Stay Together, Kids!

“Is everybody here? Phoebe? Heinrich? Jermaine? Wendell? Wendell Alexander Trashtipper, you get your furry ringed tail across the street this minute!”

This is why moms rule, Sharon G.

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15 thoughts on “Stay Together, Kids!

  1. Lucy's Mom July 16, 2019 / 1:03 pm

    Uh oh, Wendell’s in trouble now! I swear there’s one in every family. 😊

  2. allein 🐾 July 16, 2019 / 1:35 pm

    “Get in under the car!”

  3. Dana July 16, 2019 / 2:28 pm

    Trashtipper! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    • Emily July 16, 2019 / 7:12 pm

      “Trashtipper” killed me ded!

  4. Smartypants July 16, 2019 / 2:37 pm

    So much vocalizing! Who knew?

  5. debg July 16, 2019 / 3:05 pm

    Trashpanda families are adorable!

  6. SoccerSue July 16, 2019 / 3:14 pm

    Like herding cats!

    We have one mama deer that’s been coming around with her two fawns, and I think she’s about ready for them to be off on their own. Every time they try to nurse she just walks off. Although to be fair, if you’ve seen them nurse, you’d understand. It’s sort of…um…violent. Ouchie!

    • Blue Footed Booby July 16, 2019 / 3:24 pm

      Apparently that walk-off is the deer weening process.

      And yeah, I’ve heard deer nursing described as “alarmingly vigorous.”

      • SoccerSue July 16, 2019 / 6:22 pm

        That’s a perfect description, lol!

  7. Elaine C. Williamson July 16, 2019 / 3:17 pm

    You can just hear her saying that to her baby. 😝

  8. AJ July 16, 2019 / 3:55 pm

    Loving all the babies names, especially Jermaine. And I can just hear her yelling for Wen-DALLLL! There’s always that one who marches to their own beat.

  9. Kar July 16, 2019 / 4:27 pm

    Wendell’s lucky he didn’t get humiliated by being hauled off by the scruff of his neck.

    • Alice Shortcake July 16, 2019 / 4:47 pm

      I think his mother was planning to do that but changed her mind.

  10. Dulcie July 16, 2019 / 5:08 pm

    No racoon left behind.

  11. phredsmom July 17, 2019 / 10:55 am

    Wendell, don’t make me come over there!

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