Weekend Open Thread

Penny and Teller return to greet us on Caturday. Here’s sender-inner Muppet2171 with what they’re up to: “Teller looking like he’s waiting for a bedtime story (he actually let me tuck him in!!)”

Tell me the one about the brave kitten who saved the world!

Penny just looking hung over (she does not, to my knowledge, indulge in alcohol or ‘nip).

And *I* want to hear the one about the cat who talked quietly and didn’t annoy his sister.ย 
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71 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. dubravkamcvmd July 27, 2019 / 8:17 am

    I want to hear the one about the brave kitten who saved the world too!

  2. Lucy's Mom July 27, 2019 / 8:20 am

    Teller, you have to know that brothers are born for the specific reason of annoying their sisters. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  3. Gigi_the cat lady July 27, 2019 / 8:48 am

    Penny looks more annoyed than hung over to me, either way she is beautiful.

    I had to cancel my credit card this week because of a fraudulent charge from Luxembourg of all places. Unfortunately I had just purchase diner on my credit card at a fast food place just before coming home to notice the fraudulent charge, so when my bank cancelled my credit card from the date of the fraud it also cancelled my payment to the fast food place. Of course I had no choice but I feel a little guilty about it.

    On a happier note I’m invited to a BBQ at a friends house today, he has friends visiting from the US on a culinary adventure to Montreal and they want to meet his Canadian friends. I’m not sure if we’ll be going, it all depends if my husband’s kidney stone stays quiet today or not but an evening seeing old friends and meeting new ones would be nice.

    Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend.

  4. AJ July 27, 2019 / 8:51 am

    Such adorable cuties!! Well, foster kitty Kemuri goes to another foster home tomorrow. Kinda sad but he had to make the switch as we’re leaving next week for our Alaskan adventure. He almost become a foster fail but since I want to do more traveling, would not be fair to him for us to be at home than either send him to a sitter or have someone come in. Rest of this weekend I’m busy doing all the last minute shopping, packing, and just getting ready in general. Starting to get excited, especially since I’ll be in cooler weather, lol.

    • debg July 27, 2019 / 10:18 am

      AJ, I’m excited for you too! And hopefully Kemuri will find his forever home soon. I would be a persistent foster fail–after all, it’s kinda how I ended up with so many cats in the first place.

    • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 10:00 am

      Have a wonderful, safe trip, AJ!

  5. Muppet2171 July 27, 2019 / 9:23 am

    It’s kinda funny…Teller is ginormous and still has that ‘dumb kitten’ look that he never outgrew. Penny pretty much stopped growing at 8 months old and looks like the grown up in the family.

    Either way, they’re both painfully cute!

    • debg July 27, 2019 / 10:19 am

      They’re also beautiful, Muppet. I love seeing them again.

  6. debg July 27, 2019 / 10:28 am

    Happy Caturday, everybody! Hope you’re all staying safe if you’re dealing with excessive heat.

    Busy weekend here: an arts picnic today, then lots of shopping (which I don’t really enjoy). Yesterday, friends installed the glass block window in my bathroom and now I have to find trim to go around it. Then I have to install said trim, assuming it doesn’t have to be shipped here. It will be so nice to permanently remove the plastic hanging over the window!

    FYI, I just finished reading Jackson Galaxy’s latest book, Cat Mojo. It is utterly fantastic, giving me lots of ideas to keep my cats happy and maybe even tame Scorpius. Currently he’s the only cat in the basement. We’re almost back to square one: he doesn’t hide all the time, but he won’t stay in the same room with me and I certainly can’t touch him. I’m down here for significant stretches of time, so I can try out some of Jackson’s advice. The other 5 cats have to compete for territory on the 800-square-foot main floor, which is also crowded with my extensive collection of stuff. I’d like to reach a point where Scorp doesn’t have half the house to himself.

    • Dulcie July 27, 2019 / 11:59 pm

      Your awesome patience may one day be rewarded DEBG. It will be worth it.

  7. Alice Shortcake July 27, 2019 / 11:02 am

    All is well at the Shortcakery – my dad is still improving (and eating properly for the first time in almost two months). With any luck he should be able to get rid of the hated catheter next week.

    In other news, the weather is bizarre – on Thursday we enjoyed(?) the second-hottest July day ever recorded in Britain. Today we’re being treated to heavy rain with thunderstorms promised for tonight. And of course, it’s been a great week for Anglo-American relations – we’re still divided by a common language but united by our heads of state, both of whom are repulsive buffoons with weird polyester hair…

    • Faye July 27, 2019 / 11:24 am

      Polyester hair! Hahahahaha.

