rest. Tomorrow will bring its own stresses—she’s afraid of thunder, so goodness knows how she’ll do with fireworks. Probably will be only too happy to cuddle then!

        • Alice Shortcake July 4, 2019 / 4:44 am

          So glad to hear about Bibi, and I hope she continues to get better.

    • Murray C. July 4, 2019 / 1:40 pm

      I’m late to this conversation but I’m happy that things are positive for Bibi!

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