Sleep Well, Pea Brain?

And the next morning, when the girl awoke, she announced that there was a pea under her mattresses. “Huzzah!” cried the villagers. “This means she must be a princess!”

“Actually,” she said, “what it means is that I got hungry during the night, and so I rummaged under the mattress and found the pea, plus a few pieces of kibble, a breath mint, and half a tortilla. Seriously, would it kill you to sweep up now and then?”

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15 thoughts on “Sleep Well, Pea Brain?

  1. JenDeyan July 18, 2019 / 8:14 am

    Princess Loaf!

  2. N. Fritz July 18, 2019 / 8:16 am

    everything about this post is perfect!

  3. allein 🐾 July 18, 2019 / 8:32 am

    Better than the princess and the pee…

    • Kar July 18, 2019 / 9:48 am

      ** snort **

  4. Dana July 18, 2019 / 9:11 am

    I love those cushions. (And the smushy-faced kitty.)

  5. debg July 18, 2019 / 9:17 am

    Those are some serious cushions. Hopefully kitty appreciates them. Who am I kidding!?

    For the love of all that’s holy, never look under my bed.

  6. Juno July 18, 2019 / 9:26 am

    I will not be scolded by a CAT when it comes to stuff under the furniture. I once moved my armchair and found no fewer than ELEVEN jingle balls, toy mice, wads of foil, etc., etc., etc.

    • allein 🐾 July 18, 2019 / 9:45 am

      Right? Cats are like little dragons, hoarding their gold.

    • Lucy's Mom July 18, 2019 / 10:23 am

      I once found 22 dog treats buried under and between the cushions on my sofa. And even though I had two dogs I knew exactly who the culprit was. Though he denied it, of course. 😃

      • Leigh July 18, 2019 / 12:15 pm

        So sweet!

  7. birdlady26 July 18, 2019 / 10:15 am

    Beautiful kitty needs all those cushions so he doesn’t get splinters from that floor.

  8. Tara July 18, 2019 / 10:35 am

    I’d like to know how those cushions still have most of their tassels.

    • AJ July 18, 2019 / 11:53 am

      I’d also like to know how come the cushions and their lovely appliques are still in one piece. And I’m loving on that smooshy face.

  9. Kar July 18, 2019 / 3:13 pm

    I shudder to think what my cat thinks when she’s sleeping on top of me.

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