    • dubravkamcvmd July 27, 2019 / 11:34 am

      I read an article by, or about, a British historian, a woman whose name I’ve forgotten, relatively recently. As I recall, her idea was that both the American and British political systems were in a state of collapse for, at least partly, similar reasons. Both countries political systems were hundreds of years old. Both countries have been hugely successful both economically and militarily for hundreds of years – all conquering empires. No disastrous occupations after losing a war, no need to change the systems. These systems no longer work.It seems to me she has a point.

    • Amyliz July 27, 2019 / 11:45 am

      Yes, Alice Shortcake, we in America feel your pain! Fortunately, Cutetropolis is populated by cute animals, like Penny and Teller, and the wonderful workings of Mike’s mind to help us keep our sanity!

    • debg July 27, 2019 / 11:50 am

      Great news about your dad. Horrible news about your election.

      • Alice Shortcake July 27, 2019 / 3:07 pm

        To be fair, Boris was only elected by his fellow Tory parliamentarians. If he’d become PM as the result of a general election I’d want to secede from the human race.

        • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 9:59 am

          Look at the bright side; politics wonโ€™t be its usual boring self and there
          will be many, many goofy and comic moments. Itโ€™s the only way to cope.

          • Dulcie July 28, 2019 / 6:39 pm

            ๐Ÿ˜ So true Phredsmom! Its like the weather…only worth talking about when its wild and crazy.

    • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 10:02 am

      Letโ€™s hope that catheter goes!

  8. Faye July 27, 2019 / 11:33 am

    Nice to come back and see two exquisite cat faces.

    Millie and I are fine! Getting through the summer by avoiding the heat together in the air conditioning. We like to get the room a bit too cool and nap under the quilt together.

    I am currently working on a collage measuring 20×30โ€. Drawing individual components with Copic Markers, color pencils and ink. Working in parts and then combining was inspired by the artist Joe Fenton. I recommend him via Google and YouTube. Amazing artist and process.

    I promise to not make my fellow Cutetropolinians come looking for me again! ๐Ÿ˜˜

    • debg July 27, 2019 / 11:51 am

      SOOO good to hear from you and Millie! Hugs to you both.

    • fkaWaldenPond July 28, 2019 / 5:33 pm

      Hi Faye! Good to see you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Smartypants July 28, 2019 / 7:34 pm

      Hi Faye!

      Great to see you. Your collage sounds fascinating.

  9. Murray C. July 27, 2019 / 12:00 pm

    Happy to see you here, Faye! Penny and Teller are adorable and well named. Alice, glad your Dad is doing so well, very encouraging. Gigi, you may not have to feel guilty for one since the restaurant will probably be in touch about the charge – they have your information, after all, so don’t be too surprised. Or you could get in touch with them and explain what happened.

    I’m just getting over a bad case of laryngitis and ear infection – weird, never had one before. And this year has been strange, most of all because my dear husband has been in this strange decline with no apparent cause – until he went to the neurologist the other day and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. At first it was a blow but I soon realized that now we have a target, it’s a well researched disease, there are good meds to help restore functions that seemed to be lost, – all in all, dealable on many fronts. It’s rather a relief to know what we now know. So, in a strange way, good news. Seeing funny animals with Mike’s funny comments always helps.

    • Tara July 27, 2019 / 1:32 pm

      Hoo boy Murray C! how distressing. I admit I’ve been a little worried about you because you haven’t been posting as frequently lately. I’m glad he has a diagnosis and that you see that as a positive. I hope you heal quickly now too. Summer sick is the worst. Especially in South East PA this last week! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hugs –

      • Murray C. July 27, 2019 / 1:53 pm

        Thanks, Tara. Congratulations on the art book class! I remember when you told us – years ago, now – that you were exhibiting at an art book fair – at the Free Library was it? That is something that intrigues me but I’ve never done it. I save things from Pinterest about it because it looks like so much fun. There was a fellow at one of those fairs who made his books using dried, incredibly thin slices of vegetables, like carrots, and they were translucent so one held them up to the light. It was so gorgeous. And have fun on your trip and enjoy a nice clean house when you get home. You should post some pics of your books, I’d love to see them.

    • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 10:07 am

      Startling news, Murray. Itโ€™s good that you both see goals and ways to proceed.
      Best wishes to you both on this new journey.

    • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 11:56 am

      You have a good attitude, Murray, towards this new thing. Good for you and good for
      hubster. He is a strong person with a strong attitude towards life. He should do well.
      And weโ€™re all rooting for both of you.

    • fkaWaldenPond July 28, 2019 / 5:41 pm

      Hi Murray, I am sorry to read about your husband’s past year decline but relieved to read he has been diagnosed– yes, there are so many meds out there that will help him feel and function better. As my 87 year old aunt says, “Thank god for chemistry.”

      On to my petty issues–my continuing bad short hair cut saga! I broke up with my hairdresser yesterday with a nice white lie. I cancelled my next appointment with the salon receptionist and then messaged him personally via FB with the excuse. I didn’t want to get into anything nasty or hurtful, he has been cutting my hair for 10 years and I didn’t want anything to reflect badly on him re his boss. His boss lives in the condo across the street from me and we say ‘Hi’ often as he is out with his dog.

      I outgrew him style wise and now hopefully my hair will outgrow too. ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Murray c. July 28, 2019 / 5:58 pm

        Isn’t it funny how much is attached to a good haircut? My regular person retired and I’m trying to find someone with whom I am simpatico to do the job of making me feel good about how I present myself to the world. Also, I’m spoiled with how much I was paying – I can’t get into $60 haircuts – I’d have it done twice a year if that’s what I had to pay! So the search goes on.

  10. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ July 27, 2019 / 12:04 pm

    Hi, Faye. Good to hear from you again.
    I’ve been miserable all week because of the heat. I keep reminding myself that my favourite time of year is coming up–fall–and that things will be cooling off soon.
    Health is stable. Hubby’s job situation is stable. Weight is stable (unfortunately).
    Finished the last of my Christmas shopping shopping this week. Now I just have edibles (candies, etc) and gift cards to go.
    I’m finishing breakfast while watching chickadees delicately sipping up the drops of water left on the trees from the brief rain last night. Chickadees are my favourite wild bird.

    Penny and Teller look so huggable. I’m jealous of you sometimes, Muppet.
    Have a great weekend, everyone.

  11. Muppet2171 July 27, 2019 / 12:29 pm

    Meanwhile, entered my gingerbread cookies at the state fair and won FIRST!!!!!

    • Murray C. July 27, 2019 / 1:47 pm

      How very cool!!! When can we have the recipe!!!! ;~D

        • Lucy's Mom July 27, 2019 / 4:01 pm

          Anything with molasses automatically has my seal of approval. Yum!!!! ๐Ÿ˜

          • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 12:01 pm

            And blackstrap is the uber molasses. The best for things like
            these cookies.

        • Murray C. July 27, 2019 / 6:09 pm

          That’s what I use in mine – and bread flour because I like them chewy!

          • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 12:06 pm

            Murray, I never would have thought of using bread flour for cookies.
            If Iโ€™m able physically to do cookies come cooler weather, I must do
            this. Thanks for the tip.

  12. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ July 27, 2019 / 12:38 pm

    • Duckie ๐Ÿฅ July 27, 2019 / 1:06 pm

      This was meant to be a reply to Muppet’s winning cookies announcement.

  13. Hilda July 27, 2019 / 12:53 pm

    Murray, so sad to hear this. Iโ€™m glad, though, you have a positive attitude about it. All I know about it is that swimming is excellent for those with Parkinsonโ€™s.
    Love Penny and Teller.

    • Smartypants July 28, 2019 / 7:40 pm

      Also music/dancing.

  14. allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 1:10 pm

    Sending everyone a hug.
    What Dogwarts house are you in?

    • Tara July 27, 2019 / 1:29 pm

      Very very nice! ๐Ÿ™‚ Does it correlate (ahem – sorry- corgi-rate) with our actual Hogwarts house?

      • allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 2:04 pm

        I dunno…I do know I don’t want to be in Sloberin…

        • Tara July 27, 2019 / 4:19 pm

          Well, I’d be the Fuffelbut. At least my patronis is a dolphin. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          For all of you upset about the Boris Johnson appointment – did you catch the Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me! reference. It was perfect: https://www.npr.org/2019/07/27/745742376/whos-bill-this-time

          • allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 4:24 pm

            lol…I haven’t listened yet!

  15. Tara July 27, 2019 / 1:42 pm

    Happy Caturday everyone! Penny and Teller are such gorgeous kitties. Such expressive faces. Always nice to be greeted by them on a Saturday morning.
    I’m leaving this week for a trip to So Cal to visit family so this weekend is about prep for that. I always get on a cleaning kick before I leave. And even though I have two days off when I get back and could leave it for then, I never do. Maybe it’s travel nerves. I also just got hired to teach a new book arts class at Rowan University! I’m very excited. I went to visit yesterday and the department seems fabulous. Everyone is very nice and there is a good team spirit vibe. Now I just gotta get my syllabus all figured out. It is an elective too so I have a lot of flexibility in deciding what I want to tech.
    I hope you all have great weekend! xo

    • fkaWaldenPond July 27, 2019 / 4:54 pm

      Congratulations on the teaching position Tara! Um, break a book spine! (?)

    • allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 4:59 pm

      Good luck! My brother went there! It was still Glassboro when he started but Rowan by the time he graduated.

    • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 10:29 am

      The cleaning urge is partly travel nerves and also not wanting to come home to dust bunnies.
      Coming home always entails more laundry than seems possible and putting away
      the travel gear. If the house is clean, itโ€™s much easier on the psyche.

  16. allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 4:24 pm
    • dubravkamcvmd July 27, 2019 / 5:41 pm

      That dog is frighteningly intent on fun.

      • allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 6:03 pm

        I was trying to find it on youtube, because facebook videos often come out huge when I post them (obviously I did not find it), and in the process found this one trying to get the water…through a window. I didn’t post it because the voice (of the person holding the hose and/or the camera, I assume) was annoying. But pup’s tongue is hilarious. So here it is but you might want to turn the volume down.


        • phredsmom July 28, 2019 / 10:36 am

          Yikes! That voice! But the doggo is precious.

    • Murray C. July 27, 2019 / 6:16 pm

      Hee, hgee, hee! I love the POV on this video ! But how could you even see the tongue, it went by so fast!

  17. allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 8:12 pm
    • Murray C. July 28, 2019 / 6:02 pm


  18. murkle46 July 27, 2019 / 8:33 pm

    • Murray c. July 28, 2019 / 6:10 pm

      I love these sorts of phrases. I used to teach a water exercise class and always got a kick out of people getting into an 81 degree pool and reacting with a shiver – then I found an old Scottish word – CURGLAFF – which means the frisson one has upon entering cold water. Of course, I had to educate my class with a vocabulary lesson.

  19. allein ๐Ÿพ July 27, 2019 / 10:18 pm

    • Murray C. July 28, 2019 / 6:11 pm


  20. allein ๐Ÿพ July 28, 2019 / 12:37 am

    So I got a letter in the mail today from my dentist that he’s retiring (I guessed it as soon as I saw the return address; it was a nicer envelope than their bills come in). I think I posted back in January about his brother (and practice partner) passing away. He’s gotta be around retirement age, anyway, so I figured it would happen soon enough, but the letter said, “in light of recent events” and that it’s “with a heavy heart” that he’s decided to retire. It didn’t mention a time frame, but there was a long paragraph about the people who will be taking over (a married couple), and their education and background, and then there was a line about transitioning over the next few months, so hopefully I’ll still see him in September when I go back. I hope I like the new people; they’re not the most convenient location but I don’t particularly want to have to find a new dentist.

    • dubravkamcvmd July 28, 2019 / 7:21 am

      I’m dreading my dentist’s looming retirement. He hasn’t said anything but his health is not getting better. I am phobic about dentistry and he has been willing and able to baby me and my problematic teeth along.

    • Smartypants July 28, 2019 / 7:39 pm

      I just got a notice that my primary doc is leaving the practice. I’ve seen her exactly once, since my old primary left. Cross your fingers!

  21. Faye July 28, 2019 / 10:27 am

    Awww Murray sorry to hear about husbandโ€™s diagnosis. They know more now.

    Thank you everyone for welcoming me back. Very sweet.

  22. Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 28, 2019 / 12:16 pm

    Glad to see so many in a good frame of mind! Murray, I’m sure you’re still taking everything in, but I do think you have a good perspective, and I wish you and yours well as you navigate the challenges.

    Bibi sends healing wuffle-noises to anyone who needs ’em. (It’s all in the vibrations.)

    • Murray c. July 28, 2019 / 6:06 pm

      What could be a better restorative than wuffle noises! Thank you! And thanks to all of you for being your supportive selves – what a great group. Let’s all meet after the war. Times Square?

      • Dulcie July 28, 2019 / 6:46 pm

        Great reference Murr!
        And while it is always a blow to hear a diagnosis like Parkinson’s what the others are saying is true. So many advancements in the treatment have made the quality of life with this disease amazing. Best wishes to you both.

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